The GenoToul bioinformatics platform provides access to high-performance computing resources with softwares already installed to ease its usage. An exhaustive list is provided hereunder. Software are updated only upon user request. If you need any other software or if you need an update, fill the installation software form.
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
3D-DNA | 3D de novo assembly (3D-DNA) pipeline. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use |
AAF | This is a package for constructing phylogeny without doing alignment or assembly. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ABCtoolbox | BCtoolbox is a general-purpose program to perform Approximate Bayesian Computation. ABCtoolbox can be used for ABC inference on almost any type of model, including models arising in physics, biology or engineering. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ABySS | ABySS (Assembly By Short Sequences) is a de novo, parallel, paired-end sequence assembler that is designed for short reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
AC-DIAMOND | AC-DIAMOND attempts to speed up DIAMOND via better SIMD parallelization and compressed indexing. Experimental results show that AC-DIAMOND was about 6~7 times faster than DIAMOND on aligning DNA reads or contigs while retaining the essentially the similar sensitivity. AC-DIAMOND was developped based on DIAMOND v0.7.9. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Accel-align | Accel-align is a fast alignment tool implemented in C++ programming language. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ACFS | Accurate CircRNA Finder Suite. Discovering circRNAs from RNA-Seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
AdapterRemoval | This program was developed to remove residual adapter sequences from next generation sequencing reads. The program handles both single end and paired end data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
adegenet | R package dedicated to the exploratory analysis of genetic data. It implements a set of tools ranging from multivariate methods to spatial genetics and genome-wise SNP data analysis | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ADMIXTOOLS | ADMIXTOOLS (Patterson et al. 2012) is a software package that supports formal tests of whether admixture occurred, and makes it possible to infer admixture proportions and dates. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Admixture | ADMIXTURE is a software tool for maximum likelihood estimation of individual ancestries from multilocus SNP genotype datasets. It uses the same statistical model as STRUCTURE but calculates estimates much more rapidly using a fast numerical optimization algorithm. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
AGAT | Another Gff Analysis Toolkit: suite of tools to handle gene annotations in any GTF/GFF format. Some examples what AGAT can do: standardise any GTF/GFF file into a comprehensive GFF3 format (script with agat_sp prefix): add missing parent features (e.g. gene and mRNA if only CDS/exon exist). add missing features (e.g. exon and UTR). add missing mandatory attributes (i.e. ID, Parent). fix identifier to be uniq. fix feature location. remove duplicated features. group related features (if spread in different places in the file). sort features. merge overlapping loci into one single locus (only if option activated). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ALDER | The ALDER software computes the weighted linkage disequilibrium (LD) statistic for making inference about population admixture | Genologin Cluster: Ask for Install New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Alfred | BAM Statistics, Feature Counting and Annotation | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
AlleleSeq | pipeline which constructs a diploid personal genome from genomic sequence variants of a family trio, including SNPs, indels and structural variants and maps functional genomic data onto this personal genome. | Genologin Cluster: Ask for Install New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ALLHiC | Phasing and scaffolding polyploid genomes based on Hi-C data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
AllPaths-LG | ALLPATHS-LG is a whole genome shotgun assembler that can generate high quality genome assemblies using short reads (~100bp) such as those produced by the new generation of sequencers. The significant difference between ALLPATHS and traditional assemblers such as Arachne is that ALLPATHS assemblies are not necessarily linear, but instead are presented in the form of a graph. This graph representation retains ambiguities, such as those arising from polymorphism, uncorrected read errors, and unresolved repeats, thereby providing information that has been absent from previous genome assemblies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Alphafold2-Pytorch | An unofficial working Pytorch implementation of Alphafold2, a 3D protein predictor. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
AlphaImpute | AlphaImpute is a software package for imputing and phasing genotype data in diploid populations with pedigree information. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
AMAS | Calculate summary statistics and manipulate multiple sequence alignments. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
AMOS | A Modular, Open-Source whole genome assembler. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ampliconnoise | AmpliconNoise is a collection of programs for the removal of noise from 454 sequenced PCR amplicons. It involves two steps the removal of noise from the sequencing itself and the removal of PCR point errors. This project also includes the Perseus algorithm for chimera removal. | Genologin Cluster: Ask for Install New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ANGEL | Robust Open Reading Frame prediction (ANGLE re-implementation) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ANGSD | ANGSD is a software for analyzing next generation sequencing data. The software can handle a number of different input types from mapped reads to imputed genotype probabilities. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ANNOVAR | ANNOVAR is an efficient software tool to utilize update-to-date information to functionally annotate genetic variants detected from diverse genomes (including human genome hg18, hg19, hg38, as well as mouse, worm, fly, yeast and many others) | Genologin Cluster: Ask for Install New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Anvio | Anvi’o is an analysis and visualization platform for ‘omics data. It brings together many aspects of today’s cutting-edge genomic, metagenomic, and metatranscriptomic analysis practices to address a wide array of needs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ApoplastP | ApoplastP is a machine learning method for predicting localization of proteins to the plant apoplast. ApoplastP can distinguish non-apoplastic proteins from apoplastic proteins for both plant proteins and pathogen proteins. In particular, ApoplastP can predict if an effector localizes to the plant apoplast. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Aquila | Diploid personal genome assembly and comprehensive variant detection based on linked-reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ARAGORN | ARAGORN is a program to detect tRNA genes and tmRNA genes in nucleotide sequence | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ARBitR | ARBitR is an overlap aware genome assembly scaffolder for linked sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ARC | ARC is a pipeline which facilitates iterative, reference guided de novo assemblies with the intent of: - Reducing time in analysis and increasing accuracy of results by only considering those reads which should assemble together. - Reducing/removing reference bias as compared to mapping based approaches. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ARCS | Scaffolding genome sequence assemblies using 10X Genomics GemCode/Chromium data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ARKS | Scaffolding genome sequence assemblies using 10X Genomics GemCode/Chromium data. This project is a new kmer-based (alignment free) implementation of ARCS. It provides improved runtime performance over the original ARCS implementation by removing the requirement to perform alignments with bwa mem. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Armatus | Multiresolution domain calling software for chromosome conformation capture interaction matrices. Armatus is a Topologically Associated Domain caller. Follow the Web page to know more about Armatus. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Arriba | Arriba is a command-line tool for the detection of gene fusions from RNA-Seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ArrowGrid | The distribution is a parallel wrapper around the Arrow consensus framework within the SMRT Analysis Software | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ART | ART is a set of simulation tools to generate synthetic next-generation sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ASGART | ASGART (A Segmental duplications Gathering and Refinement Tool) is a multiplatform (GNU/Linux, macOS, Windows) tool designed to search for large duplications amongst one or two DNA strands. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ASHURE | Python-based pipeline for analyzing Nanopore sequencing metabarcoding data. ASHURE can take a reference database in order to improve accuracy. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
assembly-stats | Get assembly statistics from FASTA and FASTQ files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Assexon | Assembling Exon Using Gene Capture Data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ASTER | A family of ASTRAL-like algorithms. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ASTRAL | ASTRAL is a tool for estimating an unrooted species tree given a set of unrooted gene trees. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ASTRAL-Pro | ASTRAL-Pro stands for ASTRAL for PaRalogs and Orthologs. ASTRAL is a tool for estimating an unrooted species tree given a set of unrooted gene trees. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
atac dnase pipelines | ATAC-seq and DNase-seq processing pipeline. This pipeline is designed for automated end-to-end quality control and processing of ATAC-seq or DNase-seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Atropos | Atropos is tool for specific, sensitive, and speedy trimming of NGS reads. It is a fork of Cutadapt read trimmer. | Genologin Cluster: In Python-3.6.3 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Augustus | Augustus is a program that predicts genes in eukaryotic genomic sequences | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BAli-Phy | BAli-Phy is software by Ben Redelings that estimates multiple sequence alignments and evolutionary trees from DNA, amino acid, or codon sequences. It uses likelihood-based evolutionary models of substitutions and insertions and deletions to place gaps. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BamBam | several simple-to-use tools to facilitate NGS analysis | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BAMM | A program for multimodel inference on speciation and trait evolution. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Bamstats (notsame as BAMstats) | Bamstats is a command line tool written in Go for computing mapping statistics from a BAM file. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bamtofastq | Tool for converting 10x BAMs produced by Cell Ranger, Space Ranger, Cell Ranger ATAC, Cell Ranger DNA, and Long Ranger back to FASTQ files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Bamtools | BamTools provides both a programmer's API and an end-user's toolkit for handling BAM files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bamUtil | bamUtil is a repository that contains several programs that perform operations on SAM/BAM files. All of these programs are built into a single executable, bam. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Barrnap | Barrnap predicts the location of ribosomal RNA genes in genomes. It supports bacteria (5S,23S,16S), archaea (5S,5.8S,23S,16S), mitochondria (12S,16S) and eukaryotes (5S,5.8S,28S,18S). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BayesAss3-SNPs | Modification of BayesAss 3.0.4 to allow handling of large SNP datasets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BayeScan | Detecting natural selection from population-bases genetic data using differences in alleles frequencies between populations. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BayeScEnv | BayeScEnv is a Fst-based, genome-scan method that uses environmental variables to detect local adaptation. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BayesTraits | BayesTraits is a computer package for performing analyses of trait evolution among groups of species for which a phylogeny or sample of phylogenies is available. This new package incoporates our earlier and separate programes Multistate, Discrete and Continuous. BayesTraits can be applied to the analysis of traits that adopt a finite number of discrete states, or to the analysis of continuously varying traits. Hypotheses can be tested about models of evolution, about ancestral states and about correlations among pairs of traits. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BayPass | The package BayPass is a population genomics software which is primarily aimed at identifying genetic markers subjected to selection and/or associated to population-specific covariates (e.g., environmental variables, quantitative or categorical phenotypic characteristics). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BBMap | a short read aligner, as well as various other bioinformatic tools. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BCALM2 | A bioinformatics tool for constructing the compacted de Bruijn graph from sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BCFtools | utilities for variant calling and manipulating VCFs and BCFs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bcl2fastq | The Bcl2FastQ conversion software is a new tool to handle bcl conversion and demultiplexing of both unzipped and zipped bcl files, which have reduced footprint and were introduced as an optional output of the HCS Software version 2.0 | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BCOOL | BCOOL is a read corrector for NGS sequencing data that align reads on a de Bruijn graph. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Beagle | BEAGLE is a state of the art software package for analysis of large-scale genetic data sets with hundreds of thousands of markers genotyped on thousands of samples. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Beagle-lib | BEAGLE-lib is a high-performance library that can perform the core calculations at the heart of most Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood phylogenetics packages | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BEAST2 | BEAST 2 is a cross-platform program for Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of molecular sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BEDOPS | BEDOPS is an open-source command-line toolkit that performs highly efficient and scalable Boolean and other set operations, statistical calculations, archiving, conversion and other management of genomic data of arbitrary scale. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bedtools | The BEDTools utilities allow one to address common genomics tasks such as finding feature overlaps and computing coverage. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): How to use |
BELLA | A computationally-efficient and highly-accurate long-read to long-read aligner and overlapper. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bgc | bgc implements Bayesian estimation of genomic clines to quantify introgression at many loci. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BIG-SCAPE | Biosynthetic Genes Similarity Clustering and Prospecting Engine. Defines a distance metric between Gene Clusters using a combination of three indices (Jaccard Index of domain types, Domain Sequence Similarity the Adjacency Index) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BigDataScript | BigDataScript is intended as a scripting language for big data pipeline | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
biohazard-tools | This is a collection of command line utilities that do useful stuff involving BAM files for Next Generation Sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Biopieces | The Biopieces are a collection of bioinformatics tools that can be pieced together in a very easy and flexible manner to perform both simple and complex tasks. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BIOPYTHON | Biopython is a set of freely available tools for biological computation written in Python by an international team of developers. | Genologin Cluster: In Python-3.6.3 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Bismark | A tool to map bisulfite converted sequence reads and determine cytosine methylation states | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BisSNP | Accurate combined SNP/Methylation calling. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Blasr | Reference-based alignment | Genologin Cluster: How to use ( See SMRTLink) New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
blat | The BLAST-Like Alignment Tool: similarity search in databanks. BLAT on DNA is designed to quickly find sequences of 95% and greater similarity of length 25 bases or more. BLAT on proteins finds sequences of 80% and greater similarity of length 20 amino acids or more. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BlobTools | A modular command-line solution for visualisation, quality control and taxonomic partitioning of genome datasets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BlockClust | BlockClust is an efficient approach to detect transcripts with similar processing patterns. We propose a novel way to encode expression profiles in compact discrete structures, which can then be processed using fast graph-kernel techniques. BlockClust allows both clustering and classification of small non-coding RNAs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Bowtie | Bowtie is an ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner. It aligns short DNA sequences (reads) to the human genome at a rate of over 25 million 35-bp reads per hour. Bowtie indexes the genome with a Burrows-Wheeler index to keep its memory footprint small: typically about 2.2 GB for the human genome (2.9 GB for paired-end). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Bowtie2 | Bowtie 2 is an ultrafast and memory-efficient tool for aligning sequencing reads to long reference sequences. It is particularly good at aligning reads of about 50 up to 100s or 1,000s of characters, and particularly good at aligning to relatively long (e.g. mammalian) genomes. Bowtie 2 indexes the genome with an FM Index to keep its memory footprint small: for the human genome, its memory footprint is typically around 3.2 GB. Bowtie 2 supports gapped, local, and paired-end alignment modes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BPP | Bayesian analysis of genomic sequence data under the multispecies coalescent model. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Bracken | Bracken (Bayesian Reestimation of Abundance with KrakEN) is a highly accurate statistical method that computes the abundance of species in DNA sequences from a metagenomics sample. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Braker | BRAKER(1,2,3) is a tool for fully automated genome annotation with GeneMark-ET and AUGUSTUS |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BreakDancer | SV detection from paired end reads mapping. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
breseq | breseq is a computational pipeline for finding mutations relative to a reference sequence in short-read DNA re-sequencing data for haploid microbial-sized genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BS-Seeker2- | BS-Seeker2 is a seamless and versatile pipeline for accurately and fast mapping the bisulfite-treated reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BS-SNPer | BS-SNPer is an ultrafast and memory-efficient package, a program for BS-Seq variation detection from alignments in standard BAM/SAM format using approximate Bayesian modeling. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BSMAP | BSMAP is a short reads mapping software for bisulfite sequencing reads. Bisulfite treatment converts unmethylated Cytosines into Uracils (sequenced as Thymine) and leave methylated Cytosines unchanged, hence provides a way to study DNA cytosine methylation at single nucleotide resolution. BSMAP aligns the Ts in the reads to both Cs and Ts in the reference | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Btrim | A fast and accurate adapter, barcodes, and low-quality region trimming and binning program written in C for next-generating sequencing reads. The search algorithm is based on Eugene Myers' fast bit-vector algorithm. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BUCKy | BUCKy is a free program to combine molecular data from multiple loci. BUCKy estimates the dominant history of sampled individuals, and how much of the genome supports each relationship, using Bayesian concordance analysis. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BUSCO | BUSCO v2 provides quantitative measures for the assessment of genome assembly, gene set, and transcriptome completeness, based on evolutionarily-informed expectations of gene content from near-universal single-copy orthologs selected from OrthoDB v9. BUSCO assessments are implemented in open-source software, with a large selection of lineage-specific sets of Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs. These conserved orthologs are ideal candidates for large-scale phylogenomics studies, and the annotated BUSCO gene models built during genome assessments provide a comprehensive gene predictor training set for use as part of genome annotation pipelines. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bustools | bustools is a program for manipulating BUS files for single cell RNA-Seq datasets. It can be used to error correct barcodes, collapse UMIs, produce gene count or transcript compatibility count matrices, and is useful for many other tasks. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bwa | Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (BWA) is an efficient program that aligns relatively short nucleotide sequences against a long reference sequence such as the human genome. It implements two algorithms, bwa-short and BWA-SW. The former works for query sequences shorter than 200bp and the latter for longer sequences up to around 100kbp. Both algorithms do gapped alignment. They are usually more accurate and faster on queries with low error rates. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bwa-mem2 | Bwa-mem2 is the next version of the bwa-mem algorithm in bwa. It produces alignment identical to bwa and is ~80% faster. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bwa-meth | Fast and accurate alignment of BS-Seq reads using bwa-mem and a 3-letter genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bwtools | bwtool is a command-line utility for bigWig files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Cabal | Cabal is the standard package system for Haskell software. It helps people to configure, build and install Haskell software and to distribute it easily to other users and developers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CAFE | Software for Computational Analysis of gene Family Evolution. The purpose of CAFE is to analyze changes in gene family size in a way that accounts for phylogenetic history and provides a statistical foundation for evolutionary inferences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
canu | A single molecule sequence assembler for genomes large and small. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CAP3 | A DNA Sequence Assembly Program | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CARNAC-LR | Clustering coefficient-based Acquisition of RNA Communities in Long Reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Carthagene | CarthaGene is a genetic/radiated hybrid mapping software. CarthaGene looks for multiple populations maximum likelihood consensus maps using a fast EM algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation and powerful ordering algorithms. CarthaGene can handle data made up of several distinct populations which t may each be either F2 backcross, recombinant inbred lines, F2 t intercross, phase known outbreds and/or radiated hybrids (haploid t and diploid data). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CAT | This project aims to provide a straightforward end-to-end pipeline that takes as input a HAL-format multiple whole genome alignment as well as a GFF3 file representing annotations on one high quality assembly in the HAL alignment, and produces a output GFF3 annotation on all target genomes chosen. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CCMetagen | CCMetagen processes sequence alignments produced with KMA, which implements the ConClave sorting scheme to achieve highly accurate read mappings. CCMetagen processes sequence alignments produced with KMA, which implements the ConClave sorting scheme to achieve highly accurate read mappings. CCMetagen produces ranked taxonomic results in user-friendly formats that are ready for publication or downstream statistical analyses. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
cctools | The Cooperative Computing Tools (cctools) enable large scale distributed computations to harness hundreds to thousands of machines from clusters, clouds, and grids. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
cd-hit | CD-HIT stands for Cluster Database at High Identity with Tolerance. The program (cd-hit) takes a fasta format sequence database as input and produces a set of 'non-redundant' (nr) representative sequences as output. In addition cd-hit outputs a cluster file, documenting the sequence 'groupies' for each nr sequence representative. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
cdbfasta | This is a brief introduction to a couple of platform independent file-based hashing tools (cdbfasta and cdbyank) that can be used for creating indices for quick retrieval of any particular sequences from large multi-FASTA files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
cDNA_Cupcake | cDNA_Cupcake is a miscellaneous collection of Python and R scripts used for analyzing sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CEGMA | CEGMA (Core Eukaryotic Genes Mapping Approach) is a pipeline for building a set of high reliable set of gene annotations in virtually any eukaryotic genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CellRanger | Cell Ranger is a set of analysis pipelines that processes Chromium single cell 3’ RNA-seq output to align reads, generate gene-cell matrices and perform clustering and gene expression analysis. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CellRanger ARC | Cell Ranger ARC's pipelines analyze sequencing data produced from Chromium Single Cell Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CellRanger ATAC | Cell Ranger ATAC is a set of analysis pipelines that process Chromium Single Cell ATAC data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CellRanger DNA | Cell Ranger DNA is a set of analysis pipelines that process Chromium single cell DNA sequencing output to align reads, identify copy number variation (CNV), and compare heterogeneity among cells. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CENSOR | CENSOR compares and masks protein or nucleotide sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Centrifuge | Classifier for metagenomic sequences. Centrifuge is a novel microbial classification engine that enables rapid, accurate and sensitive labeling of reads and quantification of species on desktop computers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
cgMLSTFinder | Core genome Multi-Locus Sequence Typing cgMLSTFinder runs KMA <1> against a chosen core genome MLST (cgMLST) database and outputs the detected alleles in a matrix file. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
chimerascan | chimerascan is a software package that detects gene fusions in paired-end RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) datasets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ChimPipe | ChimPipe is a computational method for the detection of novel transcription-induced chimeric transcripts and fusion genes from Illumina Paired-End RNA-seq data. It combines junction spanning and paired-end read information to accurately detect chimeric splice junctions at base-pair resolution. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ChopStitch | Exon annotation and splice graph construction using transcriptome assembly and whole genome sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
chromeister | A dotplot generator for large chromosomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Chromonomer | Chromonomer is a program designed to integrate a genome assembly with a genetic map. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Circlator | A tool to circularize genome assemblies | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
circos | Circos is a software package for visualizing data and information. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
circtools | A modular, python-based framework for circRNA-related tools that unifies several functionalities in a single, command line driven software. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CIRI | CIRI (circRNA identifier) is a novel chiastic clipping signal based algorithm, which can unbiasedly and accurately detect circRNAs from transcriptome data by employing multiple filtration strategies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CIRI-long | Circular RNA Identification for Long-Reads Nanopore Sequencing Data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CITE-seq-Count | A tool that allows to get UMI counts from a single cell protein assay. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Clair | Deep neural network based variant caller. Single-molecule sequencing technologies have emerged in recent years and revolutionized structural variant calling, complex genome assembly, and epigenetic mark detection. However, the lack of a highly accurate small variant caller has limited the new technologies from being more widely used. In this study, we present Clair, the successor to Clairvoyante, a program for fast and accurate germline small variant calling, using single molecule sequencing data. For ONT data, Clair achieves the best precision, recall and speed as compared to several competing programs, including Clairvoyante, Longshot and Medaka. Through studying the missed variants and benchmarking intentionally overfitted models, we found that Clair may be approaching the limit of possible accuracy for germline small variant calling using pileup data and deep neural networks. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CleaveLand4 | Analysis of degradome data to find sliced miRNA and siRNA targets | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ClipAndMerge | Clip&Merge is a tool to clip off adapters from sequencing reads and merge overlapping paired end reads together. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CLUMPAK | Clustering Markov Packager Across K - was developed in order to aid users analyse the results of STRUCTURE-like programs. The software offers a few alternative modes of action, please go to the Help section for detailed about these modes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Clustal Omega | Clustal Omega is the latest addition to the Clustal family. It offers a significant increase in scalability over previous versions, allowing hundreds of thousands of sequences to be aligned in only a few hours. It will also make use of multiple processors, where present. In addition, the quality of alignments is superior to previous versions, as measured by a range of popular benchmarks | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ClustalW | Multiple sequence alignment program for DNA or proteins. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CMfinder | CMfinder is a RNA motif prediction tool. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CNVnator | A tool for CNV discovery and genotyping from depth of read mapping. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Cnvpipelines | A pipeline to detect copy number variations (CNV) on several samples. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Cogent | Cogent is a tool for reconstructing the coding genome using high-quality full-length transcriptome sequences. It is designed to be used on Iso-Seq data and in cases where there is no reference genome or the ref genome is highly incomplete. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Comp-D | A program for comprehensive computation of D-statistics and population summaries (serial version). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CONCOCT | A program for unsupervised binning of metagenomic contigs by using nucleotide composition, coverage data in multiple samples and linkage data from paired end reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Concrete Autoencoders | The concrete autoencoder is an end-to-end differentiable method for global feature selection, which efficiently identifies a subset of the most informative features and simultaneously learns a neural network to reconstruct the input data from the selected features. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Consensify | Consensify is a method for generating a consensus pseudohaploid genome sequence with greatly reduced error rates compared to standard pseudohaploidisation. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CONSENT | CONSENT (sCalable self-cOrrectioN of long reads with multiple SEquence alignmeNT) is a self-correction method for long reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ContextMap2 | Fast and accurate context-based RNA-seq mapping. ContextMap determines the most likely origin of a read by evaluating the context of the read in the form of alignments of other reads to the same genomic region. In the original implementation, the focus was on improving initial mappings provided by other mapping tools. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CONTRAST | CONTRAST predicts protein-coding genes from a multiple genomic alignment using a combination of discriminative machine learning techniques. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
coolpuppy | A versatile tool to perform pile-up analysis on Hi-C data in .cool format. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CRISP | CRISP is a software program to detect SNPs and short indels from pooled sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CRISPOR | CRISPOR predicts off-targets in the genome, ranks guides, highlights problematic guides, designs primers and helps with cloning. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CroCo | A program to detect potential cross contaminations in HTS assembled transcriptomes using expression level quantification. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CSEM | CSEM is a ChIP-Seq multi-read allocator. CSEM stands for ChIP-Seq multi-read allocation using Expectation-Maximization. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Cufflinks | Cufflinks assembles transcripts, estimates their abundances, and tests for differential expression and regulation in RNA-Seq samples. It accepts aligned RNA-Seq reads and assembles the alignments into a parsimonious set of transcripts. Cufflinks then estimates the relative abundances of these transcripts based on how many reads support each one, taking into account biases in library preparation protocols. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
cutadapt | Cutadapt removes adapter sequences from DNA high-throughput sequencing data. This is usually necessary when the read length of the machine is longer than the molecule that is sequenced, such as in microRNA data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
d2SBin | Improving the binning of metagenomic contigs on d2S oligonucleotide frequency dissimilarity | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
dadi | dadi implements a method for demographic inference from genetic data, based on a diffusion approximation to the allele frequency spectrum. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DALIGNER | The commands below permit one to find all significant local alignments between reads encoded in Dazzler database. The assumption is that the reads are from a PACBIO RS IIlong read sequencer. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DAmar | Long read QC, assembly and scaffolding pipeline for PacBio or Oxford Nanopore long-read sequencing data. T he pipeline produces a number of QC metrics at various stages as well as incorporating further technologies including Bionano, 10x and HiC data to scaffold the created contigs. DAmar, is a hybrid of the earlier Marvel, Dazzler, and Daccord systems of the Eugene Myers lab. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DANPOS2 | A toolkit for Dynamic Analysis of Nucleosome and Protein Occupancy by Sequencing, version 2 | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DAS_Tool | An automated method that integrates the results of a flexible number of binning algorithms to calculate an optimized, non-redundant set of bins from a single assembly. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
datamash | GNU datamash is a command-line program which performs basic numeric, textual and statistical operations on input textual data files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DATES | DATES (Distribution of Ancestry Tracts of Evolutionary Signals) is a method to estimate the time of admixture in ancient DNA samples described in Narasimhan, Patterson et al. 2018 | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DAZZ_DB | To facilitate the multiple phases of the dazzler assembler, we organize all the read data into what is effectively a "database" of the reads and their meta-information. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
dbcAmplicons | Analysis of Double Barcoded Illumina Amplicon Data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DBG2OLC | The genome assembler that reduces the computational time of human genome assembly from 400,000 CPU hours to 2,000 CPU hours, utilizing long erroneous 3GS sequencing reads and short accurate NGS sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DeconSeq | Detect and remove contaminations from your sequence data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DECX | This is the DECX (DEC eXtended) model for historical biogeographic inference | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DeDup | A merged read deduplication tool capable to perform merged read deduplication on single end data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Deepbinner | Deepbinner is a tool for demultiplexing barcoded Oxford Nanopore sequencing reads. It does this with a deep convolutional neural network classifier, using many of the architectural advances that have proven successful in image classification. Unlike other demultiplexers (e.g. Albacore and Porechop), Deepbinner identifies barcodes from the raw signal (a.k.a. squiggle) which gives it greater sensitivity and fewer unclassified reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DeepSignal | Detecting methylation using signal-level features from Nanopore sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
deepTools | Tools to process and analyze deep sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Delly | DELLY is an integrated structural variant prediction method that can detect deletions, tandem duplications, inversions and translocations at single-nucleotide resolution in short-read massively parallel sequencing data. It uses paired-ends and split-reads to sensitively and accurately delineate genomic rearrangements throughout the genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DENTIST | DENTIST is a sensitive, highly-accurate and automated pipeline method to close gaps in (short read) assemblies with long reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DESMAN | De novo Extraction of Strains from MetAgeNomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
detettore | A program to detect transposable element polymorphisms | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DIAMOND | Accelerated BLAST compatible local sequence aligner. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DinuQ | The DinuQ (Dinucleotide Quantification) Python3 package provides a range of metrics for quantifying nucleotide, dinucleotide and synonymous codon representation in genetic sequences. | Genologin Cluster: Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Discovar | Assemble genomes and find variants with DISCOVAR & DISCOVAR de novo | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DIYABC | A user-friendly approach to Approximate Bayesian Computation for inference on population history using molecular markers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DLCpar | DLCpar is a reconciliation method for inferring gene duplications, losses, and coalescence (accounting for incomplete lineage sorting). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
drap | De novo RNA-seq Assembly Pipeline | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
dRep | dRep is a python program for rapidly comparing large numbers of genomes. dRep can also "de-replicate" a genome set by identifying groups of highly similar genomes and choosing the best representative genome for each genome set. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DSK | DSK is a k-mer counting software, similar to Jellyfish. DSK supports large values of k, and runs with (almost-)arbitrarily low memory usage and reasonably low temporary disk usage. DSK can count k-mers of large Illumina datasets on laptops and desktop computers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Dsuite | Fast calculation of Paterson's D (ABBA-BABA) and the f4-ratio statistics across many populations/species | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Dysgu | dysgu-SV is a collection of tools for calling structural variants using short or long reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Eagle | The Eagle software estimates haplotype phase either within a genotyped cohort or using a phased reference panel. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ecoPCR | ecoPCR is an electronic PCR software developed by LECAand Helix-Project . It helps you to estimate Barcode primers quality. In conjunction with OBItools, you can postprocess ecoPCR output to compute barcode coverage and barcode speci?city. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ecoPrimers | ecoPrimer is a barcoding software which is written in C language. It finds universal primers from a set of input DNA sequences by finding conserved regions without "a priori" on candidate sequences. It also evaluates the quality of the primers and barcode regions by measuring the "barcode specificity" and "barcode coverage" indices | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EDirect | Entrez Direct (EDirect) provides access to the NCBI's suite of interconnected databases (publication, sequence, structure, gene, variation, expression, etc.) from a UNIX terminal window | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EDTA | This package is developed for automated whole-genome de-novo TE annotation and benchmarking the annotation performance of TE libraries. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EEMS | EEMS method for analyzing and visualizing spatial population structure from geo-referenced genetic samples. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EGA_download_client | The EgaDemoClient is a JAVA based data streamer that enables EGA account holders to securely download files and datasets, either through an interactive shell (IS) or using direct command line mode (DCLM). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EggLib | EggLib is a C++/Python library and program package for evolutionary genetics and genomics. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
eggNog-mapper | eggnog-mapper is a tool for fast functional annotation of novel sequences. It uses precomputed orthologous groups and phylogenies from the eggNOG database to transfer functional information from fine-grained orthologs only. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Eigen | Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Eigensoft | The EIGENSOFT package combines functionality from our population genetics methods (Patterson et al. 2006) and our EIGENSTRAT stratification correction method (Price et al. 2006). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ELAI | The software performs local ancestry inference for admixed individuals. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
elPrep | elPrep is a high-performance tool for analyzing .sam/.bam files (up to and including variant calling) in sequencing pipelines. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
eLSA | Extended Local Similarity Analysis -- Finding Time-Dependent Associations in Time Series Datasets | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EMA | EMA uses a latent variable model to align barcoded short-reads (such as those produced by 10x Genomics' sequencing platform). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EMBOSS | EMBOSS is "The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite". EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ensembl-API | Ensembl uses MySQL relational databases to store its information. A comprehensive set of Application Programme Interfaces (APIs) serve as a middle-layer between underlying database schemes and more specific application programmes. The APIs aim to encapsulate the database layout by providing efficient high-level access to data tables and isolate applications from data layout changes. Ensembl's API is written in Perl | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ErmineJ | ErmineJ performs analyses of gene sets in high-throughput genomics data such as gene expression profiling studies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ERVmap | ERVmap is one part curated database of human proviral ERV loci and one part a stringent algorithm to determine which ERVs are transcribed in their RNA seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ETE | A Python framework for the analysis and visualization of trees. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EuGeneEP | EuGene is an open integrative gene finder for eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes. EuGene-EP (Eukaryote Pipeline) facilitates the application of EuGene on eukaryote genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EukCC | EukCC is a completeness and contamination estimator for metagenomic assembled microbial eukaryotic genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EukRep | Classification of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic sequences from metagenomic datasets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EUPAN | Toolkit that integrates various software in order to build eukaryotic pangenomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EVidenceModeler (EVM) | The EVidenceModeler (aka EVM) software combines ab intio gene predictions and protein and transcript alignments into weighted consensus gene structures. EVM provides a flexible and intuitive framework for combining diverse evidence types into a single automated gene structure annotation system. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ExaML | Exascale Maximum Likelihood (ExaML) code for phylogenetic inference using MPI. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Exonerate | A generic tool for sequence alignment. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
eXpress | eXpress is a streaming tool for quantifying the abundances of a set of target sequences from sampled subsequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FABuLOUS | A gap-closing software tool that uses error-prone long reads generated by third-generation-sequence techniques (Pacbio, Oxford Nanopore, etc.) or preassembled contigs to fill N-gap in the genome assembly. Initially called TGS-GapCloser. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FALCON | Falcon: a set of tools for fast aligning long reads for consensus and assembly |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FALCON_unzip | Making diploid assembly becomes common practice for genomic study | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FALCON-Phase | FALCON-Phase integrates PacBio long-read assemblies with Phase Genomics Hi-C data to create phased, diploid, chromosome-scale scaffolds. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FaMoz | FaMoz, a software written in the C language and in TclTk, uses likelihood calculation and simulation to perform parentage studies with codominant, dominant, cytoplasmic markers or combinations of the different types. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FAMSA | Algorithm for large-scale multiple sequence alignments (400k proteins in 2 hours and 8BG of RAM) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FaST-LMM | FaST-LMM (Factored Spectrally Transformed Linear Mixed Models) is a program for performing genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on large data sets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Fast-Plast | Fast-Plast is a pipeline that leverages existing and novel programs to quickly assemble, orient, and verify whole chloroplast genome sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FASTA | FASTA is a sequence similarity search tool which uses heuristics for fast local alignment searching. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FASTA Composition | finds the overall composition of sequences in a FASTA file | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FASTA_Length | FASTA Length finds the lengths of sequences in a FASTA file. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FastaGrep | FastaGrep is a tool for searching oligonucleotide binding sites from FastA genomic sequences. It can do both match/mismatch based and thermodynamic binding energy searches. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FastME | FastME provides distance algorithms to infer phylogenies. FastME is based on balanced minimum evolution, which is the very principle of NJ. FastME improves over NJ by performing topological moves using fast, sophisticated algorithms. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fastNGSadmix | Program for infering admixture proportions and doing PCA with a single NGS sample. Inferences based on reference panel. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fastp | A tool designed to provide fast all-in-one preprocessing for FastQ files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fastprofkernel | fastprofkernel is a Debian package that uses an accelerated version of the original profile kernel <1> to automatically train SVM based classification models. It can assign user-defined classes to so far uncharacterized proteins. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FastQ Screen | FastQ Screen allows you to screen a library of sequences in FastQ format against a set of sequence databases so you can see if the composition of the library matches with what you expect. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fastq_illumina_filter | This program can filter FASTQ files produced by CASAVA 1.8, and keep/discard reads based on this filter flag. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FastQC | A Quality Control application for FastQ files. FastQC is an application which takes a FastQ file and runs a series of tests on it to generate a comprehensive QC report. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fastQValidator | The fastQValidator validates the format of fastq files | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FastSimBac | FastSimBac is a simulator of the coalescent process with bacterial recombination that simulates genealogies spatially across chromosomes as a Markov process. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fastsimcoal2 | Fast sequential Markov coalescent simulation of genomic data under complex evolutionary models | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fastStructure | fastStructure is an algorithm for inferring population structure from large SNP genotype data. It is based on a variational Bayesian framework for posterior inference and is written in Python2.x. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FastTree | FastTree infers approximately-maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees from alignments of nucleotide or protein sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FASTX-Toolkit | The FASTX-Toolkit is a collection of command line tools for Short-Reads FASTA/FASTQ files preprocessing. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FBAT | FBAT is an acronym for Family-Based Association Tests in genetic analyses. Family-based association designs, as opposed to case-control study designs, are particularly attractive, since they test for linkage as well as association, avoid spurious associations caused by admixture of populations, and are convenient for investigators interested in refining linkage findings in family samples. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FEELnc | FlExible Extraction of LncRNA. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fgbio | A set of tools to analyze genomic data with a focus on Next Generation Sequencing. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Filtlong | Filtlong is a tool for filtering long reads by quality. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FindingOverCovRegions | search for genomic regions with abnormal read coverage (e.g. depth). To do so, this program requieres begraph-like file (e.g. bedtools genomecov per-base reports) where for each position of the genome, the coverage depth is reported (even 0 values). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fineRADstructure | A complete, easy to use, and fast population inference package for RAD-seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fineSTRUCTURE | fineSTRUCTURE is a fast and powerful algorithm for identifying population structure using dense sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FLAIR | FLAIR (Full-Length Alternative Isoform analysis of RNA) for the correction, isoform definition, and alternative splicing analysis of noisy reads. FLAIR has primarily been used for nanopore cDNA, native RNA, and PacBio sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FLAS | FLAS is software that makes self-correction for PacBio long reads with fast speed and high throughput. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FLASH | FLASH, Fast Length Adjustment of SHort reads, is a very accurate fast tool to merge paired-end reads from fragments that are shorter than twice the length of reads. The extended length of reads has a significant positive impact on improvement of genome assemblies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Flexbar | Flexbar preprocesses high-throughput sequencing data efficiently. It demultiplexes barcoded runs and removes adapter sequences. Moreover, trimming and filtering features are provided. Flexbar increases read mapping rates and improves genome and transcriptome assemblies. It supports next-generation sequencing data in fasta/q and csfasta/q format from Illumina, Roche 454, and the SOLiD platform. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Flye | Flye is a de novo assembler for long and noisy reads, such as those produced by PacBio and Oxford Nanopore Technologies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FMLRC | FMLRC, or FM-index Long Read Corrector, is a tool for performing hybrid correction of long read sequencing using the BWT and FM-index of short-read sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fpa | Filter Pairwise Alignment | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fqtools | fqtools is a software suite for fast processing of FASTQ files; Various file manipulations are supported. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FragGeneScan | FragGeneScan is an application for finding (fragmented) genes in short reads. It can also be applied to predict prokaryotic genes in incomplete assemblies or complete genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fragmatic | Simple program for in silico restriction digest of genomic sequences, to simulate RAD-family NGS library prep methods. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FrameBot | RDP FrameBot is a tool for correcting frameshift errors caused by insertions and deletions in DNA sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FrameDP | Sensitive peptide detection on noisy matured sequences. Available with command line interface on the cluster. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FreeBayes | FreeBayes is a Bayesian genetic variant detector designed to find small polymorphisms, specifically SNPs (single-nucleotide polymorphisms), indels (insertions and deletions), MNPs (multi-nucleotide polymorphisms), and complex events (composite insertion and substitution events) smaller than the length of a short-read sequencing alignment. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Funannotate | Funannotate is a genome prediction, annotation, and comparison software package. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GAAS | Genome Assembly Annotation Service: Suite of tools related to Genome Assembly Annotation Service tasks. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Galaxy | Galaxy is a scientific workflow, data integration, and data and analysis persistence and publishing platform that aims to make computational biology accessible to research scientists that do not have computer programming experience. Although it was initially developed for genomics research, it is largely domain agnostic and is now used as a general bioinformatics workflow management system | Genologin Cluster: soon SGE Cluster: Link to Galaxy instance New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GALBA | GALBA is a pipeline for fully automated prediction of protein coding gene structures with AUGUSTUS in novel eukaryotic genomes for the scenario where high quality proteins from a closely related species are available. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GapCloser | The GapCloser is designed to close the gaps emerging during the scaffolding process by SOAPdenovo, using the abundant pair relationships of short reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gargammel | gargammel is an ancient DNA simulator | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GARLI | GARLI, Genetic Algorithm for Rapid Likelihood Inference is a program for inferring phylogenetic trees. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GATK | The GATK is a structured software library that makes writing efficient analysis tools using next-generation sequencing data very easy, and second it's a suite of tools for working with human medical resequencing projects such as 1000 Genomes and The Cancer Genome Atlas. These tools include things like a depth of coverage analyzers, a quality score recalibrator, a SNP/indel caller and a local realigner. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Gblocks | Gblocks is a computer program written in ANSI C language that eliminates poorly aligned positions and divergent regions of an alignment of DNA or protein sequences. These positions may not be homologous or may have been saturated by multiple substitutions and it is convenient to eliminate them prior to phylogenetic analysis. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GCTA | GCTA (Genome-wide Complex Trait Analysis) was originally designed to estimate the proportion of phenotypic variance explained by genome- or chromosome-wide SNPs for complex traits (the GREML method), and has subsequently extended for many other analyses to better understand the genetic architecture of complex traits. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GDAL | a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Source license by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. | Genologin Cluster: /tools/libraries/gdal New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gemBS | gemBS is a high performance bioinformatic pipeline designed for highthroughput analysis of DNA methylation data from whole genome bisulfites sequencing data (WGBS). It combines GEM3, a high performance read aligner and bs_call, a high performance variant and methyation caller, into a streamlined and efficient pipeline for bisulfite sequence analysis. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GEMMA | GEMMA is the software implementing the Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association algorithm for a standard linear mixed model and some of its close relatives for genome-wide association studies (GWAS). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GeMoMa | Gene Model Mapper (GeMoMa) is a homology-based gene prediction program. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
