Job submission

SLURM Cluster


Waiting for training slides, please use these documents  :


sbatch: submit a batch job to slurm (default workq partition).
sarray: submit a batch job-array to slurm.


srun --pty bash : submit an interactive session with a compute node (default workq partition).

INTERACTIVE with X11 forwarding

For the first time, create your public key as below (onto genologin server)

$ ssh-keygen (and "Enter" for all question)

$cat .ssh/ >> .ssh/authorized_keys

srun --x11 --pty bash : submit an interactive session with X11 forwarding (default workq partition).

INTERACTIVE with graphical mode submit a TurboVNC / VirtualGL session with the graphical node (interq partition). Just for graphics jobs.

INTERACTIVE inside a batch job

srun --pty --jobid jobid bash: convenient to follow a batch job (connection on the node where the batch is running

-J job name  -> for change the jobname
-p partition  -> which partition(~ queue) to use
--time=HH:MM:SS -> max time of the job

-o (--output) = output_filename : to specify the stdout redirection. If -e (--error) is not specified both stdout ans stderr will be directed to the file name specified.
-e (--error) = error_filename : if specified, stderr will be redirected to different location as stdout

Without any parameter, on any partition, each job is limited to 1 cpu, 2G ram (cpus-per-task=1, mem=2G)

1 - First write a script (ex: with the command line as following:

#SBATCH -J test
#SBATCH -o output.out
#SBATCH -e error.out
#SBATCH -t 01:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=8G
(the email address is automatically LDAP account's one)
#Purge any previous modules
module purge

#Load the application
module load bioinfo/ncbi-blast-2.2.29+

# My command lines I want to run on the cluster
blastall ...

2 - To submit the job, use the sbatch command line as following:


To change memory reservation, add this option to the submission command (sbatch, srun, sarray):

--mem=XG (default value is 2G)

With default parameters, each job is limited to 1 cpu.
To book more, use the following options:

# Book n cpus on the same node (up to 64)
-c ncpus (--cpus-per-task=ncpus)

# Book n cpus on any nodes in case of MPI jobs
-N nnodes (--nodes=nnodes)

-n ntasks (--ntasks=ntasks)


Each job is submitted to a specific partition (the default one is the workq).
Each partition has a different priority considering the maximum time of execution allowed.

The partition is configurable with -p option.

QueueAccessPriorityMax timeMax slots
workqeveryone1004 days (96h)3072
unlimitqeveryone1180 days500
interq ( demand2 days (48h)32
smpqon demand180 days96
wflowqspecific software180 days3072

To submit an array of jobs, use sarray command (same sbatch options):

1. create a file with one command per line (prefix by module load if needed)

eg : file star_cmd.txt contains:

module load bioinfo/STAR-2.6.0c; STAR -genomeDir referenceModel --readFilesIn ech1.R1.fastq ech1.R2.fastq ...
module load bioinfo/STAR-2.6.0c; STAR -genomeDir referenceModel --readFilesIn ech2.R1.fastq ech2.R2.fastq ...
module load bioinfo/STAR-2.6.0c; STAR -genomeDir referenceModel --readFilesIn ech3.R1.fastq ech3.R2.fastq ...

2. launch sarray with sbatch option

sarray -J jobName -o %j.out -e %j.err -t 01:00:00 --mem=8G --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL star_cmd.txt

For more information about how to create the command file go to FAQ Bioinfo tips ("How to generate an sarray command file with ....")

To know your quota, use the command:


Academic account quota: 100 000 h/per calendar year
Beyond these 100,000 hours, you will need to submit a science project (by the resources request form) to estimate the real needs of the bioinformatics environment.

According to results from this evaluation, but also their geographical and institutional origin, users can then either continue their treatments or be invited to contribute financially to infrastructure, or be redirected to regional or national mésocentres calculation.

Non-academic account quota:  500 h/per calendar year for testing the infrastructure.
Overtime calculation will be charged (price on request).