geneid | geneid is a program to predict genes in anonymous genomic sequences designed with a hierarchical structure. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GeneMark-ES | Unsupervised training is an important feature of the GeneMark-ES algorithm that identifies protein coding genes in eukaryotic genomes. This is the only eukaryotic gene finder that can perform gene prediction without curated training sets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GeneMark-ET | a semi-supervised version of GeneMark-ES, called GeneMark-ET that uses RNA-Seq reads to improve training. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GeneSeqer | Sensitive spliced-alignment of cDNAs or proteins. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Genewise | Wise2 is a package focused on comparisons of biopolymers, commonly DNA sequence and protein sequence. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GenomeScope | Fast genome analysis from unassembled short reads | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GenomeScope2.0 | Reference-free profiling of polyploid genomes | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GenomeSTRiP | Genome STRiP (Genome STRucture In Populations) is a suite of tools for discovering and genotyping structural variations using sequencing data. The methods are designed to detect shared variation using data from multiple individuals. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GenomeThreader | GenomeThreader is a software tool to compute gene structure predictions. The gene structure predictions are calculated using a similarity-based approach where additional cDNA/EST and/or protein sequences are used to predict gene structures via spliced alignments. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GenomeTools | Collection of bioinformatics tools (in the realm of genome informatics) combined into a single binary named "gt". | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GenomOrder | GenomOrder is a Nextflow pipeline reordering and renaming scaffolds from up to 5 assemblies using a reference. It is also able to produce D-Genies back-up files allowing rapid visual comparison of chromosomes of the assemblies versus the reference. These files can be uploaded and visualized with the online tool D-Genies : The assembly mapping versus the reference is performed with minimap2. These assemblies can be scaffolded or not. If they are not, an option enables to scaffold them according to the reference. The pipeline produces D-Genies back-up file for a user defined list of reference chromosomes. The chromosome file contains one reference chromosome name per line. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Gerbil | A basic task in bioinformatics is the counting of k-mers in genome strings. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GEVA | Genealogical Estimation of Variant Age. We have developed a method for estimating the age of genetic variants; that is, the time of origin of an allele through mutation at a single locus. Our approach, which we refer to as the Genealogical Estimation of Variant Age (GEVA), is similar to existing methods that involve coalescent modeling to infer the time to the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) between individual genomes <13, 23, 24>. However, these methods typically operate on a discretized timescale <13>, utilize only a fraction of the information available in larger sample data <25>, or employ approximations to overcome computational complexity <14, 15, 26>. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gfatools | gfatools is a set of tools for manipulating sequence graphs in the GFA or the rGFA format. It has implemented parsing, subgraph and conversion to FASTA/BED. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gff3sort | A Perl Script to sort gff3 files and produce suitable results for tabix tools | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gff3toembl | Converts Prokka GFF3 files to EMBL files for uploading annotated assemblies to EBI | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gffcompare | gffcompare can be used to compare, merge, annotate and estimate accuracy of one or more GFF files (the “query” files), when compared with a reference annotation (also provided as GFF). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gffread | GFF/GTF utility providing format conversions, region filtering, FASTA sequence extraction and more. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gh-cli | gh is GitHub on the command line. It brings pull requests, issues, and other GitHub concepts to the terminal next to where you are already working with git and your code. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GHC | GHC is a state-of-the-art, open source, compiler and interactive environment for the functional language Haskell | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gIMble | A genome-wide IM blockwise likelihood estimation toolkit | Genologin Cluster: Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GLIMPSE | GLIMPSE is a phasing and imputation method for large-scale low-coverage sequencing studies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GMAP-GSNAP | GMAP: A Genomic Mapping and Alignment Program for mRNA and EST SequencesGSNAP: Genomic Short-read Nucleotide Alignment Program | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Gmove | Gmove is a genome annotation tool. This combiner takes as input mapping of RNA-seq or protein or ab initio data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Goalign | Goalign is a set of command line tools to manipulate multiple alignments. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GraphAligner | Seed-and-extend program for aligning long error-prone reads to genome graphs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GraPhlAn | GraPhlAn is a software tool for producing high-quality circular representations of taxonomic and phylogenetic trees. It focuses on concise, integrative, informative, and publication-ready representations of phylogenetically- and taxonomically-driven investigation. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GraphMap | A highly sensitive and accurate mapper for long, error-prone reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
graphtyper | graphtyper is a graph-based variant caller capable of genotyping population-scale short read data sets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GRIDSS | GRIDSS is a module software suite containing tools useful for the detection of genomic rearrangements. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Grinder | Grinder is a versatile open-source bioinformatic tool to create simulated omic shotgun and amplicon sequence libraries for all main sequencing platforms. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GROMACS | GROMACS is a versatile package to perform molecular dynamics, i.e. simulate the Newtonian equations of motion for systems with hundreds to millions of particles. It is primarily designed for biochemical molecules like proteins, lipids and nucleic acids that have a lot of complicated bonded interactions, but since GROMACS is extremely fast at calculating the nonbonded interactions (that usually dominate simulations) many groups are also using it for research on non-biological systems, e.g. polymers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GSAlign | An ultra-fast sequence alignment algorithm for intra-species genome comparison. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GTFtools | GTFtools provides a set of functions to analyze various modes of gene models. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Gtools | GTOOL is a program for transforming sets of genotype data for use with the programs SNPTEST and IMPUTE. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Gubbins | Rapid phylogenetic analysis of large samples of recombinant bacterial whole genome sequences. Gubbins (Genealogies Unbiased By recomBinations In Nucleotide Sequences) is an algorithm that iteratively identifies loci containing elevated densities of base substitutions while concurrently constructing a phylogeny based on the putative point mutations outside of these regions. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Hap10 | The goal is to reconstruct accurate and long haplotypes polyploid genome using linked reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HapCUT2 | Software tools for haplotype assembly from sequence data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
hapflk | hapflk is a software implementing the hapFLK <1> and FLK <2> tests for the detection of selection signatures based on multiple population genotyping data. | Genologin Cluster: In Python-2.7.15 (module load system/Python-2.7.15) New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Haplogrep | Haplogrep is a command-line tool for mtDNA haplogroup classification. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HaploHiC | Comprehensive haplotype division of Hi-C PE-reads based on local contacts ratio. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HaploMerger2 | <HaploMerger2 (HM2) is an important upgrade over HaploMerger. HM2 is an easy-to-use automated pipeline for improving genome assembly in the post-assembly stage. It consists of a set of executables as well as wrappers for several third-part software. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Hapo-G | Hapo-G is a tool that aims to improve the quality of genome assemblies by polishing the consensus with accurate reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HASLR | HASLR is a tool for rapid genome assembly of long sequencing reads. HASLR is a hybrid tool which means it requires long reads generated by Third Generation Sequencing technologies (such as PacBio or Oxford Nanopore) together with Next Generation Sequencing reads (such as Illumina) from the same sample. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
hcluster_sg | A hierarchical clustering software for sparse graphs | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HDFView | HDFView is a visual tool for browsing and editing HDF4 and HDF5 files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HECIL | Hybrid Error Correction of Long Reads using Iterative Learning | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HELEN | HELEN (Homopolymer Encoded Long-read Error-corrector for Nanopore) uses a Recurrent-Neural-Network (RNN) based Multi-Task Learning (MTL) model that can predict a base and a run-length for each genomic position using the weights generated by MarginPolish. This installation includes MarginPolish. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HG-CoLoR | HG-CoLoR (Hybrid method based on a variable-order de bruijn Graph for the error Correction of Long Reads) is a hybrid method for the error correction of long reads that both aligns the short reads to the long reads, and uses a variable-order de Bruijn graph, in a seed-and-extend approach. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HGT-ID | An efficient and sensitive program for detecting viral insertion sequences from known viral reference genome in the genome of human cancers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HGTector | Genome-wide prediction of horizontal gene transfer based on distribution of sequence homology patterns. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
InterProScan | InterProScan is a tool that combines different protein signature recognition methods into one resource. No less than 14 pattern/profiles databanks can be interrogated.
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
IPA | Improved Phased Assembler (IPA) is the official PacBio software for HiFi genome assembly. IPA was designed to utilize the accuracy of PacBio HiFi reads to produce high-quality phased genome assemblies. IPA is an end-to-end solution, starting with input reads and resulting in a polished assembly. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ipyrad | An interactive toolkit for assembly and analysis of restriction-site associated genomic data sets (e.g., RAD, ddRAD, GBS) for population genetic and phylogenetic studies. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
IQ-TREE | Efficient phylogenomic software by maximum likelihood |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
iREAD | iREAD (intron REtention Analysis and Detector)is a tool to detect intron retention(IR) events from RNA-seq datasets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
IRFinder | Detecting intron retention from RNA-Seq experiments |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
IRMA | IRMA was designed for the robust assembly, variant calling, and phasing of highly variable RNA viruses. Currently IRMA is deployed with modules for influenza and ebolavirus. IRMA is free to use and parallelizes computations for both cluster computing and single computer multi-core setups. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
iSMC | This software extend the sequentially Markovian coalescent model to jointly infer the spatial variation in recombination rate (rho) from a single pair of unphased genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
IsoLasso | IsoLasso is an algorithm to assemble transcripts and estimate their expression levels from RNA-Seq reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
IsoSeq3 | Scalable De Novo Isoform Discovery from Single-Molecule PacBio Reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ITSx | Improved software detection and extraction of ITS1 and ITS2 from ribosomal ITS sequences of fungi and other eukaryotes for use in environmental sequencing | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
IVA | Iterative Virus Assembler is a de novo assembler designed to assemble virus genomes that have no repeat sequences, using Illumina read pairs sequenced from mixed populations at extremely high and variable depth | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Jabba | A hybrid error correction tool for sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
JAGS | JAGS is Just Another Gibbs Sampler. It is a program for analysis of Bayesian hierarchical models using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation not wholly unlike BUGS. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
JCVI | Collection of Python libraries to parse bioinformatics files, or perform computation related to assembly, annotation, and comparative genomics. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Jellyfish | JELLYFISH is a tool for fast, memory-efficient counting of k-mers in DNA. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
jModeltest | jModelTest is a tool to carry out statistical selection of best-fit models of nucleotide substitution. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Juicebox | Software for visualizing data from Hi-C and other proximity mapping experiments | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
juicebox_scripts | A collection of scripts for working with Hi-C data, Juicebox, and other genomic file formats | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Juicer | A One-Click System for Analyzing Loop-Resolution Hi-C Experiments | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Julia | Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing, with syntax that is familiar to users of other technical computing environments. It provides a sophisticated compiler, distributed parallel execution, numerical accuracy, and an extensive mathematical function library. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
JustOrthologs | A Fast, Accurate, and User-Friendly Ortholog-Finding Algorithm |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Jvarkit | Java utilities for Bioinformatics (only requested tools are compiling) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
KAD | KAD is designed for evaluating the accuracy of nucleotide base quality of genome assemblies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Kaiju | Fast taxonomic classification of metagenomic sequencing reads using a protein reference database | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
kallisto | kallisto is a program for quantifying abundances of transcripts from RNA-Seq data, or more generally of target sequences using high-throughput sequencing reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
KAT | KAT (The K-mer Analysis Toolkit) is a suite of tools that generate, analyse and compare k-mer spectra produced from sequence files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
kentUtils | UCSC command line bioinformatic utilities | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
klocate | Standalone tool based on the bwa index to locate a set of kmers along a reference genome. klocate searches each kmer (full and perfect match) in the index and outputs all positions the kmer maps to (output to sdtout in bed format). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
KMA | KMA is a mapping method designed to map raw reads directly against redundant databases, in an ultra-fast manner using seed and extend. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
kmap | Standalone tool based on the bwa index to locate a set of kmers along a reference genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
KMC | New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install | |
KmerGenie | KmerGenie estimates the best k-mer length for genome de novo assembly. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
komplexity | A command-line tool built in Rust to quickly calculate and/or mask low-complexity sequences from a FAST file. This uses the number of unique k-mers over a sequence divided by the length to assess complexity. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Kraken | Kraken is a system for assigning taxonomic labels to short DNA sequences, usually obtained through metagenomic studies. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Kraken2 | Kraken2 is a system for assigning taxonomic labels to short DNA sequences, usually obtained through metagenomic studies. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
KrakenUniq | KrakenUniq (formerly KrakenHLL) is a novel metagenomics classifier that combines the fast k-mer-based classification of Kraken with an efficient algorithm for assessing the coverage of unique k-mers found in each species in a dataset. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Krona | Krona allows hierarchical data to be explored with zoomable pie charts. Krona charts can be created using an Excel template or KronaTools, which includes support for several bioinformatics tools and raw data formats. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LACHESIS | Software that uses Hi-C data for ultra-long-range scaffolding of de novo genome assemblies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
lamassemble | Merge overlapping "long" DNA reads into a consensus sequence. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LAST | LAST finds similar regions between sequences. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
lastp_aai | A simple Python script for calculating pairwise amino acid identity (AAI) between protein files (extension .faa) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LASTZ | A tool for aligning two DNA sequences, and inferring appropriate scoring parameters automatically. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
lcMLkin | lcMLkin is a C++ program that allows users to infer biological relatedness from low coverage 2nd generation sequencing data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LDhat | LDhat is a package written in the C and C++ languages for the analysis of recombination rates from population genetic data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LDhelmet | LDhelmet performs statistical inference for fine-scale variable recombination rate estimation. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
leeHom | A program for the Bayesian reconstruction of ancient DNA. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LEfSe | LEfSe (Linear discriminant analysis effect size) is a tool developed by the Huttenhower group to find biomarkers between 2 or more groups using relative abundances. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
libplinkio | This is a small C and Python library for reading Plink genotype files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
libstree | libstree is a generic suffix tree implementation, written in C. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Liftoff | Liftoff is a tool that accurately maps annotations in GFF or GTF between assemblies of the same, or closely-related species. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
lima | Demultiplex Barcoded PacBio Samples. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Linker | Linker is a suite of C++ tools useful for interpreting long and linked read sequencing of cancer genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LINKS | LINKS is a scalable genomics application for scaffolding or re-scaffolding genome assembly drafts with long reads, such as those produced by Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ltd and Pacific Biosciences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LIQA | Long-read Isoform Quantification and Analysis) is an Expectation-Maximization based statistical method to quantify isoform expression and detect differential alternative splicing (DAS) events using long-read RNA-seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LJA | La Jolla Assembler (LJA) is a tool for genome assembly from HiFI reads based on de Bruijn graphs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
llvm | The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LocARNA | LocARNA is a tool for multiple alignment of RNA molecules. LocARNA requires only RNA sequences as input and will simultaneously fold and align the input sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
locator | A supervised machine learning method for predicting the geographic origin of a sample from genotype or sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Loctree3 | Protein Subcelullar Localization Sequenced-Based Predictor |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LongRanger | Long Ranger is a set of analysis pipelines that processes Chromium sequencing output to align reads and call and phase SNPs, indels, and structural variants. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
longshot | Longshot is a variant calling tool for diploid genomes using long error prone reads such as Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) SMRT and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LongStitch | A genome assembly correction and scaffolding pipeline using long reads. Basically runs Tigmint, ntLink, ARKS. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LoRDEC | LoRDEC is a program to correct sequencing errors in long reads from 3rd generation sequencing with high error rate, and is especially intended for PacBio reads. It uses a hybrid strategy, meaning that it uses two sets of reads: the reference read set, whose error rate is assumed to be small, and the PacBio read set, which is then corrected using the reference set. Typically, the reference set contains Illumina reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LR_Gapcloser | LR_Gapcloser is a gap closing tool using uncorrected or corrected long reads generated from Pacbio platform or Nanopore platform. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LRez | Standalone tool and library allowing to work with barcoded linked-reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LRScaf | TGS scaffolding . Improving draft genomes using long noisy reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LRSIM | Simulator for Linked Reads: this package simulates whole genome sequencing using 10X Genomics Linked Read technology. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LtrDetector | A tool-suite for detecting long terminal repeat retrotransposons de-novo on the genomic scale. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LUMPY | A general probabilistic framework for structural variant discovery | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MACH | MACH is a Markov Chain based haplotyper that can resolve long haplotypes or infer missing genotypes in samples of unrelated individuals. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MACS | We present Model-based Analysis of ChIP-Seq (MACS) on short reads sequencers such as Genome Analyzer (Illumina / Solexa). MACS empirically models the length of the sequenced ChIP fragments, which tends to be shorter than sonication or library construction size estimates, and uses it to improve the spatial resolution of predicted binding sites. MACS also uses a dynamic Poisson distribution to effectively capture local biases in the genome sequence, allowing for more sensitive and robust prediction. MACS compares favorably to existing ChIP-Seq peak-finding algorithms, is publicly available open source, and can be used for ChIP-Seq with or without control samples. | Genologin Cluster: in Python-2.7.2 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MACS2 | Model-based Analysis of ChIP-Seq |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MAFFT | MAFFT is a multiple sequence alignment program for unix-like operating systems. It offers a range of multiple alignment methods, L-INS-i (accurate; for alignment of <?200 sequences), FFT-NS-2 (fast; for alignment of <?10,000 sequences), etc. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MAGIC | A tool for predicting transcription factors and cofactors driving gene sets using ENCODE data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Magic-BLAST | Magic-BLAST is a tool for mapping large next-generation RNA or DNA sequencing runs against a whole genome or transcriptome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MAKER | MAKER is a portable and easily configurable genome annotation pipeline. Its purpose is to allow smaller eukaryotic and prokaryotic genome projects to independently annotate their genomes and to create genome databases. MAKER identifies repeats, aligns ESTs and proteins to a genome, produces ab-initio gene predictions and automatically synthesizes these data into gene annotations having evidence-based quality values. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MALDER | This is a version of ALDER ( that has been modified to allow multiple admixture events. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MALT | MALT (MEGAN alignment tool) is an extension of MEGAN (metagenome analyzer). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Manta | Manta calls structural variants (SVs) and indels from mapped paired-end sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
mapDamage | tracking and quantifying damage patterns in ancient DNA sequences. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Mapsembler2 | Mapsembler2 is a targeted assembly software. It takes as input any number of NGS raw read set(s) (fasta or fastq, gzipped or not) and a set of input sequences (starters). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MapSplice | Accurate mapping of RNA-seq reads for splice junction discovery. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MapThin | Reduce the number of SNPs in a gene marker dense map computed by PLINK. First, by eliminating linked SNPs. Then, by applying different criteria. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MARVEL | MARVEL consists of a set of tools that facilitate the overlapping, patching, correction and assembly of noisy (not so noisy ones as well) long reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MashMap | MashMap implements a fast and approximate algorithm for computing local alignment boundaries between long DNA sequences. It can be useful for mapping genome assembly or long reads (PacBio/ONT) to reference genome(s). Given a minimum alignment length and an identity threshold for the desired local alignments, Mashmap computes alignment boundaries and identity estimates using k-mers. It does not compute the alignments explicitly, but rather estimates a k-mer based Jaccard similarity using a combination of Minimizers and MinHash. This is then converted to an estimate of sequence identity using the Mash distance. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MaSuRCA | MaSuRCA is whole genome assembly software. It combines the efficiency of the de Bruijn graph and Overlap-Layout-Consensus (OLC) approaches. MaSuRCA can assemble data sets containing only short reads from Illumina sequencing or a mixture of short reads and long reads (Sanger, 454) |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MAtCHap | An ultra fast algorithm for solving the single individual haplotype assembly problem. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Mauve | Mauve is a system for efficiently constructing multiple genome alignments in the presence of large-scale evolutionary events such as rearrangement and inversion. Multiple genome alignment provides a basis for research into comparative genomics and the study of evolutionary dynamics. Aligning whole genomes is a fundamentally different problem than aligning short sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MaxBin2 | MaxBin is a software for binning assembled metagenomic sequences based on an Expectation-Maximization algorithm. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
mCaller | This program is designed to call m6A from nanopore data using the differences between measured and expected currents. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MCL | The MCL algorithm is short for the Markov Cluster Algorithm, a fast and scalable unsupervised cluster algorithm for graphs (also known as networks) based on simulation of (stochastic) flow in graphs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MCScanX | MCScan is an algorithm to scan multiple genomes or subgenomes to identify putative homologous chromosomal regions, then align these regions using genes as anchors. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MECAT | MECAT is an ultra-fast Mapping, Error Correction and de novo Assembly Tools for single molecula sequencing (SMRT) reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Medaka | Medaka demonstrates a framework for error correcting sequencing data, particularly aimed at nanopore sequencing. Tools are provided for both training and inference. The code exploits the keras deep learning library. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MEGA-CC | Software suite for analyzing DNA and protein sequence data from species and populations. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MEGAHIT | An ultra-fast single-node solution for large and complex metagenomics assembly via succinct de Bruijn graph | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Megalodon | Megalodon provides "basecalling augmentation" for raw nanopore sequencing reads, including direct, reference-guided SNP and modified base calling. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MeGAMerge | A tool to merge assembled contigs, long reads from metagenomic sequencing runs |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MEGAN | MEtaGenome ANalyzer : Metagenomic data analysis : taxonomic and functionnal (SEED and KEGG classification) analysis. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MEME | The MEME Suite allows you to: (1) discover motifs using MEME or GLAM2 on groups of related DNA or protein sequences, (2) search sequence databases using motifs, (3) compare a motif to all motifs in a database of motifs, and (3) associate motifs with Gene Ontology terms via their putative target genes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Merfin | Evaluate variant calls and its combination with k-mer multiplicity. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Merqury | Evaluate genome assemblies with k-mers and more | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Meryl | A genomic k-mer counter (and sequence utility) with nice features. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MetaBat | An adaptive binning algorithm for robust and efficient genome reconstruction from metagenome assemblies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
metaBIT | An integrative and automated metagenomic pipeline for analysing microbial profiles from high-throughput sequencing shotgun data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MetaEuk | MetaEuk is a modular toolkit designed for large-scale gene discovery and annotation in eukaryotic metagenomic contigs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
METAL | The METAL software is designed to facilitate meta-analysis of large datasets (such as several whole genome scans) in a convenient, rapid and memory efficient manner. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MetaMaps | MetaMaps is tool specifically developed for the analysis of long-read (PacBio/ONT) metagenomic datasets. It simultaenously carries out read assignment and sample composition estimation. It is faster than classical exact alignment-based approaches, and its output is more information-rich than that of kmer-spectra-based methods. For example, each MetaMaps alignment comes with an approximate alignment location, an estimated alignment identity and a mapping quality. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MetaPhlAn2 | MetaPhlAn2 is a computational tool for profiling the composition of microbial communities (Bacteria, Archaea, Eukaryotes and Viruses) from metagenomic shotgun sequencing data (i.e. not 16S) with species-level. With the newly added StrainPhlAn module, it is now possible to perform accurate strain-level microbial profiling. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MetaPhlAn3 | MetaPhlAn is a computational tool for profiling the composition of microbial communities (Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryotes) from metagenomic shotgun sequencing data (i.e. not 16S) with species-level. With the newly added StrainPhlAn module, it is now possible to perform accurate strain-level microbial profiling. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MetaWRAP | A flexible pipeline for genome-resolved metagenomic data analysis. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Metaxa2 | Improved Identification and Taxonomic Classification of Small and Large Subunit rRNA in Metagenomic Data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
methylKit | DNA methylation analysis from high-throughput bisulfite sequencing results | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MGSE | MGSE can harness the power of files generated in genome sequencing projects to predict the genome size. Required are the FASTA file containing a high continuity assembly and a BAM file with all available reads mapped to this assembly. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MinCED | MinCED is a program to find Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPRs) in full genomes or environmental datasets such as metagenomes, in which sequence size can be anywhere from 100 to 800 bp. MinCED runs from the command-line and was derived from CRT |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Miniasm | Ultrafast de novo assembly for long noisy reads (though having no consensus step). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Minigraph | Minigraph is a sequence-to-graph mapper and graph constructor. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Minimac4 | Minimac4 is a latest version in the series of genotype imputation software - preceded by Minimac3 (2015), Minimac2 (2014), minimac (2012) and MaCH (2010). Minimac4 is a lower memory and more computationally efficient implementation of the original algorithms with comparable imputation quality. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Minimap | Experimental tool to find approximate mapping positions between long sequences | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Minipolish | A tool for Racon polishing of miniasm assemblies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MiniScrub | MiniScrub is a de novo long sequencing read preprocessing method that improves read quality by predicting and removing ("scrubbing") read segments that have a high concentration of errors. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MIRA | Whole genome shotgun and EST sequence assembler for Sanger, 454, and Solexa / Illumina. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
miRDeep2 | miRDeep2 is a software package for identification of novel and known miRNAs in deep sequencing data. Furthermore, it can be used for miRNA expression profiling across samples. Last, a new module for preprocessing of raw Illumina sequencing data produces files for downstream analysis with the miRDeep2 or quantifier module. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MiRfold | MiRfold searches for a good miRNA-like folding in the sequence surrounding a putative miRNA. It was optimized on plant miRNAs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MITObim | The MITObim procedure (mitochondrial baiting and iterative mapping) represents a highly efficient approach to assembling novel mitochondrial genomes of non-model organisms directly from total genomic DNA derived NGS reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MitoSeek | MitoSeek is an open-source software tool to reliably and easily extract mitochondrial genome information from exome sequencing data. MitoSeek evaluates mitochondrial genome alignment quality, estimates relative mitochondrial copy numbers, and detects heteroplasmy, somatic mutation, and structural variance of the mitochondrial genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MitoZ | MitoZ is a Python3-based toolkit which aims to automatically filter pair-end raw data (fastq files), assemble genome, search for mitogenome sequences from the genome assembly result, annotate mitogenome (genbank file as result), and mitogenome visualization. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MLST | Multi-Locus sequence Typing. The method enables investigators to determine the ST based on WGS data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
mmannot | mmannot annotates reads, or quantifies the features. For instance, suppose that you have sequenced your organism of interest with sRNA-Seq (RNA-Seq works too), and you want to know how many times you have sequenced miRNAs, rRNAs, tRNAs, etc. This is what mmannot does. A huge proportion of the reads may actually map at several locations. These multi-mapping reads are usually handled poorly by similar quantification tools. In our methods, when a read maps at several locations, all these locations are inspected: If all these locations belong to the same feature (e.g. miRNAs, in case of a duplicated gene family), the read is still annotated as a miRNA. If the location belong to different features (e.g. 3'UTR and miRNA), the read is ambiguous, and is flagged as 3'UTR--miRNA. In case 1, we say when have rescued a read. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
mmquant | This tool counts the number of reads (produced by RNA-Seq) per gene, much like HTSeq-count and featureCounts. The main difference with other tools is that multi-mapping reads are counted differently: if a read is mapped to gene A, gene B, and gene C, the tool will create a new feature, "geneA--geneB--geneC", that will be counted once. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MMseqs2 | MMseqs2 (Many-against-Many sequence searching) is a software suite to search and cluster huge proteins/nucleotide sequence sets. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MobileElementFinder | MobileElementFinder is a tool for identifying Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) in Whole Genome Shotgun sequence data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Mobster | Mobster is used to detect novel (non-reference) Mobile Element Insertion (MEI) events in BAM files and uses both a discordant read pair method and a split-read method. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ModelTest-NG | ModelTest-NG is a tool for selecting the best-fit model of evolution for DNA and protein alignments. ModelTest-NG supersedes jModelTest and ProtTest in one single tool, with graphical and command console interfaces. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MOSAIK | MOSAIK is a reference-guided assembler comprising of two main modular programs |
Genologin Cluster How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
mosdepth | Fast BAM/CRAM depth calculation for WGS, exome, or targeted sequencing. mosdepth can output: per-base depth about 2x as fast samtools depth--about 25 minutes of CPU time for a 30X genome. mean per-window depth given a window size--as would be used for CNV calling. the mean per-region given a BED file of regions. a distribution of proportion of bases covered at or above a given threshhold for each chromosome and genome-wide. quantized output that merges adjacent bases as long as they fall in the same coverage bins e.g. (10-20) threshold output to indicate how many bases in each region are covered at the given thresholds. when appropriate, the output files are bgzipped and indexed for ease of use. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
mothur | The one-stop source for your computational microbial ecology needs. mothur offers the ability to go from raw sequences to the generation of visualization tools to describe alpha and beta diversity. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
mPTP | A tool for single-locus species delimitation. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MrBayes | MrBayes is a program for Bayesian inference and model choice across a wide range of phylogenetic and evolutionary models. MrBayes uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to estimate the posterior distribution of model parameters. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
mreps | Software for tandem repeat identification in DNA. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ms | A program for generating samples under neutral models. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
msBayes | msBayes allows complex and flexible comparative phylogeographic inference. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MSI | MSI was designed for sequencing reads with higher error rates (e.g., as the ones produced by Nanopore's sequencers) but also works with reads with lower error rates (e.g., Illumina). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
msmc | This software implements MSMC, a method to infer population size and gene flow from multiple genome sequences | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
msmc2 | This program implements MSMC2, a method to infer population size history and population separation history from whole genome sequencing data |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
msums | A program for the efficient computation of a number of population genetics summary statistics. msums can read ms-format data on (nearly) arbitrary numbers of populations. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MTG-Link | MTG-Link is a novel gap-filling tool for draft genome assemblies, dedicated to linked read data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Mugsy | Mugsy is a multiple whole genome aligner. Mugsy uses Nucmer for pairwise alignment, a custom graph based segmentation procedure for identifying collinear regions, and the segment-based progressive multiple alignment strategy from Seqan::TCoffee. Mugsy accepts draft genomes in the form of multi-FASTA files and does not require a reference genome. Angiuoli SV and Salzberg SL. Mugsy: Fast multiple alignment of closely related whole genomes. Bioinformatics 2011 27(3):334-4 | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MultAlin | Multiple sequence alignment with hierarchical clustering. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MultiQC | Aggregate results from bioinformatics analyses across many samples into a single report. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MUMmer | MUMmer is a package for rapidly aligning entire genomes, whether in complete or draft form. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MuMRescueLite | MuMRescueLite is the software that enable to use the tag sequencies of mapped to multiple loci to the genome, for the expression analysis. At the mapping of short sequence tags of CAGE or ChIP-Seq to the genome, sequence tags that map to multiple genomic loci (multi-mapping tags or MuMs), are routinely omitted from further analysis, leading to experimental bias and reduced coverage. MuMRescueLite probabilistically reincorporates multi-mapping tags into mapped short read data with acceptable computational requirements. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MUSCLE | Multiple sequence alignment (nucleic or proteic). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Musket | Musket is a well-established leading next-generation sequencing read error correction algorithm targetting Illumina sequencing. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MyCC | Accurate binning of metagenomic contigs via automated clustering sequences using information of genomic signatures and marker genes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NAMD | NAMD, recipient of a 2002 Gordon Bell Award and a 2012 Sidney Fernbach Award, is a parallel molecular dynamics code designed for high-performance simulation of large biomolecular systems. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Nano-Q | Python script for conservatively cleaning ONT reads from bam files and estimate variant frequencies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoCaller | NanoCaller is a computational method that integrates long reads in deep convolutional neural network for the detection of SNPs/indels from long-read sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoComp | Compare multiple runs of long read sequencing data and alignments. |
Genologin Cluster: in Python-3.6.3 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoCount | NanoCount estimates transcripts abundance from Oxford Nanopore direct-RNA sequencing datasets, using an expectation-maximization approach like RSEM, Kallisto, salmon, etc to handle the uncertainty of multi-mapping reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoFilt | Filtering and trimming of Oxford Nanopore sequencing data |
Genologin Cluster: in Python-3.6.3 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoLyse | Remove reads mapping to the lambda phage genome from a fastq file | Genologin Cluster: in Python-3.6.3 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoPlot | Plotting tool for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data and alignments. |
Genologin Cluster: in Python-3.6.3 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Nanopolish | A nanopore consensus algorithm using a signal-level hidden Markov model. Signal-level algorithms for MinION data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoSimm | NanoSim is a fast and scalable read simulator that captures the technology-specific features of ONT data, and allows for adjustments upon improvement of nanopore sequencing technology. |
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NanoSPC | NanoSPC is a scalable, portable and cloud compatible pipeline for analyzing Nanopore sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoStat | Create statistic summary of an Oxford Nanopore read dataset | Genologin Cluster: in Python-3.6.3 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NaS | NaS is a hybrid approach developed to take advantage of data generated using MinION device. It combines Illumina and Oxford Nanopore technologies to produce NaS (Nanopore Synthetic-long) reads |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
natsort | Simple yet flexible natural sorting in Python | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NCBI_Blast | Similarity search against databanks. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NCBI_Blast+ | Similarity search against databanks. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NCBI_tools | NCBI portable software toolkit | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NCBI_tools++ | NCBI C++ Toolkit provides free, portable, public domain libraries. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NECAT | NECAT is an error correction and de-novo assembly tool for Nanopore long noisy reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Newbler | Newbler is a software package for de novo DNA sequence assembly. It is designed specifically for assembling sequence data generated by the 454 GS-series of pyrosequencing platforms sold by 454 Life Science, a Roche diagnostic. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Newick_Utilities | The Newick Utilities are a suite of Unix shell tools for processing phylogenetic trees. We distribute the package under the BSD License. Functions include re-rooting, extracting subtrees, trimming, pruning, condensing, drawing (ASCII graphics or SVG). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NextCloudcmd | A command line client that can be used to synchronize Nextcloud files to client machines. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NextDenovo | NextDenovo is a string graph-based de novo assembler for TGS long reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Nextflow | Nextflow enables scalable and reproducible scientific workflows using software containers. It allows the adaptation of pipelines written in the most common scripting languages. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NextPolish | NextPolish is used to fix base errors (SNV/Indel) in the genome generated by noisy long reads, it can be used with short read data only or long read data only or a combination of both. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
nf-core workflows | This module provide access to workflows nf-core, there are automatically downloaded into your home. More info at nf-core/config page.
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NGMLR | NGMLR is a long-read mapper designed to align PacBio or Oxford Nanopore (standard and ultra-long) to a reference genome with a focus on reads that span structural variations SV detection from paired end reads mapping |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ngsRelate | NgsRelate can be used to infer relatedness coefficients for pairs of individuals from low coverage Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data by using genotype likelihoods instead of called genotypes. |
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ngsTools | ngsTools is a collection of programs for population genetics analyses from NGS data, taking into account its statistical uncertainty. The methods implemented in these programs do not rely on SNP or genotype calling, and are particularly suitable for low sequencing depth data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NINJA | Nearly Infinite Neighbor Joining Application | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NLR-Annotator | Disease resistance genes encoding nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich repeat (NLR) intracellular immune receptor proteins detect pathogens by the presence of pathogen effectors. Although developed for wheat, we demonstrate the universal applicability of NLR-Annotator across diverse plant taxa. NLR-Annotator is a tool to annotate loci associated with NLRs in large sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
non-B_gfa | gfa programs for Non-B site at NCI/FNLCR. gfa is a Suite of programs developed at NCI-Frederick/Frederick National Lab to find sequences associated with non-B DNA forming motifs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NOVOPlasty | NOVOPlasty is a de novo assembler and variance caller for short circular genomes. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
nQuire | A statistical framework for ploidy estimation using NGS short-read data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NSEG | NSEG is used to mask nucleic acid sequences, needed by RepeatScout. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ntEdit | ntEdit is a fast and scalable genomics application for polishing genome assembly drafts. It simplifies polishing and "haploidization" of gene and genome sequences with its re-usable Bloom filter design. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ntHits | ntHits is a method for identifying reapeats in high-throughput DNA sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ntJoin | Scaffolding draft assemblies using reference assemblies and minimizer graphs | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
numpy | NumPy is a package needed for scientific computing with Python. | Genologin Cluster: In Python (all versions) New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Oases | Oases is a de novo transcriptome assembler designed to produce transcripts from short read sequencing technologies, such as Illumina, SOLiD, or 454 in the absence of any genomic assembly. It was developed by Marcel Schulz (MPI for Molecular Genomics) and Daniel Zerbino (previously at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), now at UC Santa Cruz). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
OBITools | OBITools is a set of python programs developed to simplify the manipulation of sequence files in our labs. They were mainly designed to help us for analyzing Next Generation Sequencer outputs (454 or Illumina) in the context of DNA Metabarcoding. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
OMBlast | An alignment tool for optical mapping data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
omegaplus | A scalable tool for rapid detection of selective sweeps in whole-genome datasets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Onecodetofindthemall | One code to find them all is a set of perl scripts to extract useful information from RepeatMasker about transposable elements, retrieve their sequences and get some quantitative information. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ont_fast5_api | ont_fast5_api is a simple interface to HDF5 files of the Oxford Nanopore fast5 file format. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ORA | Bio::ORA is a featherweight object for identifying mammalian olfactory receptor genes. The sequences should not be longer than 40kb. The returned array include location, sequence and statistic for the putative olfactory receptor gene. Fully functional with DNA and EST sequence, no intron supported. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ORFfinder | ORFfinder searches for open reading frames (ORFs) in the DNA sequence you enter. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ORG.asm | The ORGanelle ASseMbler aims to target the assembling of small sequences over-represented in a whole genome shotgun sequence dataset. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Organelle_PBA | OrganelleRef_PBA is a script to perform a de-novo PacBio assemblies of any organelle (chloroplast or mitochondrial genomes) using several programs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
orthAgogue | a tool for high speed estimation of homology relations within and between species in massive data sets. orthAgogue is easy to use and offers flexibility through a range of optional parameters. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
OrthoFinder | OrthoFinder is a fast, accurate and comprehensive analysis tool for comparative genomics. It finds orthologues and orthogroups infers rooted gene trees for all orthogroups and infers a rooted species tree for the species being analysed. OrthoFinder also provides comprehensive statistics for comparative genomic analyses. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Pacasus | Tool for detecting and cleaning PacBio / Nanopore long reads after whole genome amplification. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PALEOMIX | The PALEOMIX pipeline is a set of free and open-source pipelines and tools designed to enable the rapid processing of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data, starting from de-multiplexed reads from one or more samples, through sequence processing and alignment, and ending with genotyping, phylogenetic inference on the samples, as well as metagenomic analysis of the samples. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PAML | PAML is a package of programs for phylogenetic analyses of DNA or protein sequences using maximum likelihood. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Pandoc | Pandoc is a Haskell library for converting from one markup format to another, and a command-line tool that uses this library. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Paragraph | Graph realignment tools for structural variants. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
parallel | GNU parallel is a shell tool for executing jobs in parallel using one or more computers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
parallel-fastq-dump | NCBI fastq-dump can be very slow sometimes, even if you have the resources (network, IO, CPU) to go faster, even if you already downloaded the sra file (see the protip below). This tool speeds up the process by dividing the work into multiple threads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ParGenes | A massively parallel tool for model selection and tree inference on thousands of genes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
parseRM | Few scripts facilitating the extraction of info from Repeat Masker .out files | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PartitionFinder | PartitionFinder is free open source software to select best-fit partitioning schemes and models of molecular evolution for phylogenetic analyses. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PASApipeline | PASA, acronym for Program to Assemble Spliced Alignments, is a eukaryotic genome annotation tool that exploits spliced alignments of expressed transcript sequences to automatically model gene structures, and to maintain gene structure annotation consistent with the most recently available experimental sequence data. PASA also identifies and classifies all splicing variations supported by the transcript alignments. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PASTA | PASTA estimates alignments and ML trees from unaligned sequences using an iterative approach. In each iteration, it first estimates a multiple sequence alignment using the current tree as a guide and then estimates an ML tree on (a masked version of) the alignment. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PathoFact | PathoFact is an easy-to-use modular pipeline for the metagenomic analyses of toxins, virulence factors and antimicrobial resistance. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PAUP | Tools for inferring and interpreting phylogenetic trees | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
pb-assembly | PacBio® tools : everything needed to run Falcon and Unzip | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
pblat | Parallelized blat with multi-threads support. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PCAdmix | PCAdmix is a method that estimates local ancestry via principal components analysis (PCA) using phased haplotypes. The method considers data chromosome by chromosome. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PCAngsd | Framework for analyzing low depth next-generation sequencing (NGS) data in heterogeneous populations using principal component analysis (PCA). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PEAR | PEAR is an ultrafast, memory-efficient and highly accurate pair-end read merger. It is fully parallelized and can run with as low as just a few kilobytes of memory. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Peregrine | Peregrine is a fast genome assembler for accurate long reads (length > 10kb, accuraccy > 99%). It can assemble a human genome from 30x reads within 20 cpu hours from reads to polished consensus. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PETfold | PETfold performs Probabilistic Evolutionary and Thermodynamic folding of a multiple alignment of RNA sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
pftools3 | The pftools package contains all the software necessary to build protein and DNA generalized profiles and use them to scan and align sequences, and search databases | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PGAP | The NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline is designed to annotate bacterial and archaeal genomes (chromosomes and plasmids). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PGDSpider | PGDSpider is a powerful automated data conversion tool for population genetic and genomics programs. It facilitates the data exchange possibilities between programs for a vast range of data types (e.g. DNA, RNA, NGS, microsatellite, SNP, RFLP, AFLP, multi-allelic data, allele frequency or genetic distances) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PHASE | PHASE is a package that performs molecular phylogenetic inference. The software seeks to accurately compare molecular sequences to determine the likely evolutionary relationships between a group of species. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
phasebook | phasebook is a novel approach for reconstructing the haplotypes of diploid genomes from long reads de novo, that is without the need for a reference genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PhaseTank | To systemically characterize phasiRNAs/tasiRNAs and their regulatory cascades 'miRNA/phasiRNA -> | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PhiPack | The Phi Test is a simple, rapid, and statistically efficient test for recombination. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PhiSpy | PhiSpy identifies prophages in Bacterial (and probably Archaeal) genomes. Given an annotated genome it will use several approaches to identify the most likely prophage regions. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Phobius | A combined transmembrane topology and signal peptide predictor. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Phy-Mer | A novel alignment-free and reference-independent mitochondrial haplogroup classifier. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PhyKIT | PhyKIT is a UNIX shell toolkit for processing and analyzing phylogenomic data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PHYLIP | PHYLIP (PHYLogeny Inference Package), is a package composed by 34 programs dedicated to phylogeny inference. Methods that are available in the package include parsimony, distance matrix, and likelihood methods, including bootstrapping and consensus trees. Data types that can be handled include molecular sequences, gene frequencies, restriction sites and fragments, distance matrices, and discrete characters.
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PhyloBayes | PhyloBayes is a Bayesian Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) sampler for phylogenetic reconstruction and molecular dating using protein and nucleic acid alignments. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Phylobayes_MPI | PhyloBayes (Lartillot et al, 2009) is a Bayesian Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) sampler for phylogenetic reconstruction. With MPI. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PhyloPhlAn | PhyloPhlAn is a computational pipeline for reconstructing highly accurate and resolved phylogenetic trees based on whole-genome sequence information. The pipeline is scalable to thousands of genomes and uses the most conserved 400 proteins for extracting the phylogenetic signal. PhyloPhlAn also implements taxonomic curation, estimation, and insertion operations. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
phyluce | phyluce (phy-loo-chee) is a software package that was initially developed for analyzing data collected from ultraconserved elements in organismal genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PhyML | PhyML is a phylogeny software based on the maximum-likelihood principle. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
phyx | phyx performs phylogenetics analyses on trees and sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
picard-tools | Picard comprises Java-based command-line utilities that manipulate SAM files, and a Java API (SAM-JDK) for creating new programs that read and write SAM files. Both SAM text format and SAM binary (BAM) format are supported. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PICRUSt | PICRUSt (pronounced モpie crustヤ) is a bioinformatics software package designed to predict metagenome functional content from marker gene (e.g., 16S rRNA) surveys and full genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PILER | Genomic repeat analysis software. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PILERCR | PILERCR is public domain software for finding CRISPR repeats. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Pilon | Pilon is an automated genome assembly improvement and variant detection tool. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
piMASS | posterior inference via Model Averaging and Subset Selection: performs genome-wide joint analysis of all SNPs in association with a phenotype. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Pindel | Pindel can detect breakpoints of large deletions, medium sized insertions, inversions, tandem duplications and other structural variants at single-based resolution from next-gen sequence data. It uses a pattern growth approach to identify the breakpoints of these variants from paired-end short reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PingPongPro | Find ping-pong signatures in piRNA-Seq data like a pro. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Pizzly | A program for detecting gene fusions from RNA-Seq data of cancer samples. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PlasmidFinder | The service identifies plasmids in total or partial sequenced isolates of bacteria. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PLAST | PLAST is a fast, accurate and NGS scalable bank-to-bank sequence similarity search tool providing significant accelerations of seeds-based heuristic comparison methods, such as the Blast suite of algorithms. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Platanus | Platanus is a novel de novo sequence assembler that can reconstruct genomic sequences of highly heterozygous diploids from massively parallel shotgun sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Platanus_trim | Platanus_trim is a tool for trimming adaptor sequences and low quality regions. In contrast, Platanus_internal_trim is a tool for trimming internal adaptor sequence, adaptor sequences, and low quality regions. Platanus_trim is designed for paired-end library and Platanus_internal_trim is for mate-pair library. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Platanus2 | Platanus-allee (Platanus2) is a de novo haplotype assembler (phasing tool), which assembles each haplotype sequence in a diploid genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PLINK | PLINK is a free, open-source whole genome association analysis toolset, designed to perform a range of basic, large-scale analyses in a computationally efficient manner. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ploidyNGS | A model-free, open source tool to visualize and explore ploidy levels in a newly sequenced genome, exploiting short read data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
plotsr | Tool to plot synteny and structural rearrangements between genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PMERGE | PMERGE, is a software, which implements a new method that identifies candidate PSVs by building networks of loci that share high levels of nucleotide similarity. The PMERGE is embedded in the analysis pipeline of the widely used Stacks software, and it is straightforward to apply it as an additional filter in population-genomic studies using RAD-seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Polypolish | Polypolish is a tool for polishing genome assemblies with short reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Pomoxis | Pomoxis comprises a set of basic bioinformatic tools tailored to nanopore sequencing. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
pong | pong is a freely available software package, released by Behr et al. (2016, Bioinformatics), for post-processing output from clustering inference using population genetic data. |
Genologin Cluster: In Python-2.7.15 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
popins | Population-scale detection of novel-sequence insertions. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PoPoolation2 | PoPoolation2 allows to compare allele frequencies for SNPs between two or more populations and to identify significant differences. PoPoolation2 requires next generation sequencing data of pooled genomic DNA (Pool-Seq). It may be used for measuring differentiation between populations, for genome wide association studies and for experimental evolution. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
popPhylABC | Scripts used for ABC analysis with homo- and heterogeneity in Migration rates or/and Effective population sizes | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Porechop | Porechop is a tool for finding and removing adapters from Oxford Nanopore reads. Adapters on the ends of reads are trimmed off, and when a read has an adapter in its middle, it is treated as chimeric and chopped into separate reads. Porechop performs thorough alignments to effectively find adapters, even at low sequence identity. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Porechop_ABI | Porechop_abi (ab initio) is an extension of Porechop that is able to infer the adapter sequence from the Oxford Nanopore reads. It discovers the adapter sequence from the reads using approximate k-mers and assembly, and add the sequence found to the adapter list ( file). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Portcullis | Splice junction analysis and filtering from BAM files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
pp-popularity-contest | The pp-popularity-contest package sets up a cron job that periodically submits the developers anonymous statistics on the usage of Rost Lab prediction methods installed on this system. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PRANK | PRANK is a probabilistic multiple alignment program for DNA, codon and amino-acid sequences. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
preseq | Software for predicting library complexity and genome coverage in high-throughput sequencing. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Primer3 | Primer3 is a widely used program for designing PCR primers (PCR = "Polymerase Chain Reaction"). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PRINSEQ | PRINSEQ is a tool that generates summary statistics of sequence and quality data and that is used to filter, reformat and trim next-generation sequence data. The standalone version is primarily designed for data preprocessing and does not generate summary statistics in graphical form. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Prodigal | Prodigal (Prokaryotic Dynamic Programming Genefinding Algorithm) is a microbial (bacterial and archaeal) gene finding program developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ProgressiveCactus | Progressive Cactus is a whole-genome alignment package. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PROJ4 | Cartographic Projections Library | Genologin Cluster: /tools/libraries/PROJ/ New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PROKKA | Prokka is a software tool for the rapid annotation of prokaryotic genomes. A typical 4 Mbp genome can be fully annotated in less than 10 minutes on a quad-core computer, and scales well to 32 core SMP systems. It produces GFF3, GBK and SQN files that are ready for editing in Sequin and ultimately submitted to Genbank/DDJB/ENA. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PROVEAN | PROVEAN (Protein Variation Effect Analyzer) is a software tool which predicts whether an amino acid substitution or indel has an impact on the biological function of a protein. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PSGInfer | PSGInfer is a software package for the analysis of RNA-Seq data with probabilistic splice graph (PSG) models of gene alternative processing (splicing, transcription initiation, and polyadenylation) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PSI-Sigma | Percent Spliced-In (PSI) values are commonly used to report alternative pre-mRNA splicing (AS) changes. However, previous PSI-detection methods are limited to specific types of AS events. PSI-Sigma is using a new splicing index (PSIΣ) that is more flexible, can incoporate novel junctions, and can compute PSI values of individual exons in complex splicing events. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
psmc | This software package infers population size history from a diploid sequence |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Puffaligner | Puffaligner is a fast, sensitive and accurate aligner built on top of the Pufferfish index. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Purge_Dups | purge_dups is designed to remove haplotigs and contig overlaps in a de novo assembly based on read depth. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Purge_Haplotigs | Pipeline to help with curating heterozygous diploid genome assemblies (for instance when assembling using FALCON or FALCON-unzip). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PyCharm | PyCharm is a dedicated Python and Django IDE providing a wide range of essential tools for Python developers, tightly integrated together to create a convenient environment for productive Python development and Web development. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
pycoQC | pycoQC computes metrics and generates Interactive QC plots from the sequencing summary report generated by Oxford Nanopore technologies basecaller (Albacore/Guppy) |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PyroCleaner | PyroCleaner is intended to clean reads coming from pyrosequencing in order to ease the assembly process. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
pysam | Pysam is a python module for reading and manipulating Samfiles. It's a lightweight wrapper of the samtools C-API. | Genologin Cluster: In Python module New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PySlurm | This module provides a low-level Python wrapper around the Slurm C-API using Cython. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
qgrs-cpp | C++ implementation of QGRS mapping algorithm (QGRS Mapper is a software program that generates information on composition and distribution of putative Quadruplex forming G-Rich Sequences (QGRS) in nucleotide sequences.) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
QIIME | QIIME (pronounced "chime") stands for Quantitative Insights Into ttMicrobial Ecology. QIIME is an open source software package for ttcomparison and analysis of microbial communities, primarily based on tthigh-throughput amplicon sequencing data (such as SSU rRNA) generated tton a variety of platforms, but also supporting analysis of other types ttof data (such as shotgun metagenomic data). QIIME takes users from tttheir raw sequencing output through initial analyses such as OTU ttpicking, taxonomic assignment, and construction of phylogenetic trees ttfrom representative sequences of OTUs, and through downstream ttstatistical analysis, visualization, and production of ttpublication-quality graphics. QIIME has been applied to single studies ttbased on billions of sequences from thousands of samples. ttttt |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
QmRLFS-finder | QmRLFS-finder, the first R-loop finding tool which uses (unsupervised) QmRLFS (Quantitative Models of RLFS) models to predict RLFSs. This command line tool generates locations and detailed information of RLFSs as well as standards-compliant output files for further analysis and visualization. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
qpWrapper | Tools allowing to launch qpAdmn analyzes (Admixtools) in series on a list of individuals. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Quake | t Quake is a package to correct substitution sequencing errors in experiments with deep coverage (e.g. >15X), specifically intended for Illumina sequencing reads. Quake adopts the k-mer error correction framework, first introduced by the EULER genome assembly package. Unlike EULER and similar progams, Quake utilizes a robust mixture model of erroneous and genuine k-mer distributions to determine where errors are located. Then Quake uses read quality values and learns the nucleotide to nucleotide error rates to determine what types of errors are most likely. This leads to more corrections and greater accuracy, especially with respect to avoiding mis-corrections, which create false sequence unsimilar to anything in the original genome sequence from which the read was taken.
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Qualimap | Qualimap 2 is a platform-independent application written in Java and R that provides both a Graphical User Inteface (GUI) and a command-line interface to facilitate the quality control of alignment sequencing data and its derivatives like feature counts. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
QUAST | QUAST evaluates genome assemblies by computing various metrics |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
quickmerge | A simple and fast metassembler and assembly gap filler designed for long molecule based assemblies | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Quorum | QuorUM (Quality Optimized Reads from the University of Maryland) is an error corrector for Illumina reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
R | R is "GNU S", a freely available language and environment for statistical computing and graphics which provides a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques: linear and nonlinear modelling, statistical tests, time series analysis, classification, clustering, etc. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
R-scape | R-scape looks for evidence of a conserved RNA structure by measuring pairwise covariations observed in an input multiple sequence alignment. It analyzes all possible pairs, including those in your proposed structure (if you provide one). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
r8s | This package implements several methods to infer divergence times on a molecular phylogeny, using penalized likelihood, maximum likelihood and nonparametric rate smoothing methods. It also implements miscellaneous tree and character evolution models and tests. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ra | Ra is as a fast and easy to use assembler for raw reads generated by third generation sequencing. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Rabaler | Rebaler is a program for conducting reference-based assemblies using long reads. It relies mainly on minimap2 for alignment and Racon for making consensus sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RabbitUniq | Compute unique k-mer faster. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RabbitV | RabbitV is a highly optimized and practical toolkit for the detection of viruses and microorganisms in sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Racon | Consensus module for raw de novo DNA assembly of long uncorrected reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RADIS | Analysis of RAD-seq data for InterSpecific phylogeny |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RaGOO | A tool to order and orient genome assembly contigs via Minimap2 alignments to a reference genome. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ragout | Ragout (Reference-Assisted Genome Ordering UTility) is a tool for chromosome assembly using multiple references. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RagTag | RagTag, the successor to RaGOO, is a command line tool for reference-guided genome assembly improvement. | How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RAiSD | RAiSD (Raised Accuracy in Sweep Detection) is a stand-alone software implementation of the μ statistic for selective sweep detection. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RAMPART | RAMPART is a configurable pipeline for de novo assembly of DNA sequence data. RAMPART is not a de novo assembler. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ranbow | Ranbow is a haplotype assembler for polyploid genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
randfold | The software compute the probability that, for a given RNA sequence, the Minimum Free Energy (MFE) of the secondary structure is different from a distribution of MFE computed with random sequences.. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ratatosk | Ratatosk is a phased error correction tool for erroneous long reads based on compacted and colored de Bruijn graphs built from accurate short reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RATT | RATT is software to transfer annotation from a reference (annotated) genome to an unannotated query genome. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RAxML | RAxML (Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood) is a program for sequential and parallel Maximum Likelihood based inference of large phylogenetic trees. It can also be used for postanalyses of sets of phylogenetic trees, analyses of alignments and, evolutionary placement of short reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RAxML-NG | RAxML-NG is a phylogenetic tree inference tool which uses maximum-likelihood (ML) optimality criterion. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ray | Assemble genomes in parallel using the message-passing interface | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RDP Classifier | The RDP Classifier is a naive Bayesian classifier that can rapidly and accurately provides taxonomic assignments from domain to genus, with confidence estimates for each assignment.