Use the following command line (on genologin server):

mmlsquota -u username --block-size G

Example of a full bash script :
#SBATCH -J mpi_job
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=6
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
module purge
module load compiler/intel-2018.0.128 mpi/openmpi-1.8.8-intel2018.0.128
mpirun -n $SLURM_NTASKS --map-by ppr:$SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE:node ./hello_world

To do so, you can use the squeue command, following are some usefull options:

squeue -u username : list only the specified user's jobs.
squeue -j job_id : provide several informations on the specified job.

(see squeue --help or man squeue for more options)

For more detail:

scontrol show job job_id

You can also have access to a graphical user interface which provides the same informations.
This interface is accessible with the sview command.

The srun command can be used to check in on a running job in the cluster.

srun --pty --jobid= bash : starts a shell, where you can run any command, on the first allocated node in a specific job.

To check processor and memory usage quickly, you can run top directly:

srun --pty --jobid= top -u login

To do so, use the sacct command line as following:

sacct -j job_id

(see sacct --help or man sacct for more options)

To do so, you can use the scancel command, following are some usefull options:

# Kill the specified job
scancel job_id

# Kill all job launched by the specified user
scancel -u username

Add the following flag to address the ivy or broadwell processor architecture :

(old compute nodes 001 to 068)

(new computes nodes 101 to 148)


-> Request access to the visualization node here.
-> The turboVnc software must be installed on your workstation. You do not need the entire package, only the client part (vncviewer). You can download it here.

How to connect?

Connect on front-end server:


Then, on front-end server:


Desktop 'TurboVNC' started on display genoview:1

Starting applications specified in /tools/bin/node/xstartup.mate
Log file is /home//.vnc/genoview:1.log

+ VNC Session name: TurboVNC
+ Your TurboVNC session is available on
+ CAUTION: If you close this interactive SLURM job,
+ your VNC session will be destroyed !
+ Please use your LDAP login and password to authenticate
+ Connection summary
+ ------------------
+ Authentication : LDAP

Access the visualization node

 Then, you can acces to the visualization node using:

- your web browser with the HTTP_URL:
- a vnc client with VNC_URL :

(on Windows, run vncviewer-java.bat)

Ask for more ressources (cpus, mem)

On front-end server, replace the command "" by the following command (example for cpus=4 and mem=16G):

$ srun --partition=interq -c 4 --mem=16gb --job-name=TurboVNC /tools/bin/node/ 1024x768 mate

On a test job in COMPLETED state, check the result of the seff command:

seff jobid

and adjust time with -t , memory with --mem et cpu with --cpus-per-task options.

The smaller a job, the faster it is processed. Set your different pre-allocations (time, memory and cpu) as closely as possible to your needs.

On a test job in COMPLETED state, check the result of the seff command:

seff jobid

and adjust time with -t , memory with --mem et cpu with --cpus-per-task options.


qsub script.shsbatch script.shsbatch is only for script
qsub -l mem=XG -l h_vmem=YG -b y srun --mem=YGNo h_vmem parameters with Slurm.
qsub -m beasbatch/srun --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAILNotify user by email when certain event types occur.
qsub -b y "command"sbatch --wrap="command"submit command line
qsub -sync y "command"srun "command"submit a job in real time
qsub -pe parallel_smp 8sbatch/srun -c 8 (--cpus-per-task=8)by default, job are on one node (-N=1 <--> --nodes=nnodes)
qsub -pe parallel_fill n or
qsub -pe parallel_rr n

-N=nnodes (--nodes=nnodes)

-n=ntasks (--ntasks=ntasks)
-c=ncpus (--cpus-per-task)ncpus
No parallel environnement with slurm
qstat -u loginsqueue -u loginSee all your submitted jobs
qstat -j job_idscontrol show job job_idRunning job details
qacct -j job_idsacct --unit=G --format JobID,jobname,NTasks,nodelist,CPUTime,ReqMem,MaxVMSize,Elapsed -j job_idFinished job details.
qquota_cpu loginsquota_cpuSee your CPU time quota
qdel -j job_idscancel job_idKill a job
qrshsrun --pty bashInteractive job
qloginsrun --x11 --pty bashInteractive jgraphical ob with X11 forwarding