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RDPTools | Collection of commonly used RDP Tools for easy building | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
REAPR | REAPR is a tool that evaluates the accuracy of a genome assembly using mapped paired end reads, without the use of a reference genome for comparison. It can be used in any stage of an assembly pipeline to automatically break incorrect scaffolds and flag other errors in an assembly for manual inspection. It reports mis-assemblies and other warnings, and produces a new broken assembly based on the error calls. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RECON | A package for automated de novo identification of repeat families from genomic sequence. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
REDItools | REDItools are python scripts developed with the aim to study RNA editing at genomic scale by next generation sequencing data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Redundans | Redundans is a pipeline that assists an assembly of heterozygous/polymorphic genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RegTools | RegTools is a set of tools that integrate DNA-seq and RNA-seq data to help interpret mutations in a regulatory and splicing context. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ReLERNN | Recombination Landscape Estimation using Recurrent Neural Networks | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RepAHR | RepAHR is used to identify repeats(repetitive sequences) in genome using Next-Generation Sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
REPdenovo | REPdenovo is designed for constructing repeats directly from sequence (paired-end) reads. It based on the idea of frequent k-mer assembly. REPdenovo provides many functionalities, and can generate much longer repeats than existing tools. Internally, REPdenovo uses Jellyfish for k-mer counting, Velvet for assembly, and bwa to map reads on the Transposable Elements. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RepeatMasker | RepeatMasker is a program that screens DNA sequences for interspersed repeats (thanks to RepBase repeats databanks specially formatted) and low complexity DNA sequences. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RepeatModeler | RepeatModeler is a de-novo repeat family identification and modeling package. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RepeatScout | RepeatScout is a tool to discover repetitive substrings in DNA. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RepEnrich2 | RepEnrich2 is an updated method to estimate repetitive element enrichment using high-throughput sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
REPET | The REPET package (t Flutre et al, 2011 ) integrates bioinformatics programs in order to tackle biological issues at the genomic scale. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ResFinder | ResFinder identifies acquired antimicrobial resistance genes in total or partial sequenced isolates of bacteria. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RetroScan | RetroScan is an easy-to-use tool for retrocopy identification that integrates a series of bioinformatics tools (LAST, BEDtools, ClustalW2, KaKs_Calculator, HISAT2, StringTie, SAMtools and Shiny) and scripts. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RetroSeq | RetroSeq is a bioinformatics tool that searches for mobile element insertions from aligned reads in a BAM file and a library of reference transposable elements. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RevBayes | RevBayes provides an interactive environment for statistical computation in phylogenetics. It is primarily intended for modeling, simulation, and Bayesian inference in evolutionary biology, particularly phylogenetics. However, the environment is quite general and can be useful for many complex modeling tasks. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RFMIX | A discriminative method for local ancestry inference |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Rfold | Rfold computes local base pairing probabilities for long DNA sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RGI | Software to predict resistomes from protein or nucleotide data, including metagenomics data, based on homology and SNP models. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RiboTaper | RiboTaper is a new analysis pipeline for Ribosome Profiling (Ribo-seq) experiments, which exploits the triplet periodicity of ribosomal footprints to call translated regions. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
rMATS | MATS is a computational tool to detect differential alternative splicing events from RNA-Seq data. From the RNA-Seq data, MATS can automatically detect and analyze alternative splicing events corresponding to all major types of alternative splicing patterns. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
rMATS turbo | rMATS turbo is the C/Cython version of rMATS (refer to : Multivariate Analysis of Transcript Splicing (MATS). The major difference between rMATS turbo and rMATS is speed and space usage. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RMBlast | RMBlast is a RepeatMasker compatible version of the standard NCBI BLAST suite. The primary difference between this distribution and the NCBI distribution is the addition of a new program "rmblastn" for use with RepeatMasker and RepeatModeler. RMBlast supports RepeatMasker searches by adding a few necessary features to the stock NCBI blastn program. These include: - Support for custom matrices ( without KA-Statistics ). - Support for cross_match-like complexity adjusted scoring. Cross_match is Phil Green's seeded smith-waterman search algorithm. - Support for cross_match-like masklevel filtering. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RNAmmer | Rnammer predicts 5s/8s, 16s/18s, and 23s/28s ribosomal RNA in tttfull genome sequences. The program uses hidden Markov models trained on data from the 5S ribosomal RNA database and the European ribosomal RNA database project. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RNAscClust | RNAscClust is a pipeline to cluster a set of structured RNAs taking their respective structural conservation into account. The aim of RNAscClust is to aid the discovery of families and classes of ncRNAs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RNAz | RNAz detects stable and conserved RNA secondary structures in multiple sequence alignments. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Roary | Roary is a high speed stand alone pan genome pipeline, which takes annotated assemblies in GFF3 format (produced by Prokka (Seemann, 2014)) and calculates the pan genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RogueNaRok | A versatile and scalable algorithm for rogue taxon identification. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ROHan | ROHan is a Bayesian framework to estimate local rates of heterozygosity, infer runs of homozygosity (ROH) and compute global rates of heterozygosity. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ROSE | To create stitched enhancers, and to separate super-enhancers from typical enhancers using sequencing data (.bam) given a file of previously identified constituent enhancers (.gff) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RSEG | The RSEG software package is aimed to analyze ChIP-Seq data, especially for identifying genomic regions and their boundaries marked by diffusive histone modification markers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RSEM | RSEM (RNA-Seq by Expectation-Maximization) is a software package for estimating gene and isoform expression levels from RNA-Seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RSeQC | RSeQC package provides a number of useful modules that can comprehensively evaluate high throughput sequence data especially RNA-seq data |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ruby | A dynamic, open source programming language. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
rust-mdbg | rust-mdbg is an ultra-fast minimizer-space de Bruijn graph (mdBG) implementation, geared towards the assembly of long and accurate reads such as PacBio HiFi. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
S3V2_IDEAS_ESMP | A package for normalizing, denoising and integrating epigenomic datasets across different cell types. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Sabre | A barcode demultiplexing and trimming tool for FastQ files. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Salmon | Highly-accurate & wicked fast transcript-level quantification from RNA-seq reads using lightweight alignments | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SALSA | A tool to scaffold long read assemblies with Hi-C data |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
sambamba | Sambamba is a high performance modern robust and fast tool (and library), written in the D programming language, for working with SAM and BAM files. Current functionality is an important subset of samtools functionality, including view, index, sort, markdup, and depth. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
samblaster | samblaster is a fast and flexible program for marking duplicates in read-id grouped1 paired-end SAM files. It can also optionally output discordant read pairs and/or split read mappings to separate SAM files, and/or unmapped/clipped reads to a separate FASTQ file. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
samclip | Filter SAM file for soft and hard clipped alignments | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
samtools | Genologin Cluster: How to use | |
SARTools | SARTools is a R package dedicated to the differential analysis of RNA-seq data. It provides tools to generate descriptive and diagnostic graphs, to run the differential analysis with one of the well known DESeq2 or edgeR packages and to export the results into easily readable tab-delimited files. |
Genologin Cluster: In R-3.4.3 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Satsuma | Highly sensitive whole-genome synteny alignments. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Saturn | A tool for assessing the library saturation without any reference genome. . |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
sbt | sbt is a build tool for Scala, Java, and more. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Scaff10X | Pipeline for scaffolding and breaking a genome assembly using 10x genomics linked-reads | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Scan For Matches | scan_for_matches is a utility written in C for locating patterns in DNA or protein FASTA files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SCCmecFinder | SCCmecFinder identifies SCCmec elements in sequenced S. aureus isolates. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
schmutzi | Bayesian maximum a posteriori contamination estimate for ancient samples. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
scipy | SciPy (pronounced "Sigh Pie") is open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering. The SciPy library depends on Numpy, which provides convenient and fast N-dimensional array manipulation. | Genologin Cluster: In Python modules New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Scoary | Scoary is designed to take the gene_presence_absence.csv file from Roary as well as a traits file created by the user and calculate the assocations between all genes in the accessory genome and the traits. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
scrm | A coalescent simulator for genome-scale sequences. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SDA | Segmental Duplication Assembler |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SEDEF | SEDEF is a quick tool to find all segmental duplications in the genome. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
selscan | A program to calculate EHH-based scans for positive selection in genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Seq | Seq is a programming language for computational genomics and bioinformatics. With a Python-compatible syntax and a host of domain-specific features and optimizations, Seq makes writing high-performance genomics software as easy as writing Python code, and achieves performance comparable to (and in many cases better than) C/C++. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Seq-Gen | Seq-Gen is a program that will simulate the evolution of nucleotide or amino acid sequences along a phylogeny, using common models of the substitution process. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SeqAn | SeqAn is an open source C++ library of efficient algorithms and data structures for the analysis of sequences with the focus on biological data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
seqclean | SeqClean is a tool for validation and trimming of DNA sequences from a flat file database (FASTA format). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
seqfilter | Filter fasta/fastq(.gz) files by ID and/or sequence length |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SeqKit | A cross-platform and ultrafast toolkit for FASTA/Q file manipulation. Common manipulations of FASTA/Q file include converting, searching, filtering, deduplication, splitting, shuffling, and sampling. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Seqtk | Toolkit for processing sequences in FASTA/Q formats |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SequenceTools | Tools for population genetics on sequencing datas |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SGA | SGA is a de novo genome assembler based on the concept of string graphs. The major goal of SGA is to be very memory efficient, which is achieved by using a compressed representation of DNA sequence reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SGSGeneLoss | Gene presence/absence variation discovery. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SHAPEIT | SHAPEIT is a fast and accurate method for estimation of haplotypes (aka phasing) from genotype or sequencing data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Shasta | The goal of the Shasta long read assembler is to rapidly produce accurate assembled sequence using as input DNA reads generated by Oxford Nanopore flow cells. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ShortStack | ShortStack is a tool developed to process and analyze smallRNA-seq data with respect to a reference genome, and output a comprehensive and informative annotation of all discovered small RNA genes. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SHRiMP | SHRiMP is a software package for aligning genomic reads against a target genome. It was primarily developed with the multitudinous short reads of next generation sequencing machines in mind, as well as Applied Biosystem's colourspace genomic representation. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SibeliaZ | SibeliaZ is a whole-genome alignment and locally-coliinear blocks construction pipeline. The blocks coordinates are output in GFF format and the alignment is in MAF. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SICER2 | Redesigned and improved version of the original ChIP-seq broad peak calling tool SICER. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
sickle | Sickle is a tool that uses sliding windows along with quality and length thresholds to determine when quality is sufficiently low to trim the 3'-end of reads and also determines when the quality is sufficiently high enough to trim the 5'-end of reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SignalP | SignalP 4.0 server predicts the presence and location of signal peptide cleavage sites in amino acid sequences from different organisms: Gram-positive prokaryotes, Gram-negative prokaryotes, and eukaryotes.
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Silix | The software package SiLiX implements an ultra-efficient algorithm for the clustering of homologous sequences, based on single transitive links (single linkage) with alignment coverage constraints. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Simka | Simka is a de novo comparative metagenomics tool. Simka represents each dataset as a k-mer spectrum and compute several classical ecological distances between them. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
simuPOP | simuPOP is a general-purpose individual-based forward-time population genetics simulation environment. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
singlem | SingleM is a tool to find the abundances of discrete operational taxonomic units (OTUs) directly from shotgun metagenome data, without heavy reliance on reference sequence databases. It is able to differentiate closely related species even if those species are from lineages new to science. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Singularity | Singularity enables users to have full control of their environment. Singularity containers can be used to package entire scientific workflows, software and libraries, and even data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
sleuth | sleuth is a program for analysis of RNA-Seq experiments for which transcript abundances have been quantified with kallisto. |
Genologin Cluster: in R-3.5.3 (with module load compiler/gcc-7.2.0) New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SLICEMBLER | SLICEMBLER is a meta-assembler designed for ultra-deep sequencing data/ | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SLiM | SLiM is an evolutionary simulation framework that combines a powerful engine for population genetic simulations with the capability of modeling arbitrarily complex evolutionary scenarios. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SLR | SLR is a program to detect sites in coding DNA that are unusually conserved and/or unusually variable (that is, evolving under purify or positive selection) by analysing the pattern of changes for an alignment of sequences on an evolutionary tree. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SLR-superscaffolder | This is a scaffold assembler designed for stLFR reads. It uses the link-reads information from stLFR reads to assemble contigs to scaffolds. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SMALT | SMALT aligns DNA sequencing reads with a reference genome. Reads from a wide range of sequencing platforms can be processed, for example Illumina, Roche-454, Ion Torrent, PacBio or ABI-Sanger. Paired reads are supported. There is no support for SOLiD reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
smartdenovo | SMARTdenovo is a de novo assembler for PacBio and Oxford Nanopore (ONT) data. It produces an assembly from all-vs-all raw read alignments without an error correction stage. It also provides tools to generate accurate consensus sequences, though a platform dependent consensus polish tools (e.g. Quiver for PacBio or Nanopolish for ONT) are still required for higher accuracy. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SMC++ | SMC++ is a program for estimating the size history of populations from whole genome sequence data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SMRTLink | SMRT Link is the web-based end-to-end workflow manager for the Sequel™ System. (installed in mode command line on our cluster) |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Smudgeplots | Inference of ploidy and heterozygosity structure using whole genome sequencing data. This tool extracts heterozygous kmer pairs from kmer dump files (from jellyfish or KMC) and performs gymnastics with them. We are able to disentangle genome structure by comparing the sum of kmer pair coverages (CovA + CovB) to their relative coverage (CovA / (CovA + CovB)). Smudgeplots are computed from raw/trimmed reads and show the haplotype structure using heterozygous kmer pairs. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Snakemake | Snakemake is a workflow management system that aims to reduce the complexity of creating workflows by providing a fast and comfortable execution environment, together with a clean and modern specification language in python style. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
snakePipes | Customizable workflows based on snakemake and python for the analysis of NGS data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SNAP | Gene prediction tool |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
snape-pooled | SNAPE-pooled computes the probability distribution for the frequency of the minor allele in a certain population, at a certain position in the genome. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Snippy | Rapid haploid variant calling and core genome alignment. Snippy finds SNPs between a haploid reference genome and your NGS sequence reads. It will find both substitutions (snps) and insertions/deletions (indels). It will use as many CPUs as you can give it on a single computer (tested to 64 cores). It is designed with speed in mind, and produces a consistent set of output files in a single folder. It can then take a set of Snippy results using the same reference and generate a core SNP alignment (and ultimately a phylogenomic tree). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
sNMF | A fast and efficient program for estimating individual admixture coefficients based on sparse non-negative matrix factorization and population genetics. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SnoReport | Computational identification of snoRNAs with unknown targets. Detecting novel or orphan snoRNAs in RNA sequence data using sequence and structure information only without relying on target information |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SnpEff | SnpEff is a variant annotation and effect prediction tool. ttttIt annotates and predicts the effects of variants on genes (such as amino acid changes) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SNPGenie | SNPGenie is a collection of Perl scripts for estimating πN/πS, dN/dS, and gene diversity from next-generation sequencing (NGS) single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) variant data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SNPhylo | a pipeline to generate a phylogenetic tree from huge SNP data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
soap.coverage | Can calculate sequencing coverage or physical coverage as well as duplication rate and details of specific block for each segments and whole genome by using SOAP, Blat, Blast, BlastZ, mummer and MAQ aligement results with multi-thread. Gzip file supported. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SOAPdenovo | ttSOAPdenovo is a novel short-read assembly method that can build a de novo draft assembly for the human-sized genomes. The program is specially designed to assemble Illumina GA short reads. It creates new opportunities for building reference sequences and carrying out accurate analyses of unexplored genomes in a cost effective way.
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SOAPdenovo-Trans | SOAPdenovo-Trans is a de novo transcriptome assembler basing on the SOAPdenovo framework, adapt to alternative splicing and different expression level among transcripts. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SortaDate | Scripts that you can use at different stages to attempt to find more clock-like genes. Generally, you would use these for dating analyses with another package | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SortMeRNA | SortMeRNA is a software designed to rapidly filter ribosomal RNA fragments from metatransriptomic data produced by next-generation sequencers. It is capable of handling large RNA databases and sorting out all fragments matching to the database with high accuracy and specificity | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
sourmash | sourmash is a command-line tool and Python library for computing hash sketches from DNA sequences, comparing them to each other, and plotting the results. | Genologin Cluster: In Python-3.7.4 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SpaceRanger | Space Ranger is a set of analysis pipelines that process Visium spatial RNA-seq output and brightfield and fluorescence microscope images in order to detect tissue, align reads, generate feature-spot matrices, perform clustering and gene expression analysis, and place spots in spatial context on the slide image. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SPAdes | SPAdes ヨ St. Petersburg genome assembler ヨ is intended for both standard isolates and single-cell MDA bacteria assemblies. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Spaln | Spaln (space-efficient spliced alignment) is a stand-alone program that maps and aligns a set of cDNA or protein sequences onto a whole genomic sequence in a single job. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
spaTyper | Computational method for finding spa types. Staphylococcus aureus is a major human pathogen causing skin and tissue infections, pneumonia, septicemia, and device-associated infections. The emergence of strains resistant to methicillin (MRSA) and other antibacterial agents has become a major concern, especially in the hospital environment, because of the high mortality of the infections caused by these strains. Single locus DNA-sequencing of the repeat region of the Staphylococcus protein A gene (spa) can be used for reliable, accurate and discriminatory typing of MRSA. Repeats are assigned a numerical code and the spa-type is deduced from the order of specific repeats. However, spa-typing was hampered in the past by the lack of a consensus on assignments of new spa-repeats and -types. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SPECTRE | A collection of Phylogenetics tools for creating and manipulating networks and trees. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SpeedSeq | A flexible framework for rapid genome analysis and interpretation. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SpliceGrapher | SpliceGrapher predicts alternative splicing patterns and produces splice graphs that capture in a single structure the ways a gene's exons may be assembled. It enhances gene models using evidence from next-generation sequencing and EST alignments. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Spoa | A multiple sequence alignment tool/library that implements the POA (partial order alignement) algorithm using SIMD. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Sprai | Sprai (single-pass read accuracy improver) is a tool to correct sequencing errors in single-pass reads for de novo assembly. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
squeakr | Squeakr is a k-mer-counting and multiset-representation system using the recently-introduced counting quotient filter (CQF) Pandey et al. (2017), a feature-rich approximate membership query (AMQ) data structure. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
squid | A C library that is bundled with much of the above software. C function library for sequence analysis. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SquiggleKit | A toolkit for manipulating nanopore signal data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SQuIRE | SQuIRE reveals locus-specific regulation of interspersed repeat expression, Nucleic Acids Research | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SRAsembler | SRAssembler (Selective Recursive local Assembler) is a modular pipeline program that can assemble genomic DNA reads into contigs that are homologous to a query DNA or protein sequence. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SRAToolkit | Toolkit to query Short Reads Archive at NCBI |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
srnaMapper | This tool maps reads produced by sRNA-Seq to a genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SSPACE | SSPACE standard is a stand-alone program for scaffolding pre-assembled contigs using NGS paired-read data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SSPACE-LongRead | SSPACE-LongRead is a stand-alone program for scaffolding pre-assembled contigs using long reads (e.g. PacBio RS reads). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Stacks | Stacks is a software suite for analysing RAD Sequencing data by Julian Catchen at the University of Oregon. It will process raw Illumina RAD data or RAD data aligned to a reference genome, and produce genotypes that can be viewed and filtered via a web interface. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
stairway_plot | The stairway plot is a method for inferring detailed population demographic history using the site frequency spectrum (SFS) from DNA sequence data. It does not need a pre-defined population model and can be applied to hundreds of unphased sequences. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
STAR | RNA-seq aligner |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
STAR-Fusion | STAR-Fusion further processes the output generated by the STAR aligner to map junction reads and spanning reads to a reference annotation set (using a GTF file, ideally the same annotation file used during the STAR genome index building process during the intial STAR setup). |
Genologin Cluster: Ask for Install New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
STITCH | STITCH is an R program for reference panel free, read aware, low coverage sequencing genotype imputation. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Strelka | Strelka2 is a fast and accurate small variant caller optimized for analysis of germline variation in small cohorts and somatic variation in tumor/normal sample pairs. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
StringTie | StringTie is a fast and highly efficient assembler of RNA-Seq alignments into potential transcripts. It uses a novel network flow algorithm as well as an optional de novo assembly step to assemble and quantitate full-length transcripts representing multiple splice variants for each gene locus. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
StrobeAlign | Aligns short reads using dynamic seed size with strobemers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Structure | The program structure is a free software package for using multi-locus genotype data to investigate population structure. Its uses include inferring the presence of distinct populations, assigning individuals to populations, studying hybrid zones, identifying migrants and admixed individuals, and estimating population allele frequencies in situations where many individuals are migrants or admixed. It can be applied to most of the commonly-used genetic markers, including SNPS, microsatellites, RFLPs and AFLPs. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Subread | A tool kit for processing next-gen sequencing data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
subsampler | Small tool to subsample fasta and fastq files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Sumaclust | Fast and exact clustering of sequences. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Sumatra | Sumatra was developed by the LECA and aims to compute a great deal of sequence similarities in a fast and exact way, based on the length of the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) between two sequences. Sequence clustering based on similarities is also available through Sumaclust. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SUPER-FOCUS | A tool for agile functional analysis of metagenomic data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Supernova | Supernova is a software package for de novo assembly from Chromium Linked-Reads that are made from a single whole-genome library from an individual DNA source. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
superstring | Greedy approximation of the shortest common superstring | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SuperTAD | SuperTAD is an open-source command-line TAD detection package written in C++. It takes either raw or normalized Hi-C contact maps as inputs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SUPPA | Fast, accurate, and uncertainty-aware differential splicing analysis across multiple conditions. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SURVIVOR | SURVIVOR is a tool set for simulating/evaluating SVs, merging and comparing SVs within and among samples, and includes various methods to reformat or summarize SVs. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SvABA | Structural variation and indel detection by local assembly |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SVanalyzer | Tools for the analysis of structural variation in genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SVDetect | A tool to detect genomic structural variations from paired-end and mate-pair sequencing data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SVIM | SVIM is a structural variant caller for long reads. It is able to detect, classify and genotype five different classes of structural variants. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
svimmer | Merges similar SVs from multiple single sample VCF files. The tool was written for merging SVs discovered using Manta calls, but should support (almost) any SV VCFs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SVJedi | SVJedi is a structural variation (SV) genotyper for long read data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
svtyper | Bayesian genotyper for structural variants. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
swarm | A robust and fast clustering method for amplicon-based studies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SweeD | A parallel and checkpointable tool that implements a composite likelihood ratio test for detecting selective sweeps. SweeD is based on the SweepFinder algorithm (Nielsen et al. 2005). SweeD can calculate the theoretical SFS of a given demographic model (stepwise changes or with an exponential growth phase + stepwise changes) by using the method by Živković and Stephan (2011). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
syri | SyRI is a comprehensive tool for predicting genomic differences between related genomes using whole-genome assemblies (WGA). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
T-Coffee | T-Coffee is a multiple sequence alignment package. You can use T-Coffee to align sequences or to combine the output of your favorite alignment methods (Clustal, Mafft, Probcons, Muscle...) into one unique alignmen. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
T-lex | T-lex is a computational pipeline that detects presence and/or absence of annotated individual transposable elements (TEs) using next-generation sequencing (NGS) data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
tabix | TAB-delimited file IndeXer. Useful for vcfTools. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TACT | Adds tips to a backbone phylogeny using taxonomy simulated with birth-death models | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Tandem Repeats Finder | Tandem Repeats Finder is a program to locate and display tandem repeats in DNA sequences. A tandem repeat in DNA is two or more adjacent, approximate copies of a pattern of nucleotides. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Tapestry | Tapestry is a tool to validate and edit small eukaryotic genome assemblies using long sequence reads. It is designed to help identify complete chromosomes, symbionts, haplotypes, complex features and errors in close-to-complete genome assemblies. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TargetP | TargetP-2.0 server predicts the presence of N-terminal presequences: signal peptide (SP), mitochondrial transit peptide (mTP), chloroplast transit peptide (cTP) or thylakoid luminal transit peptide (lTP). For the sequences predicted to contain an N-terminal presequence a potential cleavage site is also predicted. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TASSEL | Trait Analysis by aSSociation, Evolution and Linkage. TASSEL has multiple functions, including association study, evaluating evolutionary relationships, analysis of linkage disequilibrium, principal component analysis, cluster analysis, missing data imputation and data visualization for large sets of data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TEsorter | It is coded for LTR_retriever to classify long terminal repeat retrotransposons (LTR-RTs) at first. It can also be used to classify any other TE sequences, including Class I and Class II elements which are covered by the REXdb database. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TexLive | TeX Live is intended to be a straightforward way to get up and running with the TeX document production system. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TGICL | This package automates clustering and assembly of a large EST/mRNA dataset. The clustering is performed by a slightly modified version of NCBI's megablast , and the resulting clusters are then assembled using CAP3 assembly program. TGICL starts with a large multi-FASTA file (and an optional peer quality values file) and outputs the assembly files as produced by CAP3. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TGSGapFiller | A gap filling tool that uses error-prone long reads generated by third-generation-sequence techniques (Pacbio, Oxford Nanopore, etc.) or preassembled contigs to fill N-gap in the genome assembly. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Tigmint | Tigmint identifies and corrects misassemblies using linked reads from 10x Genomics Chromium. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TKGWV2 | TKGWV2 is a pipeline to estimate biological relatedness (1st, 2nd, and unrelated degrees) between individuals specifically aimed at ultra-low coverage ancient DNA data obtained from whole genome sequencing. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TMHMM | Prediction of transmembrane helices in proteins. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TOBIAS | TOBIAS is a collection of command-line bioinformatics tools for performing footprinting analysis on ATAC-seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Tombo | Tombo is a suite of tools primarily for the identification of modified nucleotides from raw nanopore sequencing data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TOPALI-v2 | A rich graphical interface for evolutionary analyses of multiple alignments on HPC clusters and multi-core desktops. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Tophat | TopHat is a fast splice junction mapper for RNA-Seq reads. It aligns RNA-Seq reads to mammalian-sized genomes using the ultra high-throughput short read aligner Bowtie, and then analyzes the mapping results to identify splice junctions between exons. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
toulbar2 | toulbar2 is an open-source black-box C++ optimizer for cost function networks and discrete additive graphical models. It can read a variety of formats. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TPMCalculator | TPMCalculator quantifies mRNA abundance directly from the alignments by parsing BAM files. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Tracy | Tracy is an efficient and versatile command-line application to basecall, align, assemble and deconvolute Sanger Chromatogram trace files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TransDecoder | TransDecoder identifies candidate coding regions within transcript sequences, such as those generated by de novo RNA-Seq transcript assembly using Trinity, or constructed based on RNA-Seq alignments to the genome using Tophat and Cufflinks. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Transposome | Transposome is a command line application to annotate transposable elements from paired-end whole genome shotgun data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
transposon_annotation_tools | A set of bioconda packages for transposon annotation and transposon feature annotation in nucleotide sequences. transposon_annotation_tools is part of TransposonUltimate. The package includes a series of transposable element discovery tools, such as: MUSTv2, HelitronScanner, SineFinder, MiteTracker, MiteFinderII, SineScan, TirVish, LtrHarvest, RepeatModeler, TransposonPSI, and TransposonProteinNCBICDD1000. You can then use these tools independently. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Transrate | Transrate is software for de-novo transcriptome assembly quality analysis. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TreeBeST | TreeBeST, which stands for (gene) Tree Building guided by Species Tree, is a versatile program that builds, manipulates and displays phylogenetic trees. It is particularly designed for building gene trees with a known species tree and is highly efficient and accurate. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TreeMix | TreeMix is a method for inferring the patterns of population splits and mixtures in the history of a set of populations. In the underlying model, the modern-day populations in a species are related to a common ancestor via a graph of ancestral populations. We use the allele frequencies in the modern populations to infer the structure of this graph. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
treePL | treePL is a phylogenetic penalized likelihood program. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TreeShrink | TreeShrink is an algorithm for detecting abnormally long branches in one or more phylogenetic trees. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Trim Galore | A wrapper tool around Cutadapt and FastQC to consistently apply quality and adapter trimming to FastQ files, with some extra functionality for MspI-digested RRBS-type (Reduced Representation Bisufite-Seq) libraries. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
trimAl | trimAl: a tool for automated alignment trimmin | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Trimmomatic | Trimmomatic performs a variety of useful trimming tasks for illumina paired-end and single ended data.The selection of trimming steps and their associated parameters are supplied on the command line. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
trinityrnaseq | Trinity, developed at the Broad Institute and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, represents a novel method for the efficient and robust de novo reconstruction of transcriptomes from RNA-seq data. Trinity combines three independent software modules: Inchworm, Chrysalis, and Butterfly, applied sequentially to process large volumes of RNA-seq reads. Trinity partitions the sequence data into many individual de Bruijn graphs, each representing the transcriptional complexity at at a given gene or locus, and then processes each graph independently to extract full-length splicing isoforms and to tease apart transcripts derived from paralogous genes.
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Trinotate | Trinotate is a comprehensive annotation suite designed for automatic functional annotation of transcriptomes, particularly de novo assembled transcriptomes, from model or non-model organisms. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
tRNAscan-SE | Search for tRNA genes in genomic sequence. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Truvari | Structural variant comparison tool for VCFs |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Trycycler | Trycycler is a tool for generating consensus long-read assemblies for bacterial genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TSEBRA | TSEBRA is a combiner tool that selects transcripts from gene predictions based on the support by extrisic evidence in form of introns and start/stop codons. It was developed to combine BRAKER11 and BRAKER22 predicitons to increase their accuracies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Umap | The free umap software package efficiently identifies uniquely mappable regions of any genome. Its Bismap extension identifies mappability of the bisulfite converted genome (methylome). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
UMI-tools | Tools for handling Unique Molecular Identifiers in NGS data sets |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Unicycler | Unicycler is an assembly pipeline for bacterial genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
USEARCH | USEARCH is a unique sequence analysis tool with thousands of users world-wide. USEARCH offers search and clustering algorithms that are often orders of magnitude faster than BLAST. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
VarScan | VarScan is a platform-independent software tool developed at the Genome Institute at Washington University to detect variants in NGS data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
vawk | An awk-like VCF parser |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
vcf2maf | Convert a VCF into a MAF, where each variant is annotated to only one of all possible gene isoforms. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
vcflib | C++ library and cmdline tools for parsing and manipulating VCF files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
VCFtools | VCFtools is a program package designed for working with VCF files, such as those generated by the 1000 Genomes Project. The aim of VCFtools is to provide methods for working with VCF files: validating, merging, comparing and calculate some basic population genetic statistics. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Velocyto | Package for the analysis of expression dynamics in single cell RNA seq data. | Genologin Cluster: In Python3.6.3 and R-3.6.2_gcc-7.2.0 (with module load compiler/gcc-7.2.0 libraries/hdf5-1.10.5) New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Velvet | Velvet is a de novo genomic assembler specially designed for short read sequencing technologies, such as Solexa or 454, developed by Daniel Zerbino and Ewan Birney at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), near Cambridge, in the United Kingdom. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
vg | Variation graph data structures, interchange formats, alignment, genotyping, and variant calling methods. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ViennaRNA | Vienna RNA package allows RNA Secondary Structure Prediction and Comparison | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ViewBS | A powerful toolkit for visualization of high-throughput bisulfite sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ViQuaS | An improved reconstruction pipeline for viral quasispecies spectra generated by next-generation sequencing. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
VirSorter2 | Customizable pipeline to identify viral sequences from (meta)genomic data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
VirulenceFinder | VirulenceFinder identifies viruelnce genes in total or partial sequenced isolates of bacteria - at the moment only E. coli, Enterococcus, S. aureus and Listeria are available. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Vmatch | A versatile software tool for efficiently solving large scale sequence matching tasks. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
VSEARCH | Versatile open-source tool for metagenomics | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Wengan | An accurate and ultra-fast genome assembler | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
WFA | The wavefront alignment (WFA) algorithm is an exact gap-affine algorithm that takes advantage of homologous regions between the sequences to accelerate the alignment process. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
wgd | Python package and CLI for whole genome duplication analyse |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
WGS-Assembler | Celera Assembler is a de novo whole-genome shotgun (WGS) DNA sequence assembler. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Wgsim | Wgsim is a small tool for simulating sequence reads from a reference genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
WhatsHap | WhatsHap is a software for phasing genomic variants using DNA sequencing reads, also called read-based phasing or haplotype assembly. It is especially suitable for long reads, but works also well with short reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Whippet | Lightweight and Fast RNA-seq quantification at the event-level | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Whokaryote | Classification of metagenomic contigs as eukaryotic/prokaryotic using biology-based features. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
WiggleTools | The WiggleTools package allows genomewide data files to be manipulated as numerical functions, equipped with all the standard functional analysis operators (sum, product, product by a scalar, comparators), and derived statistics (mean, median, variance, stddev, t-test, Wilcoxon's rank sum test, etc). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Winnowmap | Winnowmap is a long-read mapping algorithm, and a result of our exploration into superior minimizer sampling techniques. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
wLogDate | Molecular Dating using logarithmic penalty function. wLogDate is a method for dating phylogenetic trees. Given a phylogeny and either sampling times for leaves or calibration points for internal nodes, wLogDate outputs a "dated" tree that conforms to the sampling times or calibration points. It can also work with no sampling time or calibration points where it would simply turn the tree into ultrametric, fixing its height to a given value. Its optimization criterion is to minimize the variance of the mutation rates in log scale (hence the term logDate). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
wtdbg | Wtdbg2 is a de novo sequence assembler for long noisy reads produced by PacBio or Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
wu-blast | Similarity search against databanks, Washington University Blast.(OBSOLETE) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
yacrd | Yet Another Chimeric Read Detector for long reads |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Yak | Yak is initially developed for two specific use cases: 1) to robustly estimate the base accuracy of CCS reads and assembly contigs, and 2) to investigate the systematic error rate of CCS reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Yleaf | Software for human Y-chromosomal haplogroup inference from next generation sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
AGAT | Another Gff Analysis Toolkit: suite of tools to handle gene annotations in any GTF/GFF format. Some examples what AGAT can do: standardise any GTF/GFF file into a comprehensive GFF3 format (script with agat_sp prefix): add missing parent features (e.g. gene and mRNA if only CDS/exon exist). add missing features (e.g. exon and UTR). add missing mandatory attributes (i.e. ID, Parent). fix identifier to be uniq. fix feature location. remove duplicated features. group related features (if spread in different places in the file). sort features. merge overlapping loci into one single locus (only if option activated). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ApoplastP | ApoplastP is a machine learning method for predicting localization of proteins to the plant apoplast. ApoplastP can distinguish non-apoplastic proteins from apoplastic proteins for both plant proteins and pathogen proteins. In particular, ApoplastP can predict if an effector localizes to the plant apoplast. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ARAGORN | ARAGORN is a program to detect tRNA genes and tmRNA genes in nucleotide sequence | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Augustus | Augustus is a program that predicts genes in eukaryotic genomic sequences | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Bakta | Rapid & standardized annotation of bacterial genomes, MAGs & plasmids. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Barrnap | Barrnap predicts the location of ribosomal RNA genes in genomes. It supports bacteria (5S,23S,16S), archaea (5S,5.8S,23S,16S), mitochondria (12S,16S) and eukaryotes (5S,5.8S,28S,18S). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Braker | BRAKER(1,2,3) is a tool for fully automated genome annotation with GeneMark-ET and AUGUSTUS |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CAT | This project aims to provide a straightforward end-to-end pipeline that takes as input a HAL-format multiple whole genome alignment as well as a GFF3 file representing annotations on one high quality assembly in the HAL alignment, and produces a output GFF3 annotation on all target genomes chosen. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CEGMA | CEGMA (Core Eukaryotic Genes Mapping Approach) is a pipeline for building a set of high reliable set of gene annotations in virtually any eukaryotic genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CENSOR | CENSOR compares and masks protein or nucleotide sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CONTRAST | CONTRAST predicts protein-coding genes from a multiple genomic alignment using a combination of discriminative machine learning techniques. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DIAMOND | Accelerated BLAST compatible local sequence aligner. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DRAM | DRAM (Distilled and Refined Annotation of Metabolism) is a tool for annotating metagenomic assembled genomes and VirSorter identified viral contigs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EDTA | This package is developed for automated whole-genome de-novo TE annotation and benchmarking the annotation performance of TE libraries. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
eggNog-mapper | eggnog-mapper is a tool for fast functional annotation of novel sequences. It uses precomputed orthologous groups and phylogenies from the eggNOG database to transfer functional information from fine-grained orthologs only. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EnTAP | EnTAP is an eukaryotic non-model annotation pipeline developed by Alexander Hart and Dr. Jill Wegrzyn of the Plant Computational Genomics Lab at the University of Connecticut. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EuGeneEP | EuGene is an open integrative gene finder for eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes. EuGene-EP (Eukaryote Pipeline) facilitates the application of EuGene on eukaryote genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EVidenceModeler (EVM) | The EVidenceModeler (aka EVM) software combines ab intio gene predictions and protein and transcript alignments into weighted consensus gene structures. EVM provides a flexible and intuitive framework for combining diverse evidence types into a single automated gene structure annotation system. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Finder | Finder is a gene annotator pipeline which automates the process of downloading short reads, aligning them and using the assembled transcripts to generate gene annotations. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fpma | Fast Plant Mito Annotation. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FragGeneScan | FragGeneScan is an application for finding (fragmented) genes in short reads. It can also be applied to predict prokaryotic genes in incomplete assemblies or complete genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FrameDP | Sensitive peptide detection on noisy matured sequences. Available with command line interface on the cluster. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Funannotate | Funannotate is a genome prediction, annotation, and comparison software package. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GAAS | Genome Assembly Annotation Service: Suite of tools related to Genome Assembly Annotation Service tasks. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GALBA | GALBA is a pipeline for fully automated prediction of protein coding gene structures with AUGUSTUS in novel eukaryotic genomes for the scenario where high quality proteins from a closely related species are available. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GeMoMa | Gene Model Mapper (GeMoMa) is a homology-based gene prediction program. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
geneid | geneid is a program to predict genes in anonymous genomic sequences designed with a hierarchical structure. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GeneMark-ES | Unsupervised training is an important feature of the GeneMark-ES algorithm that identifies protein coding genes in eukaryotic genomes. This is the only eukaryotic gene finder that can perform gene prediction without curated training sets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GeneMark-ET | a semi-supervised version of GeneMark-ES, called GeneMark-ET that uses RNA-Seq reads to improve training. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GeneMarkS | A self-training method for prediction of gene starts in microbial genomes. Implications for finding sequence motifs in regulatory regions. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GenomeThreader | GenomeThreader is a software tool to compute gene structure predictions. The gene structure predictions are calculated using a similarity-based approach where additional cDNA/EST and/or protein sequences are used to predict gene structures via spliced alignments. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gff3toembl | Converts Prokka GFF3 files to EMBL files for uploading annotated assemblies to EBI | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Gmove | Gmove is a genome annotation tool. This combiner takes as input mapping of RNA-seq or protein or ab initio data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GUSHR | Assembly-free construction of UTRs from short read RNA-Seq data on the basis of coding sequence annotation. This tool has been adapted to the format needs of AUGUSTUS/BRAKER and employs GeMoMa for generating UTRs from RNA-Seq coverage data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Integron Finder | Bioinformatics tool to find integrons in bacterial genomes. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
iREAD | iREAD (intron REtention Analysis and Detector)is a tool to detect intron retention(IR) events from RNA-seq datasets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Liftoff | Liftoff is a tool that accurately maps annotations in GFF or GTF between assemblies of the same, or closely-related species. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Loctree3 | Protein Subcelullar Localization Sequenced-Based Predictor |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LTR_FINDER_parallel | A parallel wrapper for LTR_FINDER (LTR_Finder is an efficient program for finding full-length LTR retrotranspsons in genome sequences.) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MAKER | MAKER is a portable and easily configurable genome annotation pipeline. Its purpose is to allow smaller eukaryotic and prokaryotic genome projects to independently annotate their genomes and to create genome databases. MAKER identifies repeats, aligns ESTs and proteins to a genome, produces ab-initio gene predictions and automatically synthesizes these data into gene annotations having evidence-based quality values. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MetaEuk | MetaEuk is a modular toolkit designed for large-scale gene discovery and annotation in eukaryotic metagenomic contigs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Mfannot | MFannot is a program for the annotation of mitochondrial and plastid genomes. It is a PERL wrapper around a set of diverse, external independent tools. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MinCED | MinCED is a program to find Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPRs) in full genomes or environmental datasets such as metagenomes, in which sequence size can be anywhere from 100 to 800 bp. MinCED runs from the command-line and was derived from CRT |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MitoFinder | Mitofinder is a pipeline to assemble mitochondrial genomes and annotate mitochondrial genes from trimmed read sequencing data. MitoFinder is also designed to find and annotate mitochondrial sequences in existing genomic assemblies (generated from Hifi/PacBio/Nanopore/Illumina sequencing data...) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MitoSeek | MitoSeek is an open-source software tool to reliably and easily extract mitochondrial genome information from exome sequencing data. MitoSeek evaluates mitochondrial genome alignment quality, estimates relative mitochondrial copy numbers, and detects heteroplasmy, somatic mutation, and structural variance of the mitochondrial genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MitoZ | MitoZ is a Python3-based toolkit which aims to automatically filter pair-end raw data (fastq files), assemble genome, search for mitogenome sequences from the genome assembly result, annotate mitogenome (genbank file as result), and mitogenome visualization. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MiXCR | MiXCR is a universal software for fast and accurate analysis of raw T- or B- cell receptor repertoire sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MobileElementFinder | MobileElementFinder is a tool for identifying Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) in Whole Genome Shotgun sequence data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NLR-Annotator | Disease resistance genes encoding nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich repeat (NLR) intracellular immune receptor proteins detect pathogens by the presence of pathogen effectors. Although developed for wheat, we demonstrate the universal applicability of NLR-Annotator across diverse plant taxa. NLR-Annotator is a tool to annotate loci associated with NLRs in large sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ORA | Bio::ORA is a featherweight object for identifying mammalian olfactory receptor genes. The sequences should not be longer than 40kb. The returned array include location, sequence and statistic for the putative olfactory receptor gene. Fully functional with DNA and EST sequence, no intron supported. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ORFfinder | ORFfinder searches for open reading frames (ORFs) in the DNA sequence you enter. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
orfipy | Fast and flexible ORF finder. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
OrthoFinder | OrthoFinder is a fast, accurate and comprehensive analysis tool for comparative genomics. It finds orthologues and orthogroups infers rooted gene trees for all orthogroups and infers a rooted species tree for the species being analysed. OrthoFinder also provides comprehensive statistics for comparative genomic analyses. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PASApipeline | PASA, acronym for Program to Assemble Spliced Alignments, is a eukaryotic genome annotation tool that exploits spliced alignments of expressed transcript sequences to automatically model gene structures, and to maintain gene structure annotation consistent with the most recently available experimental sequence data. PASA also identifies and classifies all splicing variations supported by the transcript alignments. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PathoFact | PathoFact is an easy-to-use modular pipeline for the metagenomic analyses of toxins, virulence factors and antimicrobial resistance. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PGAP | The NCBI Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline is designed to annotate bacterial and archaeal genomes (chromosomes and plasmids). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PhiSpy | PhiSpy identifies prophages in Bacterial (and probably Archaeal) genomes. Given an annotated genome it will use several approaches to identify the most likely prophage regions. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Phobius | A combined transmembrane topology and signal peptide predictor. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PlasmidFinder | The service identifies plasmids in total or partial sequenced isolates of bacteria. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Portcullis | Splice junction analysis and filtering from BAM files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Prodigal | Prodigal (Prokaryotic Dynamic Programming Genefinding Algorithm) is a microbial (bacterial and archaeal) gene finding program developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PROKKA | Prokka is a software tool for the rapid annotation of prokaryotic genomes. A typical 4 Mbp genome can be fully annotated in less than 10 minutes on a quad-core computer, and scales well to 32 core SMP systems. It produces GFF3, GBK and SQN files that are ready for editing in Sequin and ultimately submitted to Genbank/DDJB/ENA. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RabbitV | RabbitV is a highly optimized and practical toolkit for the detection of viruses and microorganisms in sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RATT | RATT is software to transfer annotation from a reference (annotated) genome to an unannotated query genome. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
REPET | The REPET package (t Flutre et al, 2011 ) integrates bioinformatics programs in order to tackle biological issues at the genomic scale. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ResFinder | ResFinder identifies acquired antimicrobial resistance genes in total or partial sequenced isolates of bacteria. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RGAugury | A pipeline consisted of a couple of scripts for genome-wide RGAs prediction, most of single script in this package can work independently or together. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RGI | Software to predict resistomes from protein or nucleotide data, including metagenomics data, based on homology and SNP models. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SNAP | Gene prediction tool |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SOBAcl | The Sequence Ontology Bioinformatics Analysis command line tool (SOBAcl) will generate a variety of tables, graphs and reports from the data in GFF3 files and format the output in a variety of ways. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
T-lex | T-lex is a computational pipeline that detects presence and/or absence of annotated individual transposable elements (TEs) using next-generation sequencing (NGS) data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TAMA | Transcriptome Annotation by Modular Algorithms: this software was designed for processing Iso-Seq data and other long read transcriptome data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TargetP | TargetP-2.0 server predicts the presence of N-terminal presequences: signal peptide (SP), mitochondrial transit peptide (mTP), chloroplast transit peptide (cTP) or thylakoid luminal transit peptide (lTP). For the sequences predicted to contain an N-terminal presequence a potential cleavage site is also predicted. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TransDecoder | TransDecoder identifies candidate coding regions within transcript sequences, such as those generated by de novo RNA-Seq transcript assembly using Trinity, or constructed based on RNA-Seq alignments to the genome using Tophat and Cufflinks. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Transposome | Transposome is a command line application to annotate transposable elements from paired-end whole genome shotgun data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
transposon_annotation_tools | A set of bioconda packages for transposon annotation and transposon feature annotation in nucleotide sequences. transposon_annotation_tools is part of TransposonUltimate. The package includes a series of transposable element discovery tools, such as: MUSTv2, HelitronScanner, SineFinder, MiteTracker, MiteFinderII, SineScan, TirVish, LtrHarvest, RepeatModeler, TransposonPSI, and TransposonProteinNCBICDD1000. You can then use these tools independently. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Trinotate | Trinotate is a comprehensive annotation suite designed for automatic functional annotation of transcriptomes, particularly de novo assembled transcriptomes, from model or non-model organisms. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
tRNAscan-SE | Search for tRNA genes in genomic sequence. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TSEBRA | TSEBRA is a combiner tool that selects transcripts from gene predictions based on the support by extrisic evidence in form of introns and start/stop codons. It was developed to combine BRAKER11 and BRAKER22 predicitons to increase their accuracies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
VARUS | VARUS automates the selection and download of a limited number of RNA-seq reads from at NCBI's Sequence Read Archive (SRA) targeting a sufficiently high coverage for many genes for the purpose of gene-finder training and genome annotation. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
vcf2maf | Convert a VCF into a MAF, where each variant is annotated to only one of all possible gene isoforms. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
VirulenceFinder | VirulenceFinder identifies viruelnce genes in total or partial sequenced isolates of bacteria - at the moment only E. coli, Enterococcus, S. aureus and Listeria are available. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
3D-DNA | 3D de novo assembly (3D-DNA) pipeline. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use |
ABySS | ABySS (Assembly By Short Sequences) is a de novo, parallel, paired-end sequence assembler that is designed for short reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ALLHiC | Phasing and scaffolding polyploid genomes based on Hi-C data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
AllPaths-LG | ALLPATHS-LG is a whole genome shotgun assembler that can generate high quality genome assemblies using short reads (~100bp) such as those produced by the new generation of sequencers. The significant difference between ALLPATHS and traditional assemblers such as Arachne is that ALLPATHS assemblies are not necessarily linear, but instead are presented in the form of a graph. This graph representation retains ambiguities, such as those arising from polymorphism, uncorrected read errors, and unresolved repeats, thereby providing information that has been absent from previous genome assemblies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
AMOS | A Modular, Open-Source whole genome assembler. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Aquila | Diploid personal genome assembly and comprehensive variant detection based on linked-reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ARBitR | ARBitR is an overlap aware genome assembly scaffolder for linked sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ARC | ARC is a pipeline which facilitates iterative, reference guided de novo assemblies with the intent of: - Reducing time in analysis and increasing accuracy of results by only considering those reads which should assemble together. - Reducing/removing reference bias as compared to mapping based approaches. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ARCS | Scaffolding genome sequence assemblies using 10X Genomics GemCode/Chromium data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ARKS | Scaffolding genome sequence assemblies using 10X Genomics GemCode/Chromium data. This project is a new kmer-based (alignment free) implementation of ARCS. It provides improved runtime performance over the original ARCS implementation by removing the requirement to perform alignments with bwa mem. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ASGART | ASGART (A Segmental duplications Gathering and Refinement Tool) is a multiplatform (GNU/Linux, macOS, Windows) tool designed to search for large duplications amongst one or two DNA strands. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
assembly-stats | Get assembly statistics from FASTA and FASTQ files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Assexon | Assembling Exon Using Gene Capture Data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
aTRAM | aTRAM ("automated target restricted assembly method") is an iterative assembler that performs reference-guided local de novo assemblies using a variety of available methods. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BCALM2 | A bioinformatics tool for constructing the compacted de Bruijn graph from sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BUSCO | BUSCO v2 provides quantitative measures for the assessment of genome assembly, gene set, and transcriptome completeness, based on evolutionarily-informed expectations of gene content from near-universal single-copy orthologs selected from OrthoDB v9. BUSCO assessments are implemented in open-source software, with a large selection of lineage-specific sets of Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs. These conserved orthologs are ideal candidates for large-scale phylogenomics studies, and the annotated BUSCO gene models built during genome assessments provide a comprehensive gene predictor training set for use as part of genome annotation pipelines. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BWISE | Software for genome assembly using short-reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
canu | A single molecule sequence assembler for genomes large and small. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CAP3 | A DNA Sequence Assembly Program | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CARNAC-LR | Clustering coefficient-based Acquisition of RNA Communities in Long Reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
chromeister | A dotplot generator for large chromosomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Chromonomer | Chromonomer is a program designed to integrate a genome assembly with a genetic map. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Circlator | A tool to circularize genome assemblies | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CulebrONT | An open-source, scalable, modular and traceable Snakemake pipeline, able to launch multiple assembly tools in parallel, giving you the possibility of circularise, polish, and correct assemblies, checking quality. CulebrONT can help to choose the best assembly between all possibilities. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DAmar | Long read QC, assembly and scaffolding pipeline for PacBio or Oxford Nanopore long-read sequencing data. T he pipeline produces a number of QC metrics at various stages as well as incorporating further technologies including Bionano, 10x and HiC data to scaffold the created contigs. DAmar, is a hybrid of the earlier Marvel, Dazzler, and Daccord systems of the Eugene Myers lab. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DAZZ_DB | To facilitate the multiple phases of the dazzler assembler, we organize all the read data into what is effectively a "database" of the reads and their meta-information. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DBG2OLC | The genome assembler that reduces the computational time of human genome assembly from 400,000 CPU hours to 2,000 CPU hours, utilizing long erroneous 3GS sequencing reads and short accurate NGS sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DENTIST | DENTIST is a sensitive, highly-accurate and automated pipeline method to close gaps in (short read) assemblies with long reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Discovar | Assemble genomes and find variants with DISCOVAR & DISCOVAR de novo | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
drap | De novo RNA-seq Assembly Pipeline | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
dRep | dRep is a python program for rapidly comparing large numbers of genomes. dRep can also "de-replicate" a genome set by identifying groups of highly similar genomes and choosing the best representative genome for each genome set. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EUPAN | Toolkit that integrates various software in order to build eukaryotic pangenomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FABuLOUS | A gap-closing software tool that uses error-prone long reads generated by third-generation-sequence techniques (Pacbio, Oxford Nanopore, etc.) or preassembled contigs to fill N-gap in the genome assembly. Initially called TGS-GapCloser. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FALCON | Falcon: a set of tools for fast aligning long reads for consensus and assembly |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FALCON_unzip | Making diploid assembly becomes common practice for genomic study | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FALCON-Phase | FALCON-Phase integrates PacBio long-read assemblies with Phase Genomics Hi-C data to create phased, diploid, chromosome-scale scaffolds. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Fast-Plast | Fast-Plast is a pipeline that leverages existing and novel programs to quickly assemble, orient, and verify whole chloroplast genome sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FLASH | FLASH, Fast Length Adjustment of SHort reads, is a very accurate fast tool to merge paired-end reads from fragments that are shorter than twice the length of reads. The extended length of reads has a significant positive impact on improvement of genome assemblies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Flye | Flye is a de novo assembler for long and noisy reads, such as those produced by PacBio and Oxford Nanopore Technologies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GAAS | Genome Assembly Annotation Service: Suite of tools related to Genome Assembly Annotation Service tasks. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GapCloser | The GapCloser is designed to close the gaps emerging during the scaffolding process by SOAPdenovo, using the abundant pair relationships of short reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GenomeScope2.0 | Reference-free profiling of polyploid genomes | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GetOrganelle | This toolkit assemblies organelle genome from genomic skimming data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gfastats | A single fast and exhaustive tool for summary statistics and simultaneous *fa* (fasta, fastq, gfa <.gz>) genome assembly file manipulation. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GLIMPSE | GLIMPSE is a phasing and imputation method for large-scale low-coverage sequencing studies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Hap10 | The goal is to reconstruct accurate and long haplotypes polyploid genome using linked reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HaploHiC | Comprehensive haplotype division of Hi-C PE-reads based on local contacts ratio. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HaploMerger2 | <HaploMerger2 (HM2) is an important upgrade over HaploMerger. HM2 is an easy-to-use automated pipeline for improving genome assembly in the post-assembly stage. It consists of a set of executables as well as wrappers for several third-part software. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Hapo-G | Hapo-G is a tool that aims to improve the quality of genome assemblies by polishing the consensus with accurate reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HASLR | HASLR is a tool for rapid genome assembly of long sequencing reads. HASLR is a hybrid tool which means it requires long reads generated by Third Generation Sequencing technologies (such as PacBio or Oxford Nanopore) together with Next Generation Sequencing reads (such as Illumina) from the same sample. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
IPA | Improved Phased Assembler (IPA) is the official PacBio software for HiFi genome assembly. IPA was designed to utilize the accuracy of PacBio HiFi reads to produce high-quality phased genome assemblies. IPA is an end-to-end solution, starting with input reads and resulting in a polished assembly. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
IRMA | IRMA was designed for the robust assembly, variant calling, and phasing of highly variable RNA viruses. Currently IRMA is deployed with modules for influenza and ebolavirus. IRMA is free to use and parallelizes computations for both cluster computing and single computer multi-core setups. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
IsoLasso | IsoLasso is an algorithm to assemble transcripts and estimate their expression levels from RNA-Seq reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
IVA | Iterative Virus Assembler is a de novo assembler designed to assemble virus genomes that have no repeat sequences, using Illumina read pairs sequenced from mixed populations at extremely high and variable depth | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
KAD | KAD is designed for evaluating the accuracy of nucleotide base quality of genome assemblies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
KMC | New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install | |
KmerGenie | KmerGenie estimates the best k-mer length for genome de novo assembly. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LACHESIS | Software that uses Hi-C data for ultra-long-range scaffolding of de novo genome assemblies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
lamassemble | Merge overlapping "long" DNA reads into a consensus sequence. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Linker | Linker is a suite of C++ tools useful for interpreting long and linked read sequencing of cancer genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LINKS | LINKS is a scalable genomics application for scaffolding or re-scaffolding genome assembly drafts with long reads, such as those produced by Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ltd and Pacific Biosciences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LJA | La Jolla Assembler (LJA) is a tool for genome assembly from HiFI reads based on de Bruijn graphs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LongStitch | A genome assembly correction and scaffolding pipeline using long reads. Basically runs Tigmint, ntLink, ARKS. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LR_Gapcloser | LR_Gapcloser is a gap closing tool using uncorrected or corrected long reads generated from Pacbio platform or Nanopore platform. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LRScaf | TGS scaffolding . Improving draft genomes using long noisy reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LRSIM | Simulator for Linked Reads: this package simulates whole genome sequencing using 10X Genomics Linked Read technology. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Mapsembler2 | Mapsembler2 is a targeted assembly software. It takes as input any number of NGS raw read set(s) (fasta or fastq, gzipped or not) and a set of input sequences (starters). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MARVEL | MARVEL consists of a set of tools that facilitate the overlapping, patching, correction and assembly of noisy (not so noisy ones as well) long reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MaSuRCA | MaSuRCA is whole genome assembly software. It combines the efficiency of the de Bruijn graph and Overlap-Layout-Consensus (OLC) approaches. MaSuRCA can assemble data sets containing only short reads from Illumina sequencing or a mixture of short reads and long reads (Sanger, 454) |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MAtCHap | An ultra fast algorithm for solving the single individual haplotype assembly problem. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MECAT | MECAT is an ultra-fast Mapping, Error Correction and de novo Assembly Tools for single molecula sequencing (SMRT) reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MEGAHIT | An ultra-fast single-node solution for large and complex metagenomics assembly via succinct de Bruijn graph | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MeGAMerge | A tool to merge assembled contigs, long reads from metagenomic sequencing runs |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Merqury | Evaluate genome assemblies with k-mers and more | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Meryl | A genomic k-mer counter (and sequence utility) with nice features. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MetaWRAP | A flexible pipeline for genome-resolved metagenomic data analysis. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MGSE | MGSE can harness the power of files generated in genome sequencing projects to predict the genome size. Required are the FASTA file containing a high continuity assembly and a BAM file with all available reads mapped to this assembly. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Miniasm | Ultrafast de novo assembly for long noisy reads (though having no consensus step). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Minipolish | A tool for Racon polishing of miniasm assemblies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MIRA | Whole genome shotgun and EST sequence assembler for Sanger, 454, and Solexa / Illumina. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MITObim | The MITObim procedure (mitochondrial baiting and iterative mapping) represents a highly efficient approach to assembling novel mitochondrial genomes of non-model organisms directly from total genomic DNA derived NGS reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MitoFinder | Mitofinder is a pipeline to assemble mitochondrial genomes and annotate mitochondrial genes from trimmed read sequencing data. MitoFinder is also designed to find and annotate mitochondrial sequences in existing genomic assemblies (generated from Hifi/PacBio/Nanopore/Illumina sequencing data...) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MitoHiFi | MitoHiFi circularises, cuts and annotates the mitogenome from contigs assembled with PacBio HiFi reads and softwares such as HiCanu or Hifiasm. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
mitoVGP | The Vertebrate Genomes Project Mitogenome Assembly Pipeline. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MitoZ | MitoZ is a Python3-based toolkit which aims to automatically filter pair-end raw data (fastq files), assemble genome, search for mitogenome sequences from the genome assembly result, annotate mitogenome (genbank file as result), and mitogenome visualization. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MiXCR | MiXCR is a universal software for fast and accurate analysis of raw T- or B- cell receptor repertoire sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MSI | MSI was designed for sequencing reads with higher error rates (e.g., as the ones produced by Nanopore's sequencers) but also works with reads with lower error rates (e.g., Illumina). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MTG-Link | MTG-Link is a novel gap-filling tool for draft genome assemblies, dedicated to linked read data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Nanopolish | A nanopore consensus algorithm using a signal-level hidden Markov model. Signal-level algorithms for MinION data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NaS | NaS is a hybrid approach developed to take advantage of data generated using MinION device. It combines Illumina and Oxford Nanopore technologies to produce NaS (Nanopore Synthetic-long) reads |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NECAT | NECAT is an error correction and de-novo assembly tool for Nanopore long noisy reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Newbler | Newbler is a software package for de novo DNA sequence assembly. It is designed specifically for assembling sequence data generated by the 454 GS-series of pyrosequencing platforms sold by 454 Life Science, a Roche diagnostic. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NextDenovo | NextDenovo is a string graph-based de novo assembler for TGS long reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NOVOPlasty | NOVOPlasty is a de novo assembler and variance caller for short circular genomes. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
nQuire | A statistical framework for ploidy estimation using NGS short-read data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ntEdit | ntEdit is a fast and scalable genomics application for polishing genome assembly drafts. It simplifies polishing and "haploidization" of gene and genome sequences with its re-usable Bloom filter design. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ntJoin | Scaffolding draft assemblies using reference assemblies and minimizer graphs | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Oases | Oases is a de novo transcriptome assembler designed to produce transcripts from short read sequencing technologies, such as Illumina, SOLiD, or 454 in the absence of any genomic assembly. It was developed by Marcel Schulz (MPI for Molecular Genomics) and Daniel Zerbino (previously at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), now at UC Santa Cruz). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ORG.asm | The ORGanelle ASseMbler aims to target the assembling of small sequences over-represented in a whole genome shotgun sequence dataset. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Organelle_PBA | OrganelleRef_PBA is a script to perform a de-novo PacBio assemblies of any organelle (chloroplast or mitochondrial genomes) using several programs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PASApipeline | PASA, acronym for Program to Assemble Spliced Alignments, is a eukaryotic genome annotation tool that exploits spliced alignments of expressed transcript sequences to automatically model gene structures, and to maintain gene structure annotation consistent with the most recently available experimental sequence data. PASA also identifies and classifies all splicing variations supported by the transcript alignments. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
pb-assembly | PacBio® tools : everything needed to run Falcon and Unzip | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Peregrine | Peregrine is a fast genome assembler for accurate long reads (length > 10kb, accuraccy > 99%). It can assemble a human genome from 30x reads within 20 cpu hours from reads to polished consensus. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
phasebook | phasebook is a novel approach for reconstructing the haplotypes of diploid genomes from long reads de novo, that is without the need for a reference genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Pilon | Pilon is an automated genome assembly improvement and variant detection tool. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PlasForest | A random forest classifier of contigs to identify contigs of plasmid origin in contig and scaffold genomes. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Platanus | Platanus is a novel de novo sequence assembler that can reconstruct genomic sequences of highly heterozygous diploids from massively parallel shotgun sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Platanus2 | Platanus-allee (Platanus2) is a de novo haplotype assembler (phasing tool), which assembles each haplotype sequence in a diploid genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
plotsr | Tool to plot synteny and structural rearrangements between genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Polypolish | Polypolish is a tool for polishing genome assemblies with short reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Purge_Dups | purge_dups is designed to remove haplotigs and contig overlaps in a de novo assembly based on read depth. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Purge_Haplotigs | Pipeline to help with curating heterozygous diploid genome assemblies (for instance when assembling using FALCON or FALCON-unzip). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
QUAST | QUAST evaluates genome assemblies by computing various metrics |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
quickmerge | A simple and fast metassembler and assembly gap filler designed for long molecule based assemblies | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ra | Ra is as a fast and easy to use assembler for raw reads generated by third generation sequencing. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Rabaler | Rebaler is a program for conducting reference-based assemblies using long reads. It relies mainly on minimap2 for alignment and Racon for making consensus sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Racon | Consensus module for raw de novo DNA assembly of long uncorrected reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RaGOO | A tool to order and orient genome assembly contigs via Minimap2 alignments to a reference genome. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ragout | Ragout (Reference-Assisted Genome Ordering UTility) is a tool for chromosome assembly using multiple references. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RagTag | RagTag, the successor to RaGOO, is a command line tool for reference-guided genome assembly improvement. | How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RAMPART | RAMPART is a configurable pipeline for de novo assembly of DNA sequence data. RAMPART is not a de novo assembler. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ranbow | Ranbow is a haplotype assembler for polyploid genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ratatosk | Ratatosk is a phased error correction tool for erroneous long reads based on compacted and colored de Bruijn graphs built from accurate short reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Raven | Raven is a de novo genome assembler for long uncorrected reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ray | Assemble genomes in parallel using the message-passing interface | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
REAPR | REAPR is a tool that evaluates the accuracy of a genome assembly using mapped paired end reads, without the use of a reference genome for comparison. It can be used in any stage of an assembly pipeline to automatically break incorrect scaffolds and flag other errors in an assembly for manual inspection. It reports mis-assemblies and other warnings, and produces a new broken assembly based on the error calls. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Redundans | Redundans is a pipeline that assists an assembly of heterozygous/polymorphic genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
REPdenovo | REPdenovo is designed for constructing repeats directly from sequence (paired-end) reads. It based on the idea of frequent k-mer assembly. REPdenovo provides many functionalities, and can generate much longer repeats than existing tools. Internally, REPdenovo uses Jellyfish for k-mer counting, Velvet for assembly, and bwa to map reads on the Transposable Elements. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
rust-mdbg | rust-mdbg is an ultra-fast minimizer-space de Bruijn graph (mdBG) implementation, geared towards the assembly of long and accurate reads such as PacBio HiFi. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SALSA | A tool to scaffold long read assemblies with Hi-C data |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Scaff10X | Pipeline for scaffolding and breaking a genome assembly using 10x genomics linked-reads | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SDA | Segmental Duplication Assembler |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SECAPR | Used to process targeted sequencing (or Gene capture) data by applying assembly and subsequent mapping algorithms (reducing paralogs unlike Hybpiper). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SGA | SGA is a de novo genome assembler based on the concept of string graphs. The major goal of SGA is to be very memory efficient, which is achieved by using a compressed representation of DNA sequence reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Shasta | The goal of the Shasta long read assembler is to rapidly produce accurate assembled sequence using as input DNA reads generated by Oxford Nanopore flow cells. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SLICEMBLER | SLICEMBLER is a meta-assembler designed for ultra-deep sequencing data/ | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SLR-superscaffolder | This is a scaffold assembler designed for stLFR reads. It uses the link-reads information from stLFR reads to assemble contigs to scaffolds. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
smartdenovo | SMARTdenovo is a de novo assembler for PacBio and Oxford Nanopore (ONT) data. It produces an assembly from all-vs-all raw read alignments without an error correction stage. It also provides tools to generate accurate consensus sequences, though a platform dependent consensus polish tools (e.g. Quiver for PacBio or Nanopolish for ONT) are still required for higher accuracy. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SMRTLink | SMRT Link is the web-based end-to-end workflow manager for the Sequel™ System. (installed in mode command line on our cluster) |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
soap.coverage | Can calculate sequencing coverage or physical coverage as well as duplication rate and details of specific block for each segments and whole genome by using SOAP, Blat, Blast, BlastZ, mummer and MAQ aligement results with multi-thread. Gzip file supported. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SOAPdenovo | ttSOAPdenovo is a novel short-read assembly method that can build a de novo draft assembly for the human-sized genomes. The program is specially designed to assemble Illumina GA short reads. It creates new opportunities for building reference sequences and carrying out accurate analyses of unexplored genomes in a cost effective way.
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SOAPdenovo-Trans | SOAPdenovo-Trans is a de novo transcriptome assembler basing on the SOAPdenovo framework, adapt to alternative splicing and different expression level among transcripts. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SPAdes | SPAdes ヨ St. Petersburg genome assembler ヨ is intended for both standard isolates and single-cell MDA bacteria assemblies. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SRAsembler | SRAssembler (Selective Recursive local Assembler) is a modular pipeline program that can assemble genomic DNA reads into contigs that are homologous to a query DNA or protein sequence. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SSPACE | SSPACE standard is a stand-alone program for scaffolding pre-assembled contigs using NGS paired-read data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SSPACE-LongRead | SSPACE-LongRead is a stand-alone program for scaffolding pre-assembled contigs using long reads (e.g. PacBio RS reads). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
StringTie | StringTie is a fast and highly efficient assembler of RNA-Seq alignments into potential transcripts. It uses a novel network flow algorithm as well as an optional de novo assembly step to assemble and quantitate full-length transcripts representing multiple splice variants for each gene locus. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Supernova | Supernova is a software package for de novo assembly from Chromium Linked-Reads that are made from a single whole-genome library from an individual DNA source. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SuperTAD | SuperTAD is an open-source command-line TAD detection package written in C++. It takes either raw or normalized Hi-C contact maps as inputs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Tapestry | Tapestry is a tool to validate and edit small eukaryotic genome assemblies using long sequence reads. It is designed to help identify complete chromosomes, symbionts, haplotypes, complex features and errors in close-to-complete genome assemblies. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TGICL | This package automates clustering and assembly of a large EST/mRNA dataset. The clustering is performed by a slightly modified version of NCBI's megablast , and the resulting clusters are then assembled using CAP3 assembly program. TGICL starts with a large multi-FASTA file (and an optional peer quality values file) and outputs the assembly files as produced by CAP3. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TGSGapFiller | A gap filling tool that uses error-prone long reads generated by third-generation-sequence techniques (Pacbio, Oxford Nanopore, etc.) or preassembled contigs to fill N-gap in the genome assembly. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Tigmint | Tigmint identifies and corrects misassemblies using linked reads from 10x Genomics Chromium. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Transrate | Transrate is software for de-novo transcriptome assembly quality analysis. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
trinityrnaseq | Trinity, developed at the Broad Institute and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, represents a novel method for the efficient and robust de novo reconstruction of transcriptomes from RNA-seq data. Trinity combines three independent software modules: Inchworm, Chrysalis, and Butterfly, applied sequentially to process large volumes of RNA-seq reads. Trinity partitions the sequence data into many individual de Bruijn graphs, each representing the transcriptional complexity at at a given gene or locus, and then processes each graph independently to extract full-length splicing isoforms and to tease apart transcripts derived from paralogous genes.
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Trycycler | Trycycler is a tool for generating consensus long-read assemblies for bacterial genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Unicycler | Unicycler is an assembly pipeline for bacterial genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Velvet | Velvet is a de novo genomic assembler specially designed for short read sequencing technologies, such as Solexa or 454, developed by Daniel Zerbino and Ewan Birney at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), near Cambridge, in the United Kingdom. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Verkko | Verkko is a hybrid genome assembly pipeline developed for telomere-to-telomere assembly of PacBio HiFi and Oxford Nanopore reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ViennaRNA | Vienna RNA package allows RNA Secondary Structure Prediction and Comparison | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ViQuaS | An improved reconstruction pipeline for viral quasispecies spectra generated by next-generation sequencing. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Wengan | An accurate and ultra-fast genome assembler | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
wgd | Python package and CLI for whole genome duplication analyse |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
WGS-Assembler | Celera Assembler is a de novo whole-genome shotgun (WGS) DNA sequence assembler. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
wtdbg | Wtdbg2 is a de novo sequence assembler for long noisy reads produced by PacBio or Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
YaHS | YaHS is a scaffolding tool using Hi-C data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
CellRanger ARC | Cell Ranger ARC's pipelines analyze sequencing data produced from Chromium Single Cell Multiome ATAC + Gene Expression. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CellRanger ATAC | Cell Ranger ATAC is a set of analysis pipelines that process Chromium Single Cell ATAC data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ROSE | To create stitched enhancers, and to separate super-enhancers from typical enhancers using sequencing data (.bam) given a file of previously identified constituent enhancers (.gff) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TOBIAS | TOBIAS is a collection of command-line bioinformatics tools for performing footprinting analysis on ATAC-seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
BamBam | several simple-to-use tools to facilitate NGS analysis | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Bismark | A tool to map bisulfite converted sequence reads and determine cytosine methylation states | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BisSNP | Accurate combined SNP/Methylation calling. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BS-Seeker2- | BS-Seeker2 is a seamless and versatile pipeline for accurately and fast mapping the bisulfite-treated reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BS-SNPer | BS-SNPer is an ultrafast and memory-efficient package, a program for BS-Seq variation detection from alignments in standard BAM/SAM format using approximate Bayesian modeling. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BSMAP | BSMAP is a short reads mapping software for bisulfite sequencing reads. Bisulfite treatment converts unmethylated Cytosines into Uracils (sequenced as Thymine) and leave methylated Cytosines unchanged, hence provides a way to study DNA cytosine methylation at single nucleotide resolution. BSMAP aligns the Ts in the reads to both Cs and Ts in the reference | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bwa-meth | Fast and accurate alignment of BS-Seq reads using bwa-mem and a 3-letter genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
nf-core workflows | This module provide access to workflows nf-core, there are automatically downloaded into your home. More info at nf-core/config page.
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Trim Galore | A wrapper tool around Cutadapt and FastQC to consistently apply quality and adapter trimming to FastQ files, with some extra functionality for MspI-digested RRBS-type (Reduced Representation Bisufite-Seq) libraries. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ViewBS | A powerful toolkit for visualization of high-throughput bisulfite sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
Alfred | BAM Statistics, Feature Counting and Annotation | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
AlleleSeq | pipeline which constructs a diploid personal genome from genomic sequence variants of a family trio, including SNPs, indels and structural variants and maps functional genomic data onto this personal genome. | Genologin Cluster: Ask for Install New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BroadPeak | BroadPeak broad peak calling algorithm for diffuse ChIP-seq datasets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CSEM | CSEM is a ChIP-Seq multi-read allocator. CSEM stands for ChIP-Seq multi-read allocation using Expectation-Maximization. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DANPOS2 | A toolkit for Dynamic Analysis of Nucleosome and Protein Occupancy by Sequencing, version 2 | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MACS | We present Model-based Analysis of ChIP-Seq (MACS) on short reads sequencers such as Genome Analyzer (Illumina / Solexa). MACS empirically models the length of the sequenced ChIP fragments, which tends to be shorter than sonication or library construction size estimates, and uses it to improve the spatial resolution of predicted binding sites. MACS also uses a dynamic Poisson distribution to effectively capture local biases in the genome sequence, allowing for more sensitive and robust prediction. MACS compares favorably to existing ChIP-Seq peak-finding algorithms, is publicly available open source, and can be used for ChIP-Seq with or without control samples. | Genologin Cluster: in Python-2.7.2 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MACS2 | Model-based Analysis of ChIP-Seq |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MAGIC | A tool for predicting transcription factors and cofactors driving gene sets using ENCODE data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MuMRescueLite | MuMRescueLite is the software that enable to use the tag sequencies of mapped to multiple loci to the genome, for the expression analysis. At the mapping of short sequence tags of CAGE or ChIP-Seq to the genome, sequence tags that map to multiple genomic loci (multi-mapping tags or MuMs), are routinely omitted from further analysis, leading to experimental bias and reduced coverage. MuMRescueLite probabilistically reincorporates multi-mapping tags into mapped short read data with acceptable computational requirements. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ROSE | To create stitched enhancers, and to separate super-enhancers from typical enhancers using sequencing data (.bam) given a file of previously identified constituent enhancers (.gff) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RSEG | The RSEG software package is aimed to analyze ChIP-Seq data, especially for identifying genomic regions and their boundaries marked by diffusive histone modification markers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SICER2 | Redesigned and improved version of the original ChIP-seq broad peak calling tool SICER. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
BisSNP | Accurate combined SNP/Methylation calling. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BS-SNPer | BS-SNPer is an ultrafast and memory-efficient package, a program for BS-Seq variation detection from alignments in standard BAM/SAM format using approximate Bayesian modeling. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DeepSignal | Detecting methylation using signal-level features from Nanopore sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
mCaller | This program is designed to call m6A from nanopore data using the differences between measured and expected currents. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
nf-core workflows | This module provide access to workflows nf-core, there are automatically downloaded into your home. More info at nf-core/config page.
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
S3V2_IDEAS_ESMP | A package for normalizing, denoising and integrating epigenomic datasets across different cell types. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Tombo | Tombo is a suite of tools primarily for the identification of modified nucleotides from raw nanopore sequencing data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
ACFS | Accurate CircRNA Finder Suite. Discovering circRNAs from RNA-Seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Alfred | BAM Statistics, Feature Counting and Annotation | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
AlleleSeq | pipeline which constructs a diploid personal genome from genomic sequence variants of a family trio, including SNPs, indels and structural variants and maps functional genomic data onto this personal genome. | Genologin Cluster: Ask for Install New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Arriba | Arriba is a command-line tool for the detection of gene fusions from RNA-Seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BlockClust | BlockClust is an efficient approach to detect transcripts with similar processing patterns. We propose a novel way to encode expression profiles in compact discrete structures, which can then be processed using fast graph-kernel techniques. BlockClust allows both clustering and classification of small non-coding RNAs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bustools | bustools is a program for manipulating BUS files for single cell RNA-Seq datasets. It can be used to error correct barcodes, collapse UMIs, produce gene count or transcript compatibility count matrices, and is useful for many other tasks. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
canu | A single molecule sequence assembler for genomes large and small. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CellRanger | Cell Ranger is a set of analysis pipelines that processes Chromium single cell 3’ RNA-seq output to align reads, generate gene-cell matrices and perform clustering and gene expression analysis. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
chimerascan | chimerascan is a software package that detects gene fusions in paired-end RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) datasets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ChimPipe | ChimPipe is a computational method for the detection of novel transcription-induced chimeric transcripts and fusion genes from Illumina Paired-End RNA-seq data. It combines junction spanning and paired-end read information to accurately detect chimeric splice junctions at base-pair resolution. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ChopStitch | Exon annotation and splice graph construction using transcriptome assembly and whole genome sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
circtools | A modular, python-based framework for circRNA-related tools that unifies several functionalities in a single, command line driven software. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CIRI | CIRI (circRNA identifier) is a novel chiastic clipping signal based algorithm, which can unbiasedly and accurately detect circRNAs from transcriptome data by employing multiple filtration strategies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CleaveLand4 | Analysis of degradome data to find sliced miRNA and siRNA targets | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ContextMap2 | Fast and accurate context-based RNA-seq mapping. ContextMap determines the most likely origin of a read by evaluating the context of the read in the form of alignments of other reads to the same genomic region. In the original implementation, the focus was on improving initial mappings provided by other mapping tools. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CroCo | A program to detect potential cross contaminations in HTS assembled transcriptomes using expression level quantification. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Cufflinks | Cufflinks assembles transcripts, estimates their abundances, and tests for differential expression and regulation in RNA-Seq samples. It accepts aligned RNA-Seq reads and assembles the alignments into a parsimonious set of transcripts. Cufflinks then estimates the relative abundances of these transcripts based on how many reads support each one, taking into account biases in library preparation protocols. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
drap | De novo RNA-seq Assembly Pipeline | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ErmineJ | ErmineJ performs analyses of gene sets in high-throughput genomics data such as gene expression profiling studies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ERVmap | ERVmap is one part curated database of human proviral ERV loci and one part a stringent algorithm to determine which ERVs are transcribed in their RNA seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
eXpress | eXpress is a streaming tool for quantifying the abundances of a set of target sequences from sampled subsequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FEELnc | FlExible Extraction of LncRNA. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FLAIR | FLAIR (Full-Length Alternative Isoform analysis of RNA) for the correction, isoform definition, and alternative splicing analysis of noisy reads. FLAIR has primarily been used for nanopore cDNA, native RNA, and PacBio sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GUSHR | Assembly-free construction of UTRs from short read RNA-Seq data on the basis of coding sequence annotation. This tool has been adapted to the format needs of AUGUSTUS/BRAKER and employs GeMoMa for generating UTRs from RNA-Seq coverage data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
IRFinder | Detecting intron retention from RNA-Seq experiments |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
IsoLasso | IsoLasso is an algorithm to assemble transcripts and estimate their expression levels from RNA-Seq reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
kallisto | kallisto is a program for quantifying abundances of transcripts from RNA-Seq data, or more generally of target sequences using high-throughput sequencing reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LIQA | Long-read Isoform Quantification and Analysis) is an Expectation-Maximization based statistical method to quantify isoform expression and detect differential alternative splicing (DAS) events using long-read RNA-seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
mmannot | mmannot annotates reads, or quantifies the features. For instance, suppose that you have sequenced your organism of interest with sRNA-Seq (RNA-Seq works too), and you want to know how many times you have sequenced miRNAs, rRNAs, tRNAs, etc. This is what mmannot does. A huge proportion of the reads may actually map at several locations. These multi-mapping reads are usually handled poorly by similar quantification tools. In our methods, when a read maps at several locations, all these locations are inspected: If all these locations belong to the same feature (e.g. miRNAs, in case of a duplicated gene family), the read is still annotated as a miRNA. If the location belong to different features (e.g. 3'UTR and miRNA), the read is ambiguous, and is flagged as 3'UTR--miRNA. In case 1, we say when have rescued a read. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
mmquant | This tool counts the number of reads (produced by RNA-Seq) per gene, much like HTSeq-count and featureCounts. The main difference with other tools is that multi-mapping reads are counted differently: if a read is mapped to gene A, gene B, and gene C, the tool will create a new feature, "geneA--geneB--geneC", that will be counted once. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MuMRescueLite | MuMRescueLite is the software that enable to use the tag sequencies of mapped to multiple loci to the genome, for the expression analysis. At the mapping of short sequence tags of CAGE or ChIP-Seq to the genome, sequence tags that map to multiple genomic loci (multi-mapping tags or MuMs), are routinely omitted from further analysis, leading to experimental bias and reduced coverage. MuMRescueLite probabilistically reincorporates multi-mapping tags into mapped short read data with acceptable computational requirements. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoCount | NanoCount estimates transcripts abundance from Oxford Nanopore direct-RNA sequencing datasets, using an expectation-maximization approach like RSEM, Kallisto, salmon, etc to handle the uncertainty of multi-mapping reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
nf-core workflows | This module provide access to workflows nf-core, there are automatically downloaded into your home. More info at nf-core/config page.
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Pizzly | A program for detecting gene fusions from RNA-Seq data of cancer samples. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Portcullis | Splice junction analysis and filtering from BAM files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PSGInfer | PSGInfer is a software package for the analysis of RNA-Seq data with probabilistic splice graph (PSG) models of gene alternative processing (splicing, transcription initiation, and polyadenylation) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PSI-Sigma | Percent Spliced-In (PSI) values are commonly used to report alternative pre-mRNA splicing (AS) changes. However, previous PSI-detection methods are limited to specific types of AS events. PSI-Sigma is using a new splicing index (PSIΣ) that is more flexible, can incoporate novel junctions, and can compute PSI values of individual exons in complex splicing events. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
REDItools | REDItools are python scripts developed with the aim to study RNA editing at genomic scale by next generation sequencing data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
REINDEER | Efficient indexing of k-mer presence and abundance in sequencing datasets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
rMATS | MATS is a computational tool to detect differential alternative splicing events from RNA-Seq data. From the RNA-Seq data, MATS can automatically detect and analyze alternative splicing events corresponding to all major types of alternative splicing patterns. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
rMATS turbo | rMATS turbo is the C/Cython version of rMATS (refer to : Multivariate Analysis of Transcript Splicing (MATS). The major difference between rMATS turbo and rMATS is speed and space usage. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RSEM | RSEM (RNA-Seq by Expectation-Maximization) is a software package for estimating gene and isoform expression levels from RNA-Seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RSeQC | RSeQC package provides a number of useful modules that can comprehensively evaluate high throughput sequence data especially RNA-seq data |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Salmon | Highly-accurate & wicked fast transcript-level quantification from RNA-seq reads using lightweight alignments | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SARTools | SARTools is a R package dedicated to the differential analysis of RNA-seq data. It provides tools to generate descriptive and diagnostic graphs, to run the differential analysis with one of the well known DESeq2 or edgeR packages and to export the results into easily readable tab-delimited files. |
Genologin Cluster: In R-3.4.3 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
sleuth | sleuth is a program for analysis of RNA-Seq experiments for which transcript abundances have been quantified with kallisto. |
Genologin Cluster: in R-3.5.3 (with module load compiler/gcc-7.2.0) New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SOAPdenovo-Trans | SOAPdenovo-Trans is a de novo transcriptome assembler basing on the SOAPdenovo framework, adapt to alternative splicing and different expression level among transcripts. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SortMeRNA | SortMeRNA is a software designed to rapidly filter ribosomal RNA fragments from metatransriptomic data produced by next-generation sequencers. It is capable of handling large RNA databases and sorting out all fragments matching to the database with high accuracy and specificity | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SpaceRanger | Space Ranger is a set of analysis pipelines that process Visium spatial RNA-seq output and brightfield and fluorescence microscope images in order to detect tissue, align reads, generate feature-spot matrices, perform clustering and gene expression analysis, and place spots in spatial context on the slide image. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SpliceGrapher | SpliceGrapher predicts alternative splicing patterns and produces splice graphs that capture in a single structure the ways a gene's exons may be assembled. It enhances gene models using evidence from next-generation sequencing and EST alignments. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SQANTI3 | SQANTI3 is the newest version of the SQANTI tool (publication) that merges features from SQANTI, (code repository) and SQANTI2 (code repository), together with new additions. SQANTI3 will continue as an integrated development aiming to providing you the best characterization possible for your new long read-defined transcriptome. SQANTI3 is the first module of the Functional IsoTranscriptomics (FIT) framework, that also includes IsoAnnot and tappAS. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SQuIRE | SQuIRE reveals locus-specific regulation of interspersed repeat expression, Nucleic Acids Research | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
STAR | RNA-seq aligner |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
STAR-Fusion | STAR-Fusion further processes the output generated by the STAR aligner to map junction reads and spanning reads to a reference annotation set (using a GTF file, ideally the same annotation file used during the STAR genome index building process during the intial STAR setup). |
Genologin Cluster: Ask for Install New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
StringTie | StringTie is a fast and highly efficient assembler of RNA-Seq alignments into potential transcripts. It uses a novel network flow algorithm as well as an optional de novo assembly step to assemble and quantitate full-length transcripts representing multiple splice variants for each gene locus. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Subread | A tool kit for processing next-gen sequencing data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SUPPA | Fast, accurate, and uncertainty-aware differential splicing analysis across multiple conditions. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TAMA | Transcriptome Annotation by Modular Algorithms: this software was designed for processing Iso-Seq data and other long read transcriptome data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TPMCalculator | TPMCalculator quantifies mRNA abundance directly from the alignments by parsing BAM files. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Transrate | Transrate is software for de-novo transcriptome assembly quality analysis. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Trinotate | Trinotate is a comprehensive annotation suite designed for automatic functional annotation of transcriptomes, particularly de novo assembled transcriptomes, from model or non-model organisms. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Whippet | Lightweight and Fast RNA-seq quantification at the event-level | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
chimerascan | chimerascan is a software package that detects gene fusions in paired-end RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) datasets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Pizzly | A program for detecting gene fusions from RNA-Seq data of cancer samples. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
STAR-Fusion | STAR-Fusion further processes the output generated by the STAR aligner to map junction reads and spanning reads to a reference annotation set (using a GTF file, ideally the same annotation file used during the STAR genome index building process during the intial STAR setup). |
Genologin Cluster: Ask for Install New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
Carthagene | CarthaGene is a genetic/radiated hybrid mapping software. CarthaGene looks for multiple populations maximum likelihood consensus maps using a fast EM algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation and powerful ordering algorithms. CarthaGene can handle data made up of several distinct populations which t may each be either F2 backcross, recombinant inbred lines, F2 t intercross, phase known outbreds and/or radiated hybrids (haploid t and diploid data). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Chromonomer | Chromonomer is a program designed to integrate a genome assembly with a genetic map. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
OMBlast | An alignment tool for optical mapping data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
AlphaImpute | AlphaImpute is a software package for imputing and phasing genotype data in diploid populations with pedigree information. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bgc | bgc implements Bayesian estimation of genomic clines to quantify introgression at many loci. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Eagle | The Eagle software estimates haplotype phase either within a genotyped cohort or using a phased reference panel. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FaST-LMM | FaST-LMM (Factored Spectrally Transformed Linear Mixed Models) is a program for performing genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on large data sets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fineRADstructure | A complete, easy to use, and fast population inference package for RAD-seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GCTA | GCTA (Genome-wide Complex Trait Analysis) was originally designed to estimate the proportion of phenotypic variance explained by genome- or chromosome-wide SNPs for complex traits (the GREML method), and has subsequently extended for many other analyses to better understand the genetic architecture of complex traits. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GEMMA | GEMMA is the software implementing the Genome-wide Efficient Mixed Model Association algorithm for a standard linear mixed model and some of its close relatives for genome-wide association studies (GWAS). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
KING | KING is a toolset that makes use of high-throughput SNP data typically seen in a genome-wide association study (GWAS) or a sequencing project. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
lcMLkin | lcMLkin is a C++ program that allows users to infer biological relatedness from low coverage 2nd generation sequencing data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MACH | MACH is a Markov Chain based haplotyper that can resolve long haplotypes or infer missing genotypes in samples of unrelated individuals. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MapThin | Reduce the number of SNPs in a gene marker dense map computed by PLINK. First, by eliminating linked SNPs. Then, by applying different criteria. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Minimac4 | Minimac4 is a latest version in the series of genotype imputation software - preceded by Minimac3 (2015), Minimac2 (2014), minimac (2012) and MaCH (2010). Minimac4 is a lower memory and more computationally efficient implementation of the original algorithms with comparable imputation quality. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
piMASS | posterior inference via Model Averaging and Subset Selection: performs genome-wide joint analysis of all SNPs in association with a phenotype. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PLINK | PLINK is a free, open-source whole genome association analysis toolset, designed to perform a range of basic, large-scale analyses in a computationally efficient manner. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Scoary | Scoary is designed to take the gene_presence_absence.csv file from Roary as well as a traits file created by the user and calculate the assocations between all genes in the accessory genome and the traits. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TASSEL | Trait Analysis by aSSociation, Evolution and Linkage. TASSEL has multiple functions, including association study, evaluating evolutionary relationships, analysis of linkage disequilibrium, principal component analysis, cluster analysis, missing data imputation and data visualization for large sets of data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
cgMLSTFinder | Core genome Multi-Locus Sequence Typing cgMLSTFinder runs KMA <1> against a chosen core genome MLST (cgMLST) database and outputs the detected alleles in a matrix file. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fastPHASE | A tool for genotype imputation and estimating missing haplotypes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GLIMPSE | GLIMPSE is a phasing and imputation method for large-scale low-coverage sequencing studies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
graphtyper | graphtyper is a graph-based variant caller capable of genotyping population-scale short read data sets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
locator | A supervised machine learning method for predicting the geographic origin of a sample from genotype or sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LRez | Standalone tool and library allowing to work with barcoded linked-reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
STITCH | STITCH is an R program for reference panel free, read aware, low coverage sequencing genotype imputation. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SVJedi | SVJedi is a structural variation (SV) genotyper for long read data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
ChromoPainter | ChromoPainter is a tool for finding haplotypes in sequence data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fastPHASE | A tool for genotype imputation and estimating missing haplotypes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HaploHiC | Comprehensive haplotype division of Hi-C PE-reads based on local contacts ratio. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Haploview | Haploview is designed to simplify and expedite the process of haplotype analysis by providing a common interface to several tasks relating to such analyses. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HAT-phasing | HAT is a haplotype assembly tool that use NGS and TGS data along a reference genome to reconstruct haplotypes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
nPhase | nPhase is a ploidy agnostic tool developed in python which predicts the haplotypes of a sample that was sequenced by both long and short reads by aligning them to a reference. It should work with any ploidy. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PredictHaplo | This software aims at reconstructing haplotypes from next-generation sequencing data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
ALLHiC | Phasing and scaffolding polyploid genomes based on Hi-C data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Armatus | Multiresolution domain calling software for chromosome conformation capture interaction matrices. Armatus is a Topologically Associated Domain caller. Follow the Web page to know more about Armatus. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
coolpuppy | A versatile tool to perform pile-up analysis on Hi-C data in .cool format. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FALCON-Phase | FALCON-Phase integrates PacBio long-read assemblies with Phase Genomics Hi-C data to create phased, diploid, chromosome-scale scaffolds. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FAN-C | Framework for the ANalysis of C-like data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
juicebox_scripts | A collection of scripts for working with Hi-C data, Juicebox, and other genomic file formats | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Linker | Linker is a suite of C++ tools useful for interpreting long and linked read sequencing of cancer genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SALSA | A tool to scaffold long read assemblies with Hi-C data |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SuperTAD | SuperTAD is an open-source command-line TAD detection package written in C++. It takes either raw or normalized Hi-C contact maps as inputs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
YaHS | YaHS is a scaffolding tool using Hi-C data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
ANGEL | Robust Open Reading Frame prediction (ANGLE re-implementation) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CARNAC-LR | Clustering coefficient-based Acquisition of RNA Communities in Long Reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
cDNA_Cupcake | cDNA_Cupcake is a miscellaneous collection of Python and R scripts used for analyzing sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Cogent | Cogent is a tool for reconstructing the coding genome using high-quality full-length transcriptome sequences. It is designed to be used on Iso-Seq data and in cases where there is no reference genome or the ref genome is highly incomplete. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
IsoSeq3 | Scalable De Novo Isoform Discovery from Single-Molecule PacBio Reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SQANTI3 | SQANTI3 is the newest version of the SQANTI tool (publication) that merges features from SQANTI, (code repository) and SQANTI2 (code repository), together with new additions. SQANTI3 will continue as an integrated development aiming to providing you the best characterization possible for your new long read-defined transcriptome. SQANTI3 is the first module of the Functional IsoTranscriptomics (FIT) framework, that also includes IsoAnnot and tappAS. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TAMA | Transcriptome Annotation by Modular Algorithms: this software was designed for processing Iso-Seq data and other long read transcriptome data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
AGAT | Another Gff Analysis Toolkit: suite of tools to handle gene annotations in any GTF/GFF format. Some examples what AGAT can do: standardise any GTF/GFF file into a comprehensive GFF3 format (script with agat_sp prefix): add missing parent features (e.g. gene and mRNA if only CDS/exon exist). add missing features (e.g. exon and UTR). add missing mandatory attributes (i.e. ID, Parent). fix identifier to be uniq. fix feature location. remove duplicated features. group related features (if spread in different places in the file). sort features. merge overlapping loci into one single locus (only if option activated). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Alfred | BAM Statistics, Feature Counting and Annotation | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
AMAS | Calculate summary statistics and manipulate multiple sequence alignments. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ArrowGrid | The distribution is a parallel wrapper around the Arrow consensus framework within the SMRT Analysis Software | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ART | ART is a set of simulation tools to generate synthetic next-generation sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
atac dnase pipelines | ATAC-seq and DNase-seq processing pipeline. This pipeline is designed for automated end-to-end quality control and processing of ATAC-seq or DNase-seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bamaddrg | Adds read groups to input BAM files, streams BAM output on stdout. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BamBam | several simple-to-use tools to facilitate NGS analysis | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Bamstats (notsame as BAMstats) | Bamstats is a command line tool written in Go for computing mapping statistics from a BAM file. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bamtofastq | Tool for converting 10x BAMs produced by Cell Ranger, Space Ranger, Cell Ranger ATAC, Cell Ranger DNA, and Long Ranger back to FASTQ files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Bamtools | BamTools provides both a programmer's API and an end-user's toolkit for handling BAM files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bamUtil | bamUtil is a repository that contains several programs that perform operations on SAM/BAM files. All of these programs are built into a single executable, bam. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BBMap | a short read aligner, as well as various other bioinformatic tools. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bcl2fastq | The Bcl2FastQ conversion software is a new tool to handle bcl conversion and demultiplexing of both unzipped and zipped bcl files, which have reduced footprint and were introduced as an optional output of the HCS Software version 2.0 | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BEDOPS | BEDOPS is an open-source command-line toolkit that performs highly efficient and scalable Boolean and other set operations, statistical calculations, archiving, conversion and other management of genomic data of arbitrary scale. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bedtools | The BEDTools utilities allow one to address common genomics tasks such as finding feature overlaps and computing coverage. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): How to use |
BigDataScript | BigDataScript is intended as a scripting language for big data pipeline | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
biohazard-tools | This is a collection of command line utilities that do useful stuff involving BAM files for Next Generation Sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Biopieces | The Biopieces are a collection of bioinformatics tools that can be pieced together in a very easy and flexible manner to perform both simple and complex tasks. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BIOPYTHON | Biopython is a set of freely available tools for biological computation written in Python by an international team of developers. | Genologin Cluster: In Python-3.6.3 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bwtools | bwtool is a command-line utility for bigWig files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Cabal | Cabal is the standard package system for Haskell software. It helps people to configure, build and install Haskell software and to distribute it easily to other users and developers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
cctools | The Cooperative Computing Tools (cctools) enable large scale distributed computations to harness hundreds to thousands of machines from clusters, clouds, and grids. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
cd-hit | CD-HIT stands for Cluster Database at High Identity with Tolerance. The program (cd-hit) takes a fasta format sequence database as input and produces a set of 'non-redundant' (nr) representative sequences as output. In addition cd-hit outputs a cluster file, documenting the sequence 'groupies' for each nr sequence representative. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
cdbfasta | This is a brief introduction to a couple of platform independent file-based hashing tools (cdbfasta and cdbyank) that can be used for creating indices for quick retrieval of any particular sequences from large multi-FASTA files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
circos | Circos is a software package for visualizing data and information. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
clustermq | ClusterMQ: send R function calls as cluster job | Genologin Cluster: In R-3.6.0 => module load system/R-3.6.0 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Concrete Autoencoders | The concrete autoencoder is an end-to-end differentiable method for global feature selection, which efficiently identifies a subset of the most informative features and simultaneously learns a neural network to reconstruct the input data from the selected features. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
datamash | GNU datamash is a command-line program which performs basic numeric, textual and statistical operations on input textual data files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DAZZ_DB | To facilitate the multiple phases of the dazzler assembler, we organize all the read data into what is effectively a "database" of the reads and their meta-information. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
deepTools | Tools to process and analyze deep sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DSK | DSK is a k-mer counting software, similar to Jellyfish. DSK supports large values of k, and runs with (almost-)arbitrarily low memory usage and reasonably low temporary disk usage. DSK can count k-mers of large Illumina datasets on laptops and desktop computers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ecoPCR | ecoPCR is an electronic PCR software developed by LECAand Helix-Project . It helps you to estimate Barcode primers quality. In conjunction with OBItools, you can postprocess ecoPCR output to compute barcode coverage and barcode speci?city. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EDirect | Entrez Direct (EDirect) provides access to the NCBI's suite of interconnected databases (publication, sequence, structure, gene, variation, expression, etc.) from a UNIX terminal window | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EGA_download_client | The EgaDemoClient is a JAVA based data streamer that enables EGA account holders to securely download files and datasets, either through an interactive shell (IS) or using direct command line mode (DCLM). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EggLib | EggLib is a C++/Python library and program package for evolutionary genetics and genomics. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Eigen | Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers, and related algorithms. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EMBOSS | EMBOSS is "The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite". EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ensembl-API | Ensembl uses MySQL relational databases to store its information. A comprehensive set of Application Programme Interfaces (APIs) serve as a middle-layer between underlying database schemes and more specific application programmes. The APIs aim to encapsulate the database layout by providing efficient high-level access to data tables and isolate applications from data layout changes. Ensembl's API is written in Perl | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EUPAN | Toolkit that integrates various software in order to build eukaryotic pangenomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FASTA Composition | finds the overall composition of sequences in a FASTA file | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FASTA_Length | FASTA Length finds the lengths of sequences in a FASTA file. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fastprofkernel | fastprofkernel is a Debian package that uses an accelerated version of the original profile kernel <1> to automatically train SVM based classification models. It can assign user-defined classes to so far uncharacterized proteins. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FastQC | A Quality Control application for FastQ files. FastQC is an application which takes a FastQ file and runs a series of tests on it to generate a comprehensive QC report. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FASTX-Toolkit | The FASTX-Toolkit is a collection of command line tools for Short-Reads FASTA/FASTQ files preprocessing. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fgbio | A set of tools to analyze genomic data with a focus on Next Generation Sequencing. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FindingOverCovRegions | search for genomic regions with abnormal read coverage (e.g. depth). To do so, this program requieres begraph-like file (e.g. bedtools genomecov per-base reports) where for each position of the genome, the coverage depth is reported (even 0 values). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fqtools | fqtools is a software suite for fast processing of FASTQ files; Various file manipulations are supported. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Galaxy | Galaxy is a scientific workflow, data integration, and data and analysis persistence and publishing platform that aims to make computational biology accessible to research scientists that do not have computer programming experience. Although it was initially developed for genomics research, it is largely domain agnostic and is now used as a general bioinformatics workflow management system | Genologin Cluster: soon SGE Cluster: Link to Galaxy instance New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gargammel | gargammel is an ancient DNA simulator | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GDAL | a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Source license by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. | Genologin Cluster: /tools/libraries/gdal New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GenomeScope | Fast genome analysis from unassembled short reads | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GenomeTools | Collection of bioinformatics tools (in the realm of genome informatics) combined into a single binary named "gt". | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Gerbil | A basic task in bioinformatics is the counting of k-mers in genome strings. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gfatools | gfatools is a set of tools for manipulating sequence graphs in the GFA or the rGFA format. It has implemented parsing, subgraph and conversion to FASTA/BED. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gff3sort | A Perl Script to sort gff3 files and produce suitable results for tabix tools | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gff3toembl | Converts Prokka GFF3 files to EMBL files for uploading annotated assemblies to EBI | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gffcompare | gffcompare can be used to compare, merge, annotate and estimate accuracy of one or more GFF files (the “query” files), when compared with a reference annotation (also provided as GFF). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gffread | GFF/GTF utility providing format conversions, region filtering, FASTA sequence extraction and more. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gh-cli | gh is GitHub on the command line. It brings pull requests, issues, and other GitHub concepts to the terminal next to where you are already working with git and your code. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GHC | GHC is a state-of-the-art, open source, compiler and interactive environment for the functional language Haskell | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Grinder | Grinder is a versatile open-source bioinformatic tool to create simulated omic shotgun and amplicon sequence libraries for all main sequencing platforms. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GTFtools | GTFtools provides a set of functions to analyze various modes of gene models. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
hcluster_sg | A hierarchical clustering software for sparse graphs | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HDFView | HDFView is a visual tool for browsing and editing HDF4 and HDF5 files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HGT-ID | An efficient and sensitive program for detecting viral insertion sequences from known viral reference genome in the genome of human cancers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
JAGS | JAGS is Just Another Gibbs Sampler. It is a program for analysis of Bayesian hierarchical models using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation not wholly unlike BUGS. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
JCVI | Collection of Python libraries to parse bioinformatics files, or perform computation related to assembly, annotation, and comparative genomics. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Jellyfish | JELLYFISH is a tool for fast, memory-efficient counting of k-mers in DNA. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Julia | Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing, with syntax that is familiar to users of other technical computing environments. It provides a sophisticated compiler, distributed parallel execution, numerical accuracy, and an extensive mathematical function library. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Jvarkit | Java utilities for Bioinformatics (only requested tools are compiling) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
KAT | KAT (The K-mer Analysis Toolkit) is a suite of tools that generate, analyse and compare k-mer spectra produced from sequence files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
kentUtils | UCSC command line bioinformatic utilities | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
klocate | Standalone tool based on the bwa index to locate a set of kmers along a reference genome. klocate searches each kmer (full and perfect match) in the index and outputs all positions the kmer maps to (output to sdtout in bed format). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
kmap | Standalone tool based on the bwa index to locate a set of kmers along a reference genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Krona | Krona allows hierarchical data to be explored with zoomable pie charts. Krona charts can be created using an Excel template or KronaTools, which includes support for several bioinformatics tools and raw data formats. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
lastp_aai | A simple Python script for calculating pairwise amino acid identity (AAI) between protein files (extension .faa) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
libplinkio | This is a small C and Python library for reading Plink genotype files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
libstree | libstree is a generic suffix tree implementation, written in C. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Liftoff | Liftoff is a tool that accurately maps annotations in GFF or GTF between assemblies of the same, or closely-related species. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
llvm | The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LRez | Standalone tool and library allowing to work with barcoded linked-reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MEGA-CC | Software suite for analyzing DNA and protein sequence data from species and populations. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
mosdepth | Fast BAM/CRAM depth calculation for WGS, exome, or targeted sequencing. mosdepth can output: per-base depth about 2x as fast samtools depth--about 25 minutes of CPU time for a 30X genome. mean per-window depth given a window size--as would be used for CNV calling. the mean per-region given a BED file of regions. a distribution of proportion of bases covered at or above a given threshhold for each chromosome and genome-wide. quantized output that merges adjacent bases as long as they fall in the same coverage bins e.g. (10-20) threshold output to indicate how many bases in each region are covered at the given thresholds. when appropriate, the output files are bgzipped and indexed for ease of use. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MultiQC | Aggregate results from bioinformatics analyses across many samples into a single report. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NAMD | NAMD, recipient of a 2002 Gordon Bell Award and a 2012 Sidney Fernbach Award, is a parallel molecular dynamics code designed for high-performance simulation of large biomolecular systems. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoPlot | Plotting tool for Oxford Nanopore sequencing data and alignments. |
Genologin Cluster: in Python-3.6.3 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
natsort | Simple yet flexible natural sorting in Python | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NCBI_tools | NCBI portable software toolkit | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NCBI_tools++ | NCBI C++ Toolkit provides free, portable, public domain libraries. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NextCloudcmd | A command line client that can be used to synchronize Nextcloud files to client machines. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Nextflow | Nextflow enables scalable and reproducible scientific workflows using software containers. It allows the adaptation of pipelines written in the most common scripting languages. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
numpy | NumPy is a package needed for scientific computing with Python. | Genologin Cluster: In Python (all versions) New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
OBITools | OBITools is a set of python programs developed to simplify the manipulation of sequence files in our labs. They were mainly designed to help us for analyzing Next Generation Sequencer outputs (454 or Illumina) in the context of DNA Metabarcoding. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Pandoc | Pandoc is a Haskell library for converting from one markup format to another, and a command-line tool that uses this library. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
parallel | GNU parallel is a shell tool for executing jobs in parallel using one or more computers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
parallel-fastq-dump | NCBI fastq-dump can be very slow sometimes, even if you have the resources (network, IO, CPU) to go faster, even if you already downloaded the sra file (see the protip below). This tool speeds up the process by dividing the work into multiple threads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PEAR | PEAR is an ultrafast, memory-efficient and highly accurate pair-end read merger. It is fully parallelized and can run with as low as just a few kilobytes of memory. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PfanScan | A program that searches a FASTA file against a library of Pfam HMMs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Pomoxis | Pomoxis comprises a set of basic bioinformatic tools tailored to nanopore sequencing. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
pong | pong is a freely available software package, released by Behr et al. (2016, Bioinformatics), for post-processing output from clustering inference using population genetic data. |
Genologin Cluster: In Python-2.7.15 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PoPoolation2 | PoPoolation2 allows to compare allele frequencies for SNPs between two or more populations and to identify significant differences. PoPoolation2 requires next generation sequencing data of pooled genomic DNA (Pool-Seq). It may be used for measuring differentiation between populations, for genome wide association studies and for experimental evolution. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
pp-popularity-contest | The pp-popularity-contest package sets up a cron job that periodically submits the developers anonymous statistics on the usage of Rost Lab prediction methods installed on this system. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
preseq | Software for predicting library complexity and genome coverage in high-throughput sequencing. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Primer3 | Primer3 is a widely used program for designing PCR primers (PCR = "Polymerase Chain Reaction"). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PRINSEQ | PRINSEQ is a tool that generates summary statistics of sequence and quality data and that is used to filter, reformat and trim next-generation sequence data. The standalone version is primarily designed for data preprocessing and does not generate summary statistics in graphical form. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PROJ4 | Cartographic Projections Library | Genologin Cluster: /tools/libraries/PROJ/ New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PyCharm | PyCharm is a dedicated Python and Django IDE providing a wide range of essential tools for Python developers, tightly integrated together to create a convenient environment for productive Python development and Web development. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PySlurm | This module provides a low-level Python wrapper around the Slurm C-API using Cython. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Quake | t Quake is a package to correct substitution sequencing errors in experiments with deep coverage (e.g. >15X), specifically intended for Illumina sequencing reads. Quake adopts the k-mer error correction framework, first introduced by the EULER genome assembly package. Unlike EULER and similar progams, Quake utilizes a robust mixture model of erroneous and genuine k-mer distributions to determine where errors are located. Then Quake uses read quality values and learns the nucleotide to nucleotide error rates to determine what types of errors are most likely. This leads to more corrections and greater accuracy, especially with respect to avoiding mis-corrections, which create false sequence unsimilar to anything in the original genome sequence from which the read was taken.
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
R | R is "GNU S", a freely available language and environment for statistical computing and graphics which provides a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques: linear and nonlinear modelling, statistical tests, time series analysis, classification, clustering, etc. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RabbitUniq | Compute unique k-mer faster. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RabbitV | RabbitV is a highly optimized and practical toolkit for the detection of viruses and microorganisms in sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RetroScan | RetroScan is an easy-to-use tool for retrocopy identification that integrates a series of bioinformatics tools (LAST, BEDtools, ClustalW2, KaKs_Calculator, HISAT2, StringTie, SAMtools and Shiny) and scripts. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Roary | Roary is a high speed stand alone pan genome pipeline, which takes annotated assemblies in GFF3 format (produced by Prokka (Seemann, 2014)) and calculates the pan genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ROSE | To create stitched enhancers, and to separate super-enhancers from typical enhancers using sequencing data (.bam) given a file of previously identified constituent enhancers (.gff) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ruby | A dynamic, open source programming language. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
sambamba | Sambamba is a high performance modern robust and fast tool (and library), written in the D programming language, for working with SAM and BAM files. Current functionality is an important subset of samtools functionality, including view, index, sort, markdup, and depth. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
samclip | Filter SAM file for soft and hard clipped alignments | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Saturn | A tool for assessing the library saturation without any reference genome. . |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
sbt | sbt is a build tool for Scala, Java, and more. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
scipy | SciPy (pronounced "Sigh Pie") is open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering. The SciPy library depends on Numpy, which provides convenient and fast N-dimensional array manipulation. | Genologin Cluster: In Python modules New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
selscan | A program to calculate EHH-based scans for positive selection in genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Seq | Seq is a programming language for computational genomics and bioinformatics. With a Python-compatible syntax and a host of domain-specific features and optimizations, Seq makes writing high-performance genomics software as easy as writing Python code, and achieves performance comparable to (and in many cases better than) C/C++. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SeqAn | SeqAn is an open source C++ library of efficient algorithms and data structures for the analysis of sequences with the focus on biological data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
seqfilter | Filter fasta/fastq(.gz) files by ID and/or sequence length |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SeqKit | A cross-platform and ultrafast toolkit for FASTA/Q file manipulation. Common manipulations of FASTA/Q file include converting, searching, filtering, deduplication, splitting, shuffling, and sampling. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Seqtk | Toolkit for processing sequences in FASTA/Q formats |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SequenceTools | Tools for population genetics on sequencing datas |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Singularity | Singularity enables users to have full control of their environment. Singularity containers can be used to package entire scientific workflows, software and libraries, and even data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Smudgeplots | Inference of ploidy and heterozygosity structure using whole genome sequencing data. This tool extracts heterozygous kmer pairs from kmer dump files (from jellyfish or KMC) and performs gymnastics with them. We are able to disentangle genome structure by comparing the sum of kmer pair coverages (CovA + CovB) to their relative coverage (CovA / (CovA + CovB)). Smudgeplots are computed from raw/trimmed reads and show the haplotype structure using heterozygous kmer pairs. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Snakemake | Snakemake is a workflow management system that aims to reduce the complexity of creating workflows by providing a fast and comfortable execution environment, together with a clean and modern specification language in python style. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
soap.coverage | Can calculate sequencing coverage or physical coverage as well as duplication rate and details of specific block for each segments and whole genome by using SOAP, Blat, Blast, BlastZ, mummer and MAQ aligement results with multi-thread. Gzip file supported. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
sourmash | sourmash is a command-line tool and Python library for computing hash sketches from DNA sequences, comparing them to each other, and plotting the results. | Genologin Cluster: In Python-3.7.4 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
squeakr | Squeakr is a k-mer-counting and multiset-representation system using the recently-introduced counting quotient filter (CQF) Pandey et al. (2017), a feature-rich approximate membership query (AMQ) data structure. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
squid | A C library that is bundled with much of the above software. C function library for sequence analysis. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SRAToolkit | Toolkit to query Short Reads Archive at NCBI |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
subsampler | Small tool to subsample fasta and fastq files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Sumaclust | Fast and exact clustering of sequences. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Sumatra | Sumatra was developed by the LECA and aims to compute a great deal of sequence similarities in a fast and exact way, based on the length of the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) between two sequences. Sequence clustering based on similarities is also available through Sumaclust. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
superstring | Greedy approximation of the shortest common superstring | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
tabix | TAB-delimited file IndeXer. Useful for vcfTools. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TexLive | TeX Live is intended to be a straightforward way to get up and running with the TeX document production system. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
toulbar2 | toulbar2 is an open-source black-box C++ optimizer for cost function networks and discrete additive graphical models. It can read a variety of formats. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Umap | The free umap software package efficiently identifies uniquely mappable regions of any genome. Its Bismap extension identifies mappability of the bisulfite converted genome (methylome). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
vawk | An awk-like VCF parser |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
vcflib | C++ library and cmdline tools for parsing and manipulating VCF files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
VCFtools | VCFtools is a program package designed for working with VCF files, such as those generated by the 1000 Genomes Project. The aim of VCFtools is to provide methods for working with VCF files: validating, merging, comparing and calculate some basic population genetic statistics. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Vmatch | A versatile software tool for efficiently solving large scale sequence matching tasks. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
VSEARCH | Versatile open-source tool for metagenomics | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Wgsim | Wgsim is a small tool for simulating sequence reads from a reference genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
WiggleTools | The WiggleTools package allows genomewide data files to be manipulated as numerical functions, equipped with all the standard functional analysis operators (sum, product, product by a scalar, comparators), and derived statistics (mean, median, variance, stddev, t-test, Wilcoxon's rank sum test, etc). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
ANGEL | Robust Open Reading Frame prediction (ANGLE re-implementation) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ArrowGrid | The distribution is a parallel wrapper around the Arrow consensus framework within the SMRT Analysis Software | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BELLA | A computationally-efficient and highly-accurate long-read to long-read aligner and overlapper. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CIRI-long | Circular RNA Identification for Long-Reads Nanopore Sequencing Data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Clair | Deep neural network based variant caller. Single-molecule sequencing technologies have emerged in recent years and revolutionized structural variant calling, complex genome assembly, and epigenetic mark detection. However, the lack of a highly accurate small variant caller has limited the new technologies from being more widely used. In this study, we present Clair, the successor to Clairvoyante, a program for fast and accurate germline small variant calling, using single molecule sequencing data. For ONT data, Clair achieves the best precision, recall and speed as compared to several competing programs, including Clairvoyante, Longshot and Medaka. Through studying the missed variants and benchmarking intentionally overfitted models, we found that Clair may be approaching the limit of possible accuracy for germline small variant calling using pileup data and deep neural networks. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CONSENT | CONSENT (sCalable self-cOrrectioN of long reads with multiple SEquence alignmeNT) is a self-correction method for long reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DAmar | Long read QC, assembly and scaffolding pipeline for PacBio or Oxford Nanopore long-read sequencing data. T he pipeline produces a number of QC metrics at various stages as well as incorporating further technologies including Bionano, 10x and HiC data to scaffold the created contigs. DAmar, is a hybrid of the earlier Marvel, Dazzler, and Daccord systems of the Eugene Myers lab. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DAZZ_DB | To facilitate the multiple phases of the dazzler assembler, we organize all the read data into what is effectively a "database" of the reads and their meta-information. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DBG2OLC | The genome assembler that reduces the computational time of human genome assembly from 400,000 CPU hours to 2,000 CPU hours, utilizing long erroneous 3GS sequencing reads and short accurate NGS sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Deepbinner | Deepbinner is a tool for demultiplexing barcoded Oxford Nanopore sequencing reads. It does this with a deep convolutional neural network classifier, using many of the architectural advances that have proven successful in image classification. Unlike other demultiplexers (e.g. Albacore and Porechop), Deepbinner identifies barcodes from the raw signal (a.k.a. squiggle) which gives it greater sensitivity and fewer unclassified reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DeepSignal | Detecting methylation using signal-level features from Nanopore sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DENTIST | DENTIST is a sensitive, highly-accurate and automated pipeline method to close gaps in (short read) assemblies with long reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FABuLOUS | A gap-closing software tool that uses error-prone long reads generated by third-generation-sequence techniques (Pacbio, Oxford Nanopore, etc.) or preassembled contigs to fill N-gap in the genome assembly. Initially called TGS-GapCloser. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FALCON | Falcon: a set of tools for fast aligning long reads for consensus and assembly |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FALCON-Phase | FALCON-Phase integrates PacBio long-read assemblies with Phase Genomics Hi-C data to create phased, diploid, chromosome-scale scaffolds. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Filtlong | Filtlong is a tool for filtering long reads by quality. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FLAIR | FLAIR (Full-Length Alternative Isoform analysis of RNA) for the correction, isoform definition, and alternative splicing analysis of noisy reads. FLAIR has primarily been used for nanopore cDNA, native RNA, and PacBio sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FLAS | FLAS is software that makes self-correction for PacBio long reads with fast speed and high throughput. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Flye | Flye is a de novo assembler for long and noisy reads, such as those produced by PacBio and Oxford Nanopore Technologies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FMLRC | FMLRC, or FM-index Long Read Corrector, is a tool for performing hybrid correction of long read sequencing using the BWT and FM-index of short-read sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GraphAligner | Seed-and-extend program for aligning long error-prone reads to genome graphs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GraphMap | A highly sensitive and accurate mapper for long, error-prone reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Hap10 | The goal is to reconstruct accurate and long haplotypes polyploid genome using linked reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Hapo-G | Hapo-G is a tool that aims to improve the quality of genome assemblies by polishing the consensus with accurate reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HASLR | HASLR is a tool for rapid genome assembly of long sequencing reads. HASLR is a hybrid tool which means it requires long reads generated by Third Generation Sequencing technologies (such as PacBio or Oxford Nanopore) together with Next Generation Sequencing reads (such as Illumina) from the same sample. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HECIL | Hybrid Error Correction of Long Reads using Iterative Learning | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HELEN | HELEN (Homopolymer Encoded Long-read Error-corrector for Nanopore) uses a Recurrent-Neural-Network (RNN) based Multi-Task Learning (MTL) model that can predict a base and a run-length for each genomic position using the weights generated by MarginPolish. This installation includes MarginPolish. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HG-CoLoR | HG-CoLoR (Hybrid method based on a variable-order de bruijn Graph for the error Correction of Long Reads) is a hybrid method for the error correction of long reads that both aligns the short reads to the long reads, and uses a variable-order de Bruijn graph, in a seed-and-extend approach. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HiFiAdapterFilt | Convert .bam to .fastq and remove reads with remnant PacBio adapter sequences. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
IPA | Improved Phased Assembler (IPA) is the official PacBio software for HiFi genome assembly. IPA was designed to utilize the accuracy of PacBio HiFi reads to produce high-quality phased genome assemblies. IPA is an end-to-end solution, starting with input reads and resulting in a polished assembly. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
IsoSeq3 | Scalable De Novo Isoform Discovery from Single-Molecule PacBio Reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Jabba | A hybrid error correction tool for sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
lamassemble | Merge overlapping "long" DNA reads into a consensus sequence. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
lima | Demultiplex Barcoded PacBio Samples. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Linker | Linker is a suite of C++ tools useful for interpreting long and linked read sequencing of cancer genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LIQA | Long-read Isoform Quantification and Analysis) is an Expectation-Maximization based statistical method to quantify isoform expression and detect differential alternative splicing (DAS) events using long-read RNA-seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LongQC | LongQC is a tool for the data quality control of the PacBio and ONT long reads, and it has two functionalities: sample qc and platform qc. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
longshot | Longshot is a variant calling tool for diploid genomes using long error prone reads such as Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) SMRT and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LoRDEC | LoRDEC is a program to correct sequencing errors in long reads from 3rd generation sequencing with high error rate, and is especially intended for PacBio reads. It uses a hybrid strategy, meaning that it uses two sets of reads: the reference read set, whose error rate is assumed to be small, and the PacBio read set, which is then corrected using the reference set. Typically, the reference set contains Illumina reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LR_Gapcloser | LR_Gapcloser is a gap closing tool using uncorrected or corrected long reads generated from Pacbio platform or Nanopore platform. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LRScaf | TGS scaffolding . Improving draft genomes using long noisy reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MARVEL | MARVEL consists of a set of tools that facilitate the overlapping, patching, correction and assembly of noisy (not so noisy ones as well) long reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MashMap | MashMap implements a fast and approximate algorithm for computing local alignment boundaries between long DNA sequences. It can be useful for mapping genome assembly or long reads (PacBio/ONT) to reference genome(s). Given a minimum alignment length and an identity threshold for the desired local alignments, Mashmap computes alignment boundaries and identity estimates using k-mers. It does not compute the alignments explicitly, but rather estimates a k-mer based Jaccard similarity using a combination of Minimizers and MinHash. This is then converted to an estimate of sequence identity using the Mash distance. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MaSuRCA | MaSuRCA is whole genome assembly software. It combines the efficiency of the de Bruijn graph and Overlap-Layout-Consensus (OLC) approaches. MaSuRCA can assemble data sets containing only short reads from Illumina sequencing or a mixture of short reads and long reads (Sanger, 454) |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
mCaller | This program is designed to call m6A from nanopore data using the differences between measured and expected currents. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Megalodon | Megalodon provides "basecalling augmentation" for raw nanopore sequencing reads, including direct, reference-guided SNP and modified base calling. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MeGAMerge | A tool to merge assembled contigs, long reads from metagenomic sequencing runs |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MetaMaps | MetaMaps is tool specifically developed for the analysis of long-read (PacBio/ONT) metagenomic datasets. It simultaenously carries out read assignment and sample composition estimation. It is faster than classical exact alignment-based approaches, and its output is more information-rich than that of kmer-spectra-based methods. For example, each MetaMaps alignment comes with an approximate alignment location, an estimated alignment identity and a mapping quality. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Miniasm | Ultrafast de novo assembly for long noisy reads (though having no consensus step). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MinIONQC | Fast and effective quality control for MinION and PromethION sequencing data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Minipolish | A tool for Racon polishing of miniasm assemblies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MiniScrub | MiniScrub is a de novo long sequencing read preprocessing method that improves read quality by predicting and removing ("scrubbing") read segments that have a high concentration of errors. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoCaller | NanoCaller is a computational method that integrates long reads in deep convolutional neural network for the detection of SNPs/indels from long-read sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoComp | Compare multiple runs of long read sequencing data and alignments. |
Genologin Cluster: in Python-3.6.3 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoSimm | NanoSim is a fast and scalable read simulator that captures the technology-specific features of ONT data, and allows for adjustments upon improvement of nanopore sequencing technology. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoSPC | NanoSPC is a scalable, portable and cloud compatible pipeline for analyzing Nanopore sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NaS | NaS is a hybrid approach developed to take advantage of data generated using MinION device. It combines Illumina and Oxford Nanopore technologies to produce NaS (Nanopore Synthetic-long) reads |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NECAT | NECAT is an error correction and de-novo assembly tool for Nanopore long noisy reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NextDenovo | NextDenovo is a string graph-based de novo assembler for TGS long reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NGMLR | NGMLR is a long-read mapper designed to align PacBio or Oxford Nanopore (standard and ultra-long) to a reference genome with a focus on reads that span structural variations SV detection from paired end reads mapping |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Oases | Oases is a de novo transcriptome assembler designed to produce transcripts from short read sequencing technologies, such as Illumina, SOLiD, or 454 in the absence of any genomic assembly. It was developed by Marcel Schulz (MPI for Molecular Genomics) and Daniel Zerbino (previously at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), now at UC Santa Cruz). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ont_fast5_api | ont_fast5_api is a simple interface to HDF5 files of the Oxford Nanopore fast5 file format. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Organelle_PBA | OrganelleRef_PBA is a script to perform a de-novo PacBio assemblies of any organelle (chloroplast or mitochondrial genomes) using several programs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Pacasus | Tool for detecting and cleaning PacBio / Nanopore long reads after whole genome amplification. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Peregrine | Peregrine is a fast genome assembler for accurate long reads (length > 10kb, accuraccy > 99%). It can assemble a human genome from 30x reads within 20 cpu hours from reads to polished consensus. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Pomoxis | Pomoxis comprises a set of basic bioinformatic tools tailored to nanopore sequencing. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Porechop_ABI | Porechop_abi (ab initio) is an extension of Porechop that is able to infer the adapter sequence from the Oxford Nanopore reads. It discovers the adapter sequence from the reads using approximate k-mers and assembly, and add the sequence found to the adapter list ( file). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
pycoQC | pycoQC computes metrics and generates Interactive QC plots from the sequencing summary report generated by Oxford Nanopore technologies basecaller (Albacore/Guppy) |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Rabaler | Rebaler is a program for conducting reference-based assemblies using long reads. It relies mainly on minimap2 for alignment and Racon for making consensus sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Racon | Consensus module for raw de novo DNA assembly of long uncorrected reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ratatosk | Ratatosk is a phased error correction tool for erroneous long reads based on compacted and colored de Bruijn graphs built from accurate short reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
rust-mdbg | rust-mdbg is an ultra-fast minimizer-space de Bruijn graph (mdBG) implementation, geared towards the assembly of long and accurate reads such as PacBio HiFi. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Shasta | The goal of the Shasta long read assembler is to rapidly produce accurate assembled sequence using as input DNA reads generated by Oxford Nanopore flow cells. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SLR-superscaffolder | This is a scaffold assembler designed for stLFR reads. It uses the link-reads information from stLFR reads to assemble contigs to scaffolds. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
spliced_bam2gff | A tool to convert spliced BAM alignments into GFF2 format. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SQANTI3 | SQANTI3 is the newest version of the SQANTI tool (publication) that merges features from SQANTI, (code repository) and SQANTI2 (code repository), together with new additions. SQANTI3 will continue as an integrated development aiming to providing you the best characterization possible for your new long read-defined transcriptome. SQANTI3 is the first module of the Functional IsoTranscriptomics (FIT) framework, that also includes IsoAnnot and tappAS. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SquiggleKit | A toolkit for manipulating nanopore signal data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SSPACE-LongRead | SSPACE-LongRead is a stand-alone program for scaffolding pre-assembled contigs using long reads (e.g. PacBio RS reads). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SVIM | SVIM is a structural variant caller for long reads. It is able to detect, classify and genotype five different classes of structural variants. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SVJedi | SVJedi is a structural variation (SV) genotyper for long read data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Tapestry | Tapestry is a tool to validate and edit small eukaryotic genome assemblies using long sequence reads. It is designed to help identify complete chromosomes, symbionts, haplotypes, complex features and errors in close-to-complete genome assemblies. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TGSGapFiller | A gap filling tool that uses error-prone long reads generated by third-generation-sequence techniques (Pacbio, Oxford Nanopore, etc.) or preassembled contigs to fill N-gap in the genome assembly. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Tombo | Tombo is a suite of tools primarily for the identification of modified nucleotides from raw nanopore sequencing data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Trycycler | Trycycler is a tool for generating consensus long-read assemblies for bacterial genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
uLTRA | uLTRA is a tool for splice alignment of long transcriptomic reads to a genome, guided by a database of exon annotations. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Velvet | Velvet is a de novo genomic assembler specially designed for short read sequencing technologies, such as Solexa or 454, developed by Daniel Zerbino and Ewan Birney at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), near Cambridge, in the United Kingdom. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
WhatsHap | WhatsHap is a software for phasing genomic variants using DNA sequencing reads, also called read-based phasing or haplotype assembly. It is especially suitable for long reads, but works also well with short reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
yacrd | Yet Another Chimeric Read Detector for long reads |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Yak | Yak is initially developed for two specific use cases: 1) to robustly estimate the base accuracy of CCS reads and assembly contigs, and 2) to investigate the systematic error rate of CCS reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
Beagle-lib | BEAGLE-lib is a high-performance library that can perform the core calculations at the heart of most Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood phylogenetics packages | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
eLSA | Extended Local Similarity Analysis -- Finding Time-Dependent Associations in Time Series Datasets | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GROMACS | GROMACS is a versatile package to perform molecular dynamics, i.e. simulate the Newtonian equations of motion for systems with hundreds to millions of particles. It is primarily designed for biochemical molecules like proteins, lipids and nucleic acids that have a lot of complicated bonded interactions, but since GROMACS is extremely fast at calculating the nonbonded interactions (that usually dominate simulations) many groups are also using it for research on non-biological systems, e.g. polymers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
JAGS | JAGS is Just Another Gibbs Sampler. It is a program for analysis of Bayesian hierarchical models using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation not wholly unlike BUGS. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MCL | The MCL algorithm is short for the Markov Cluster Algorithm, a fast and scalable unsupervised cluster algorithm for graphs (also known as networks) based on simulation of (stochastic) flow in graphs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ReLERNN | Recombination Landscape Estimation using Recurrent Neural Networks | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
snape-pooled | SNAPE-pooled computes the probability distribution for the frequency of the minor allele in a certain population, at a certain position in the genome. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
sNMF | A fast and efficient program for estimating individual admixture coefficients based on sparse non-negative matrix factorization and population genetics. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
toulbar2 | toulbar2 is an open-source black-box C++ optimizer for cost function networks and discrete additive graphical models. It can read a variety of formats. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
ARAGORN | ARAGORN is a program to detect tRNA genes and tmRNA genes in nucleotide sequence | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Barrnap | Barrnap predicts the location of ribosomal RNA genes in genomes. It supports bacteria (5S,23S,16S), archaea (5S,5.8S,23S,16S), mitochondria (12S,16S) and eukaryotes (5S,5.8S,28S,18S). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BlockClust | BlockClust is an efficient approach to detect transcripts with similar processing patterns. We propose a novel way to encode expression profiles in compact discrete structures, which can then be processed using fast graph-kernel techniques. BlockClust allows both clustering and classification of small non-coding RNAs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
circtools | A modular, python-based framework for circRNA-related tools that unifies several functionalities in a single, command line driven software. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CIRI-long | Circular RNA Identification for Long-Reads Nanopore Sequencing Data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CleaveLand4 | Analysis of degradome data to find sliced miRNA and siRNA targets | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FEELnc | FlExible Extraction of LncRNA. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
miRDeep2 | miRDeep2 is a software package for identification of novel and known miRNAs in deep sequencing data. Furthermore, it can be used for miRNA expression profiling across samples. Last, a new module for preprocessing of raw Illumina sequencing data produces files for downstream analysis with the miRDeep2 or quantifier module. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MiRfold | MiRfold searches for a good miRNA-like folding in the sequence surrounding a putative miRNA. It was optimized on plant miRNAs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PHASE | PHASE is a package that performs molecular phylogenetic inference. The software seeks to accurately compare molecular sequences to determine the likely evolutionary relationships between a group of species. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PhaseTank | To systemically characterize phasiRNAs/tasiRNAs and their regulatory cascades 'miRNA/phasiRNA -> | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PingPongPro | Find ping-pong signatures in piRNA-Seq data like a pro. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RNAclust | RNAclust is a perl script summarizing all the single steps required for clustering of structured RNA motifs, i.e. identifying groups of RNA sequences sharing a secondary structure motif. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RNAmmer | Rnammer predicts 5s/8s, 16s/18s, and 23s/28s ribosomal RNA in tttfull genome sequences. The program uses hidden Markov models trained on data from the 5S ribosomal RNA database and the European ribosomal RNA database project. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RNAscClust | RNAscClust is a pipeline to cluster a set of structured RNAs taking their respective structural conservation into account. The aim of RNAscClust is to aid the discovery of families and classes of ncRNAs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ShortStack | ShortStack is a tool developed to process and analyze smallRNA-seq data with respect to a reference genome, and output a comprehensive and informative annotation of all discovered small RNA genes. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SortMeRNA | SortMeRNA is a software designed to rapidly filter ribosomal RNA fragments from metatransriptomic data produced by next-generation sequencers. It is capable of handling large RNA databases and sorting out all fragments matching to the database with high accuracy and specificity | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
srnaMapper | This tool maps reads produced by sRNA-Seq to a genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
tRNAscan-SE | Search for tRNA genes in genomic sequence. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
Juicebox | Software for visualizing data from Hi-C and other proximity mapping experiments | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Juicer | A One-Click System for Analyzing Loop-Resolution Hi-C Experiments | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LocARNA | LocARNA is a tool for multiple alignment of RNA molecules. LocARNA requires only RNA sequences as input and will simultaneously fold and align the input sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MiRfold | MiRfold searches for a good miRNA-like folding in the sequence surrounding a putative miRNA. It was optimized on plant miRNAs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
non-B_gfa | gfa programs for Non-B site at NCI/FNLCR. gfa is a Suite of programs developed at NCI-Frederick/Frederick National Lab to find sequences associated with non-B DNA forming motifs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PETfold | PETfold performs Probabilistic Evolutionary and Thermodynamic folding of a multiple alignment of RNA sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
R-scape | R-scape looks for evidence of a conserved RNA structure by measuring pairwise covariations observed in an input multiple sequence alignment. It analyzes all possible pairs, including those in your proposed structure (if you provide one). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
randfold | The software compute the probability that, for a given RNA sequence, the Minimum Free Energy (MFE) of the secondary structure is different from a distribution of MFE computed with random sequences.. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Rfold | Rfold computes local base pairing probabilities for long DNA sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RNAclust | RNAclust is a perl script summarizing all the single steps required for clustering of structured RNA motifs, i.e. identifying groups of RNA sequences sharing a secondary structure motif. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RNAz | RNAz detects stable and conserved RNA secondary structures in multiple sequence alignments. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
ASHURE | Python-based pipeline for analyzing Nanopore sequencing metabarcoding data. ASHURE can take a reference database in order to improve accuracy. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CARNAC-LR | Clustering coefficient-based Acquisition of RNA Communities in Long Reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Clair | Deep neural network based variant caller. Single-molecule sequencing technologies have emerged in recent years and revolutionized structural variant calling, complex genome assembly, and epigenetic mark detection. However, the lack of a highly accurate small variant caller has limited the new technologies from being more widely used. In this study, we present Clair, the successor to Clairvoyante, a program for fast and accurate germline small variant calling, using single molecule sequencing data. For ONT data, Clair achieves the best precision, recall and speed as compared to several competing programs, including Clairvoyante, Longshot and Medaka. Through studying the missed variants and benchmarking intentionally overfitted models, we found that Clair may be approaching the limit of possible accuracy for germline small variant calling using pileup data and deep neural networks. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CONSENT | CONSENT (sCalable self-cOrrectioN of long reads with multiple SEquence alignmeNT) is a self-correction method for long reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DAmar | Long read QC, assembly and scaffolding pipeline for PacBio or Oxford Nanopore long-read sequencing data. T he pipeline produces a number of QC metrics at various stages as well as incorporating further technologies including Bionano, 10x and HiC data to scaffold the created contigs. DAmar, is a hybrid of the earlier Marvel, Dazzler, and Daccord systems of the Eugene Myers lab. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Deepbinner | Deepbinner is a tool for demultiplexing barcoded Oxford Nanopore sequencing reads. It does this with a deep convolutional neural network classifier, using many of the architectural advances that have proven successful in image classification. Unlike other demultiplexers (e.g. Albacore and Porechop), Deepbinner identifies barcodes from the raw signal (a.k.a. squiggle) which gives it greater sensitivity and fewer unclassified reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DeepSignal | Detecting methylation using signal-level features from Nanopore sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Flye | Flye is a de novo assembler for long and noisy reads, such as those produced by PacBio and Oxford Nanopore Technologies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LR_Gapcloser | LR_Gapcloser is a gap closing tool using uncorrected or corrected long reads generated from Pacbio platform or Nanopore platform. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
mCaller | This program is designed to call m6A from nanopore data using the differences between measured and expected currents. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Nano-Q | Python script for conservatively cleaning ONT reads from bam files and estimate variant frequencies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoCLUST | NanoCLUST is an analysis pipeline for UMAP-based classification of amplicon-based full-length 16S rRNA nanopore reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoCount | NanoCount estimates transcripts abundance from Oxford Nanopore direct-RNA sequencing datasets, using an expectation-maximization approach like RSEM, Kallisto, salmon, etc to handle the uncertainty of multi-mapping reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoSimm | NanoSim is a fast and scalable read simulator that captures the technology-specific features of ONT data, and allows for adjustments upon improvement of nanopore sequencing technology. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NECAT | NECAT is an error correction and de-novo assembly tool for Nanopore long noisy reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ont_fast5_api | ont_fast5_api is a simple interface to HDF5 files of the Oxford Nanopore fast5 file format. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Porechop_ABI | Porechop_abi (ab initio) is an extension of Porechop that is able to infer the adapter sequence from the Oxford Nanopore reads. It discovers the adapter sequence from the reads using approximate k-mers and assembly, and add the sequence found to the adapter list ( file). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ratatosk | Ratatosk is a phased error correction tool for erroneous long reads based on compacted and colored de Bruijn graphs built from accurate short reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Shasta | The goal of the Shasta long read assembler is to rapidly produce accurate assembled sequence using as input DNA reads generated by Oxford Nanopore flow cells. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Sniffles | A fast structural variant caller for long-read sequencing, Sniffles2 accurately detect SVs on germline, somatic and population-level for PacBio and Oxford Nanopore read data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
spliced_bam2gff | A tool to convert spliced BAM alignments into GFF2 format. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SquiggleKit | A toolkit for manipulating nanopore signal data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Tombo | Tombo is a suite of tools primarily for the identification of modified nucleotides from raw nanopore sequencing data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Variabel | A novel approach and method for intrahost variant detection, which outperforms existing ONT variant callers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
DBSCAN-SWA | An integrated tool for rapid prophage detection and annotation. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ERPIN | ERPIN (Easy RNA Profile IdentificatioN) is an RNA motif search program developped by Daniel Gautheret and André Lambert. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NetLogo | NetLogo is a multi-agent programmable modeling environment. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
odgi | odgi provides an efficient and succinct dynamic DNA sequence graph model, as well as a host of algorithms that allow the use of such graphs in bioinformatic analyses. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
BlockClust | BlockClust is an efficient approach to detect transcripts with similar processing patterns. We propose a novel way to encode expression profiles in compact discrete structures, which can then be processed using fast graph-kernel techniques. BlockClust allows both clustering and classification of small non-coding RNAs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CMfinder | CMfinder is a RNA motif prediction tool. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DinuQ | The DinuQ (Dinucleotide Quantification) Python3 package provides a range of metrics for quantifying nucleotide, dinucleotide and synonymous codon representation in genetic sequences. | Genologin Cluster: Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EMBOSS | EMBOSS is "The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite". EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FastaGrep | FastaGrep is a tool for searching oligonucleotide binding sites from FastA genomic sequences. It can do both match/mismatch based and thermodynamic binding energy searches. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Gerbil | A basic task in bioinformatics is the counting of k-mers in genome strings. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
kmap | Standalone tool based on the bwa index to locate a set of kmers along a reference genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MEME | The MEME Suite allows you to: (1) discover motifs using MEME or GLAM2 on groups of related DNA or protein sequences, (2) search sequence databases using motifs, (3) compare a motif to all motifs in a database of motifs, and (3) associate motifs with Gene Ontology terms via their putative target genes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
pftools3 | The pftools package contains all the software necessary to build protein and DNA generalized profiles and use them to scan and align sequences, and search databases | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
QmRLFS-finder | QmRLFS-finder, the first R-loop finding tool which uses (unsupervised) QmRLFS (Quantitative Models of RLFS) models to predict RLFSs. This command line tool generates locations and detailed information of RLFSs as well as standards-compliant output files for further analysis and visualization. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RNAclust | RNAclust is a perl script summarizing all the single steps required for clustering of structured RNA motifs, i.e. identifying groups of RNA sequences sharing a secondary structure motif. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Scan For Matches | scan_for_matches is a utility written in C for locating patterns in DNA or protein FASTA files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
VAST-TOOLS | Vertebrate Alternative Splicing and Transcription Tools (VAST-TOOLS) is a toolset for profiling and comparing alternative splicing events in RNA-Seq data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
AAF | This is a package for constructing phylogeny without doing alignment or assembly. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
adegenet | R package dedicated to the exploratory analysis of genetic data. It implements a set of tools ranging from multivariate methods to spatial genetics and genome-wise SNP data analysis | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Anvio | Anvi’o is an analysis and visualization platform for ‘omics data. It brings together many aspects of today’s cutting-edge genomic, metagenomic, and metatranscriptomic analysis practices to address a wide array of needs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ASHURE | Python-based pipeline for analyzing Nanopore sequencing metabarcoding data. ASHURE can take a reference database in order to improve accuracy. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ASTER | A family of ASTRAL-like algorithms. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ASTRAL | ASTRAL is a tool for estimating an unrooted species tree given a set of unrooted gene trees. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ASTRAL-Pro | ASTRAL-Pro stands for ASTRAL for PaRalogs and Orthologs. ASTRAL is a tool for estimating an unrooted species tree given a set of unrooted gene trees. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Bakta | Rapid & standardized annotation of bacterial genomes, MAGs & plasmids. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BAli-Phy | BAli-Phy is software by Ben Redelings that estimates multiple sequence alignments and evolutionary trees from DNA, amino acid, or codon sequences. It uses likelihood-based evolutionary models of substitutions and insertions and deletions to place gaps. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BayesTraits | BayesTraits is a computer package for performing analyses of trait evolution among groups of species for which a phylogeny or sample of phylogenies is available. This new package incoporates our earlier and separate programes Multistate, Discrete and Continuous. BayesTraits can be applied to the analysis of traits that adopt a finite number of discrete states, or to the analysis of continuously varying traits. Hypotheses can be tested about models of evolution, about ancestral states and about correlations among pairs of traits. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Beagle-lib | BEAGLE-lib is a high-performance library that can perform the core calculations at the heart of most Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood phylogenetics packages | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BEAST2 | BEAST 2 is a cross-platform program for Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of molecular sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BIG-SCAPE | Biosynthetic Genes Similarity Clustering and Prospecting Engine. Defines a distance metric between Gene Clusters using a combination of three indices (Jaccard Index of domain types, Domain Sequence Similarity the Adjacency Index) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BlobTools | A modular command-line solution for visualisation, quality control and taxonomic partitioning of genome datasets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Bracken | Bracken (Bayesian Reestimation of Abundance with KrakEN) is a highly accurate statistical method that computes the abundance of species in DNA sequences from a metagenomics sample. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BUCKy | BUCKy is a free program to combine molecular data from multiple loci. BUCKy estimates the dominant history of sampled individuals, and how much of the genome supports each relationship, using Bayesian concordance analysis. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CAFE | Software for Computational Analysis of gene Family Evolution. The purpose of CAFE is to analyze changes in gene family size in a way that accounts for phylogenetic history and provides a statistical foundation for evolutionary inferences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CCMetagen | CCMetagen processes sequence alignments produced with KMA, which implements the ConClave sorting scheme to achieve highly accurate read mappings. CCMetagen processes sequence alignments produced with KMA, which implements the ConClave sorting scheme to achieve highly accurate read mappings. CCMetagen produces ranked taxonomic results in user-friendly formats that are ready for publication or downstream statistical analyses. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Centrifuge | Classifier for metagenomic sequences. Centrifuge is a novel microbial classification engine that enables rapid, accurate and sensitive labeling of reads and quantification of species on desktop computers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CONCOCT | A program for unsupervised binning of metagenomic contigs by using nucleotide composition, coverage data in multiple samples and linkage data from paired end reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CoverM | Read coverage calculator for metagenomics. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
d2SBin | Improving the binning of metagenomic contigs on d2S oligonucleotide frequency dissimilarity | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DAS_Tool | An automated method that integrates the results of a flexible number of binning algorithms to calculate an optimized, non-redundant set of bins from a single assembly. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DATES | DATES (Distribution of Ancestry Tracts of Evolutionary Signals) is a method to estimate the time of admixture in ancient DNA samples described in Narasimhan, Patterson et al. 2018 | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
dbcAmplicons | Analysis of Double Barcoded Illumina Amplicon Data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DECX | This is the DECX (DEC eXtended) model for historical biogeographic inference | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DESMAN | De novo Extraction of Strains from MetAgeNomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DLCpar | DLCpar is a reconciliation method for inferring gene duplications, losses, and coalescence (accounting for incomplete lineage sorting). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DRAM | DRAM (Distilled and Refined Annotation of Metabolism) is a tool for annotating metagenomic assembled genomes and VirSorter identified viral contigs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EggLib | EggLib is a C++/Python library and program package for evolutionary genetics and genomics. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
eMPRess | eMPRess is a software tool for reconciling pairs of phylogenetic trees such as host-parasite, host-symbiont, and species-gene trees under the Duplication-Transfer-Loss (DTL) model. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ETE | A Python framework for the analysis and visualization of trees. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EukCC | EukCC is a completeness and contamination estimator for metagenomic assembled microbial eukaryotic genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EukRep | Classification of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic sequences from metagenomic datasets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Exabayes | ExaBayes is a software package for Bayesian tree inference. It is particularly suitable for large-scale analyses on computer clusters. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ExaML | Exascale Maximum Likelihood (ExaML) code for phylogenetic inference using MPI. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FastME | FastME provides distance algorithms to infer phylogenies. FastME is based on balanced minimum evolution, which is the very principle of NJ. FastME improves over NJ by performing topological moves using fast, sophisticated algorithms. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FastTree | FastTree infers approximately-maximum-likelihood phylogenetic trees from alignments of nucleotide or protein sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FROGS | FROGS is a CLI workflow designed to produce an OTU count matrix from high depth sequencing amplicon data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GARLI | GARLI, Genetic Algorithm for Rapid Likelihood Inference is a program for inferring phylogenetic trees. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Gblocks | Gblocks is a computer program written in ANSI C language that eliminates poorly aligned positions and divergent regions of an alignment of DNA or protein sequences. These positions may not be homologous or may have been saturated by multiple substitutions and it is convenient to eliminate them prior to phylogenetic analysis. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GrapeTree | GrapeTree is a fully interactive, tree visualization program within EnteroBase, which supports facile manipulations of both tree layout and metadata. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GraPhlAn | GraPhlAn is a software tool for producing high-quality circular representations of taxonomic and phylogenetic trees. It focuses on concise, integrative, informative, and publication-ready representations of phylogenetically- and taxonomically-driven investigation. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GTDB-Tk | GTDB-Tk is a software toolkit for assigning objective taxonomic classifications to bacterial and archaeal genomes based on the Genome Database Taxonomy GTDB. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Gubbins | Rapid phylogenetic analysis of large samples of recombinant bacterial whole genome sequences. Gubbins (Genealogies Unbiased By recomBinations In Nucleotide Sequences) is an algorithm that iteratively identifies loci containing elevated densities of base substitutions while concurrently constructing a phylogeny based on the putative point mutations outside of these regions. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
hapflk | hapflk is a software implementing the hapFLK <1> and FLK <2> tests for the detection of selection signatures based on multiple population genotyping data. | Genologin Cluster: In Python-2.7.15 (module load system/Python-2.7.15) New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
IQ-TREE | Efficient phylogenomic software by maximum likelihood |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ITSx | Improved software detection and extraction of ITS1 and ITS2 from ribosomal ITS sequences of fungi and other eukaryotes for use in environmental sequencing | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
jModeltest | jModelTest is a tool to carry out statistical selection of best-fit models of nucleotide substitution. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
JustOrthologs | A Fast, Accurate, and User-Friendly Ortholog-Finding Algorithm |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Kaiju | Fast taxonomic classification of metagenomic sequencing reads using a protein reference database | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Kraken | Kraken is a system for assigning taxonomic labels to short DNA sequences, usually obtained through metagenomic studies. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Kraken2 | Kraken2 is a system for assigning taxonomic labels to short DNA sequences, usually obtained through metagenomic studies. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
KrakenUniq | KrakenUniq (formerly KrakenHLL) is a novel metagenomics classifier that combines the fast k-mer-based classification of Kraken with an efficient algorithm for assessing the coverage of unique k-mers found in each species in a dataset. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LEfSe | LEfSe (Linear discriminant analysis effect size) is a tool developed by the Huttenhower group to find biomarkers between 2 or more groups using relative abundances. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MALT | MALT (MEGAN alignment tool) is an extension of MEGAN (metagenome analyzer). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MARVEL_bins | MARVEL (Metagenomic Analysis and Retrieval of Viral Elements) is a tool for recovery of draft phage genomes from whole community shotgun metagenomic sequencing data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MaxBin2 | MaxBin is a software for binning assembled metagenomic sequences based on an Expectation-Maximization algorithm. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MEGAHIT | An ultra-fast single-node solution for large and complex metagenomics assembly via succinct de Bruijn graph | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MEGAN | MEtaGenome ANalyzer : Metagenomic data analysis : taxonomic and functionnal (SEED and KEGG classification) analysis. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MetaBat | An adaptive binning algorithm for robust and efficient genome reconstruction from metagenome assemblies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
metaBIT | An integrative and automated metagenomic pipeline for analysing microbial profiles from high-throughput sequencing shotgun data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MetaEuk | MetaEuk is a modular toolkit designed for large-scale gene discovery and annotation in eukaryotic metagenomic contigs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
METAL | The METAL software is designed to facilitate meta-analysis of large datasets (such as several whole genome scans) in a convenient, rapid and memory efficient manner. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MetaPhlAn2 | MetaPhlAn2 is a computational tool for profiling the composition of microbial communities (Bacteria, Archaea, Eukaryotes and Viruses) from metagenomic shotgun sequencing data (i.e. not 16S) with species-level. With the newly added StrainPhlAn module, it is now possible to perform accurate strain-level microbial profiling. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MetaPhlAn3 | MetaPhlAn is a computational tool for profiling the composition of microbial communities (Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryotes) from metagenomic shotgun sequencing data (i.e. not 16S) with species-level. With the newly added StrainPhlAn module, it is now possible to perform accurate strain-level microbial profiling. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MetaWRAP | A flexible pipeline for genome-resolved metagenomic data analysis. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Metaxa2 | Improved Identification and Taxonomic Classification of Small and Large Subunit rRNA in Metagenomic Data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ModelTest-NG | ModelTest-NG is a tool for selecting the best-fit model of evolution for DNA and protein alignments. ModelTest-NG supersedes jModelTest and ProtTest in one single tool, with graphical and command console interfaces. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
mothur | The one-stop source for your computational microbial ecology needs. mothur offers the ability to go from raw sequences to the generation of visualization tools to describe alpha and beta diversity. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
mPTP | A tool for single-locus species delimitation. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MrBayes | MrBayes is a program for Bayesian inference and model choice across a wide range of phylogenetic and evolutionary models. MrBayes uses Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to estimate the posterior distribution of model parameters. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MyCC | Accurate binning of metagenomic contigs via automated clustering sequences using information of genomic signatures and marker genes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoCLUST | NanoCLUST is an analysis pipeline for UMAP-based classification of amplicon-based full-length 16S rRNA nanopore reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Newick_Utilities | The Newick Utilities are a suite of Unix shell tools for processing phylogenetic trees. We distribute the package under the BSD License. Functions include re-rooting, extracting subtrees, trimming, pruning, condensing, drawing (ASCII graphics or SVG). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NINJA | Nearly Infinite Neighbor Joining Application | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
orthAgogue | a tool for high speed estimation of homology relations within and between species in massive data sets. orthAgogue is easy to use and offers flexibility through a range of optional parameters. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
OrthoFinder | OrthoFinder is a fast, accurate and comprehensive analysis tool for comparative genomics. It finds orthologues and orthogroups infers rooted gene trees for all orthogroups and infers a rooted species tree for the species being analysed. OrthoFinder also provides comprehensive statistics for comparative genomic analyses. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PALEOMIX | The PALEOMIX pipeline is a set of free and open-source pipelines and tools designed to enable the rapid processing of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data, starting from de-multiplexed reads from one or more samples, through sequence processing and alignment, and ending with genotyping, phylogenetic inference on the samples, as well as metagenomic analysis of the samples. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PAML | PAML is a package of programs for phylogenetic analyses of DNA or protein sequences using maximum likelihood. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ParGenes | A massively parallel tool for model selection and tree inference on thousands of genes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PartitionFinder | PartitionFinder is free open source software to select best-fit partitioning schemes and models of molecular evolution for phylogenetic analyses. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PathoFact | PathoFact is an easy-to-use modular pipeline for the metagenomic analyses of toxins, virulence factors and antimicrobial resistance. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PAUP | Tools for inferring and interpreting phylogenetic trees | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PHASE | PHASE is a package that performs molecular phylogenetic inference. The software seeks to accurately compare molecular sequences to determine the likely evolutionary relationships between a group of species. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PhiPack | The Phi Test is a simple, rapid, and statistically efficient test for recombination. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PhyKIT | PhyKIT is a UNIX shell toolkit for processing and analyzing phylogenomic data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PHYLIP | PHYLIP (PHYLogeny Inference Package), is a package composed by 34 programs dedicated to phylogeny inference. Methods that are available in the package include parsimony, distance matrix, and likelihood methods, including bootstrapping and consensus trees. Data types that can be handled include molecular sequences, gene frequencies, restriction sites and fragments, distance matrices, and discrete characters.
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PhyloBayes | PhyloBayes is a Bayesian Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) sampler for phylogenetic reconstruction and molecular dating using protein and nucleic acid alignments. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Phylobayes_MPI | PhyloBayes (Lartillot et al, 2009) is a Bayesian Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) sampler for phylogenetic reconstruction. With MPI. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PhyloNet | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install | |
PhyloPhlAn | PhyloPhlAn is a computational pipeline for reconstructing highly accurate and resolved phylogenetic trees based on whole-genome sequence information. The pipeline is scalable to thousands of genomes and uses the most conserved 400 proteins for extracting the phylogenetic signal. PhyloPhlAn also implements taxonomic curation, estimation, and insertion operations. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
phyluce | phyluce (phy-loo-chee) is a software package that was initially developed for analyzing data collected from ultraconserved elements in organismal genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PhyML | PhyML is a phylogeny software based on the maximum-likelihood principle. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
phyx | phyx performs phylogenetics analyses on trees and sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PICRUSt | PICRUSt (pronounced モpie crustヤ) is a bioinformatics software package designed to predict metagenome functional content from marker gene (e.g., 16S rRNA) surveys and full genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ProphET | ProphET, Prophage Estimation Tool: a standalone prophage sequence prediction tool with self-updating reference database. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
pyMLST | Python Mlst Local Search Tool. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
QIIME | QIIME (pronounced "chime") stands for Quantitative Insights Into ttMicrobial Ecology. QIIME is an open source software package for ttcomparison and analysis of microbial communities, primarily based on tthigh-throughput amplicon sequencing data (such as SSU rRNA) generated tton a variety of platforms, but also supporting analysis of other types ttof data (such as shotgun metagenomic data). QIIME takes users from tttheir raw sequencing output through initial analyses such as OTU ttpicking, taxonomic assignment, and construction of phylogenetic trees ttfrom representative sequences of OTUs, and through downstream ttstatistical analysis, visualization, and production of ttpublication-quality graphics. QIIME has been applied to single studies ttbased on billions of sequences from thousands of samples. ttttt |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
r8s | This package implements several methods to infer divergence times on a molecular phylogeny, using penalized likelihood, maximum likelihood and nonparametric rate smoothing methods. It also implements miscellaneous tree and character evolution models and tests. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RAiSD | RAiSD (Raised Accuracy in Sweep Detection) is a stand-alone software implementation of the μ statistic for selective sweep detection. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RAxML | RAxML (Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood) is a program for sequential and parallel Maximum Likelihood based inference of large phylogenetic trees. It can also be used for postanalyses of sets of phylogenetic trees, analyses of alignments and, evolutionary placement of short reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RAxML-NG | RAxML-NG is a phylogenetic tree inference tool which uses maximum-likelihood (ML) optimality criterion. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ray | Assemble genomes in parallel using the message-passing interface | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RDP Classifier | The RDP Classifier is a naive Bayesian classifier that can rapidly and accurately provides taxonomic assignments from domain to genus, with confidence estimates for each assignment.
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RDPTools | Collection of commonly used RDP Tools for easy building | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
REINDEER | Efficient indexing of k-mer presence and abundance in sequencing datasets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RevBayes | RevBayes provides an interactive environment for statistical computation in phylogenetics. It is primarily intended for modeling, simulation, and Bayesian inference in evolutionary biology, particularly phylogenetics. However, the environment is quite general and can be useful for many complex modeling tasks. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RFMIX | A discriminative method for local ancestry inference |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RogueNaRok | A versatile and scalable algorithm for rogue taxon identification. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Scoary | Scoary is designed to take the gene_presence_absence.csv file from Roary as well as a traits file created by the user and calculate the assocations between all genes in the accessory genome and the traits. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Seq-Gen | Seq-Gen is a program that will simulate the evolution of nucleotide or amino acid sequences along a phylogeny, using common models of the substitution process. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SGSGeneLoss | Gene presence/absence variation discovery. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
singlem | SingleM is a tool to find the abundances of discrete operational taxonomic units (OTUs) directly from shotgun metagenome data, without heavy reliance on reference sequence databases. It is able to differentiate closely related species even if those species are from lineages new to science. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SLR | SLR is a program to detect sites in coding DNA that are unusually conserved and/or unusually variable (that is, evolving under purify or positive selection) by analysing the pattern of changes for an alignment of sequences on an evolutionary tree. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SNPhylo | a pipeline to generate a phylogenetic tree from huge SNP data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SortaDate | Scripts that you can use at different stages to attempt to find more clock-like genes. Generally, you would use these for dating analyses with another package | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SPECTRE | A collection of Phylogenetics tools for creating and manipulating networks and trees. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SSU-ALIGN | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install | |
Sumatra | Sumatra was developed by the LECA and aims to compute a great deal of sequence similarities in a fast and exact way, based on the length of the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) between two sequences. Sequence clustering based on similarities is also available through Sumaclust. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SUPER-FOCUS | A tool for agile functional analysis of metagenomic data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SuperCRUNCH | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install | |
swarm | A robust and fast clustering method for amplicon-based studies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SweeD | A parallel and checkpointable tool that implements a composite likelihood ratio test for detecting selective sweeps. SweeD is based on the SweepFinder algorithm (Nielsen et al. 2005). SweeD can calculate the theoretical SFS of a given demographic model (stepwise changes or with an exponential growth phase + stepwise changes) by using the method by Živković and Stephan (2011). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TACT | Adds tips to a backbone phylogeny using taxonomy simulated with birth-death models | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Taxoniq | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install | |
TaxonKit | A Practical and Efficient NCBI Taxonomy Toolkit |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TKGWV2 | TKGWV2 is a pipeline to estimate biological relatedness (1st, 2nd, and unrelated degrees) between individuals specifically aimed at ultra-low coverage ancient DNA data obtained from whole genome sequencing. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TOPALI-v2 | A rich graphical interface for evolutionary analyses of multiple alignments on HPC clusters and multi-core desktops. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TreeBeST | TreeBeST, which stands for (gene) Tree Building guided by Species Tree, is a versatile program that builds, manipulates and displays phylogenetic trees. It is particularly designed for building gene trees with a known species tree and is highly efficient and accurate. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
treePL | treePL is a phylogenetic penalized likelihood program. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TreeShrink | TreeShrink is an algorithm for detecting abnormally long branches in one or more phylogenetic trees. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
trimAl | trimAl: a tool for automated alignment trimmin | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Whokaryote | Classification of metagenomic contigs as eukaryotic/prokaryotic using biology-based features. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
wLogDate | Molecular Dating using logarithmic penalty function. wLogDate is a method for dating phylogenetic trees. Given a phylogeny and either sampling times for leaves or calibration points for internal nodes, wLogDate outputs a "dated" tree that conforms to the sampling times or calibration points. It can also work with no sampling time or calibration points where it would simply turn the tree into ultrametric, fixing its height to a given value. Its optimization criterion is to minimize the variance of the mutation rates in log scale (hence the term logDate). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
ABCtoolbox | BCtoolbox is a general-purpose program to perform Approximate Bayesian Computation. ABCtoolbox can be used for ABC inference on almost any type of model, including models arising in physics, biology or engineering. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ADMIXTOOLS | ADMIXTOOLS (Patterson et al. 2012) is a software package that supports formal tests of whether admixture occurred, and makes it possible to infer admixture proportions and dates. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Admixture | ADMIXTURE is a software tool for maximum likelihood estimation of individual ancestries from multilocus SNP genotype datasets. It uses the same statistical model as STRUCTURE but calculates estimates much more rapidly using a fast numerical optimization algorithm. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ALDER | The ALDER software computes the weighted linkage disequilibrium (LD) statistic for making inference about population admixture | Genologin Cluster: Ask for Install New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
AlphaImpute | AlphaImpute is a software package for imputing and phasing genotype data in diploid populations with pedigree information. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ANGSD | ANGSD is a software for analyzing next generation sequencing data. The software can handle a number of different input types from mapped reads to imputed genotype probabilities. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BAMM | A program for multimodel inference on speciation and trait evolution. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BayeScan | Detecting natural selection from population-bases genetic data using differences in alleles frequencies between populations. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BayeScEnv | BayeScEnv is a Fst-based, genome-scan method that uses environmental variables to detect local adaptation. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BayPass | The package BayPass is a population genomics software which is primarily aimed at identifying genetic markers subjected to selection and/or associated to population-specific covariates (e.g., environmental variables, quantitative or categorical phenotypic characteristics). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Beagle | BEAGLE is a state of the art software package for analysis of large-scale genetic data sets with hundreds of thousands of markers genotyped on thousands of samples. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CLUMPAK | Clustering Markov Packager Across K - was developed in order to aid users analyse the results of STRUCTURE-like programs. The software offers a few alternative modes of action, please go to the Help section for detailed about these modes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Comp-D | A program for comprehensive computation of D-statistics and population summaries (serial version). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
dadi | dadi implements a method for demographic inference from genetic data, based on a diffusion approximation to the allele frequency spectrum. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DIYABC | A user-friendly approach to Approximate Bayesian Computation for inference on population history using molecular markers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Dsuite | Fast calculation of Paterson's D (ABBA-BABA) and the f4-ratio statistics across many populations/species | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
easySFS | easySFS is a tool for the effective selection of population size projection for construction of the site frequency spectrum. It may be used to convert VCF to dadi/fastsimcoal/momi2 style SFS for demographic analysis. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EEMS | EEMS method for analyzing and visualizing spatial population structure from geo-referenced genetic samples. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Eigensoft | The EIGENSOFT package combines functionality from our population genetics methods (Patterson et al. 2006) and our EIGENSTRAT stratification correction method (Price et al. 2006). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ELAI | The software performs local ancestry inference for admixed individuals. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FaMoz | FaMoz, a software written in the C language and in TclTk, uses likelihood calculation and simulation to perform parentage studies with codominant, dominant, cytoplasmic markers or combinations of the different types. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fastNGSadmix | Program for infering admixture proportions and doing PCA with a single NGS sample. Inferences based on reference panel. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FastSimBac | FastSimBac is a simulator of the coalescent process with bacterial recombination that simulates genealogies spatially across chromosomes as a Markov process. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fastsimcoal2 | Fast sequential Markov coalescent simulation of genomic data under complex evolutionary models | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fastStructure | fastStructure is an algorithm for inferring population structure from large SNP genotype data. It is based on a variational Bayesian framework for posterior inference and is written in Python2.x. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FBAT | FBAT is an acronym for Family-Based Association Tests in genetic analyses. Family-based association designs, as opposed to case-control study designs, are particularly attractive, since they test for linkage as well as association, avoid spurious associations caused by admixture of populations, and are convenient for investigators interested in refining linkage findings in family samples. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fineSTRUCTURE | fineSTRUCTURE is a fast and powerful algorithm for identifying population structure using dense sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Genepop | Population genetics software that computes estimates of F-statistics. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GenomeSTRiP | Genome STRiP (Genome STRucture In Populations) is a suite of tools for discovering and genotyping structural variations using sequencing data. The methods are designed to detect shared variation using data from multiple individuals. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GEVA | Genealogical Estimation of Variant Age. We have developed a method for estimating the age of genetic variants; that is, the time of origin of an allele through mutation at a single locus. Our approach, which we refer to as the Genealogical Estimation of Variant Age (GEVA), is similar to existing methods that involve coalescent modeling to infer the time to the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) between individual genomes <13, 23, 24>. However, these methods typically operate on a discretized timescale <13>, utilize only a fraction of the information available in larger sample data <25>, or employ approximations to overcome computational complexity <14, 15, 26>. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gIMble | A genome-wide IM blockwise likelihood estimation toolkit | Genologin Cluster: Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Gtools | GTOOL is a program for transforming sets of genotype data for use with the programs SNPTEST and IMPUTE. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HapCUT2 | Software tools for haplotype assembly from sequence data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
hapflk | hapflk is a software implementing the hapFLK <1> and FLK <2> tests for the detection of selection signatures based on multiple population genotyping data. | Genologin Cluster: In Python-2.7.15 (module load system/Python-2.7.15) New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Haplogrep | Haplogrep is a command-line tool for mtDNA haplogroup classification. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
iSMC | This software extend the sequentially Markovian coalescent model to jointly infer the spatial variation in recombination rate (rho) from a single pair of unphased genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LDhat | LDhat is a package written in the C and C++ languages for the analysis of recombination rates from population genetic data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LDhelmet | LDhelmet performs statistical inference for fine-scale variable recombination rate estimation. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MALDER | This is a version of ALDER ( that has been modified to allow multiple admixture events. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MapThin | Reduce the number of SNPs in a gene marker dense map computed by PLINK. First, by eliminating linked SNPs. Then, by applying different criteria. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Mauve | Mauve is a system for efficiently constructing multiple genome alignments in the presence of large-scale evolutionary events such as rearrangement and inversion. Multiple genome alignment provides a basis for research into comparative genomics and the study of evolutionary dynamics. Aligning whole genomes is a fundamentally different problem than aligning short sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MLST | Multi-Locus sequence Typing. The method enables investigators to determine the ST based on WGS data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ms | A program for generating samples under neutral models. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
msBayes | msBayes allows complex and flexible comparative phylogeographic inference. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
msmc | This software implements MSMC, a method to infer population size and gene flow from multiple genome sequences | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
msmc2 | This program implements MSMC2, a method to infer population size history and population separation history from whole genome sequencing data |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
msums | A program for the efficient computation of a number of population genetics summary statistics. msums can read ms-format data on (nearly) arbitrary numbers of populations. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ngsRelate | NgsRelate can be used to infer relatedness coefficients for pairs of individuals from low coverage Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data by using genotype likelihoods instead of called genotypes. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ngsTools | ngsTools is a collection of programs for population genetics analyses from NGS data, taking into account its statistical uncertainty. The methods implemented in these programs do not rely on SNP or genotype calling, and are particularly suitable for low sequencing depth data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
omegaplus | A scalable tool for rapid detection of selective sweeps in whole-genome datasets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PCAdmix | PCAdmix is a method that estimates local ancestry via principal components analysis (PCA) using phased haplotypes. The method considers data chromosome by chromosome. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PGDSpider | PGDSpider is a powerful automated data conversion tool for population genetic and genomics programs. It facilitates the data exchange possibilities between programs for a vast range of data types (e.g. DNA, RNA, NGS, microsatellite, SNP, RFLP, AFLP, multi-allelic data, allele frequency or genetic distances) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Phy-Mer | A novel alignment-free and reference-independent mitochondrial haplogroup classifier. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PMERGE | PMERGE, is a software, which implements a new method that identifies candidate PSVs by building networks of loci that share high levels of nucleotide similarity. The PMERGE is embedded in the analysis pipeline of the widely used Stacks software, and it is straightforward to apply it as an additional filter in population-genomic studies using RAD-seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
pong | pong is a freely available software package, released by Behr et al. (2016, Bioinformatics), for post-processing output from clustering inference using population genetic data. |
Genologin Cluster: In Python-2.7.15 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
popins | Population-scale detection of novel-sequence insertions. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PoPoolation2 | PoPoolation2 allows to compare allele frequencies for SNPs between two or more populations and to identify significant differences. PoPoolation2 requires next generation sequencing data of pooled genomic DNA (Pool-Seq). It may be used for measuring differentiation between populations, for genome wide association studies and for experimental evolution. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
popPhylABC | Scripts used for ABC analysis with homo- and heterogeneity in Migration rates or/and Effective population sizes | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
psmc | This software package infers population size history from a diploid sequence |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
qpWrapper | Tools allowing to launch qpAdmn analyzes (Admixtools) in series on a list of individuals. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RFMIX | A discriminative method for local ancestry inference |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SCCmecFinder | SCCmecFinder identifies SCCmec elements in sequenced S. aureus isolates. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
scrm | A coalescent simulator for genome-scale sequences. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
selscan | A program to calculate EHH-based scans for positive selection in genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
simuPOP | simuPOP is a general-purpose individual-based forward-time population genetics simulation environment. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SLiM | SLiM is an evolutionary simulation framework that combines a powerful engine for population genetic simulations with the capability of modeling arbitrarily complex evolutionary scenarios. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SMC++ | SMC++ is a program for estimating the size history of populations from whole genome sequence data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
sNMF | A fast and efficient program for estimating individual admixture coefficients based on sparse non-negative matrix factorization and population genetics. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
spaTyper | Computational method for finding spa types. Staphylococcus aureus is a major human pathogen causing skin and tissue infections, pneumonia, septicemia, and device-associated infections. The emergence of strains resistant to methicillin (MRSA) and other antibacterial agents has become a major concern, especially in the hospital environment, because of the high mortality of the infections caused by these strains. Single locus DNA-sequencing of the repeat region of the Staphylococcus protein A gene (spa) can be used for reliable, accurate and discriminatory typing of MRSA. Repeats are assigned a numerical code and the spa-type is deduced from the order of specific repeats. However, spa-typing was hampered in the past by the lack of a consensus on assignments of new spa-repeats and -types. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
stairway_plot | The stairway plot is a method for inferring detailed population demographic history using the site frequency spectrum (SFS) from DNA sequence data. It does not need a pre-defined population model and can be applied to hundreds of unphased sequences. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Structure | The program structure is a free software package for using multi-locus genotype data to investigate population structure. Its uses include inferring the presence of distinct populations, assigning individuals to populations, studying hybrid zones, identifying migrants and admixed individuals, and estimating population allele frequencies in situations where many individuals are migrants or admixed. It can be applied to most of the commonly-used genetic markers, including SNPS, microsatellites, RFLPs and AFLPs. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TreeMix | TreeMix is a method for inferring the patterns of population splits and mixtures in the history of a set of populations. In the underlying model, the modern-day populations in a species are related to a common ancestor via a graph of ancestral populations. We use the allele frequencies in the modern populations to infer the structure of this graph. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Yleaf | Software for human Y-chromosomal haplogroup inference from next generation sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
CRISPOR | CRISPOR predicts off-targets in the genome, ranks guides, highlights problematic guides, designs primers and helps with cloning. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
lima | Demultiplex Barcoded PacBio Samples. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
Alphafold2-Pytorch | An unofficial working Pytorch implementation of Alphafold2, a 3D protein predictor. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CITE-seq-Count | A tool that allows to get UMI counts from a single cell protein assay. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DIAMOND | Accelerated BLAST compatible local sequence aligner. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
InterProScan | InterProScan is a tool that combines different protein signature recognition methods into one resource. No less than 14 pattern/profiles databanks can be interrogated.
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Loctree3 | Protein Subcelullar Localization Sequenced-Based Predictor |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Miniprot | Aligning proteins to genomes with splicing and frameshift. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PfanScan | A program that searches a FASTA file against a library of Pfam HMMs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Phobius | A combined transmembrane topology and signal peptide predictor. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ProtHint | ProtHint is a pipeline for predicting and scoring hints (in the form of introns, start and stop codons) in the genome of interest by mapping and spliced aligning predicted genes to a database of reference protein sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PROVEAN | PROVEAN (Protein Variation Effect Analyzer) is a software tool which predicts whether an amino acid substitution or indel has an impact on the biological function of a protein. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SignalP | SignalP 4.0 server predicts the presence and location of signal peptide cleavage sites in amino acid sequences from different organisms: Gram-positive prokaryotes, Gram-negative prokaryotes, and eukaryotes.
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TMHMM | Prediction of transmembrane helices in proteins. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
AdapterRemoval | This program was developed to remove residual adapter sequences from next generation sequencing reads. The program handles both single end and paired end data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ampliconnoise | AmpliconNoise is a collection of programs for the removal of noise from 454 sequenced PCR amplicons. It involves two steps the removal of noise from the sequencing itself and the removal of PCR point errors. This project also includes the Perseus algorithm for chimera removal. | Genologin Cluster: Ask for Install New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
atac dnase pipelines | ATAC-seq and DNase-seq processing pipeline. This pipeline is designed for automated end-to-end quality control and processing of ATAC-seq or DNase-seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ATLAS | ATLAS stands for Analysis Tools for Low-coverage and Ancient Samples. These tools cover all programs necessary to obtain variant calls, estimates of heterozygosity and more from a BAM file. There are sequence data processing tools, diagnostic tools, and variant discovery tools, similar to GATK by the Broad Institute. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Atropos | Atropos is tool for specific, sensitive, and speedy trimming of NGS reads. It is a fork of Cutadapt read trimmer. | Genologin Cluster: In Python-3.6.3 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BCOOL | BCOOL is a read corrector for NGS sequencing data that align reads on a de Bruijn graph. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Btrim | A fast and accurate adapter, barcodes, and low-quality region trimming and binning program written in C for next-generating sequencing reads. The search algorithm is based on Eugene Myers' fast bit-vector algorithm. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
charcoal | Remove contaminated contigs from genomes using k-mers and taxonomies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CheckV | CheckV is a fully automated command-line pipeline for assessing the quality of single-contig viral genomes, including identification of host contamination for integrated proviruses, estimating completeness for genome fragments, and identification of closed genomes. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ClipAndMerge | Clip&Merge is a tool to clip off adapters from sequencing reads and merge overlapping paired end reads together. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Consensify | Consensify is a method for generating a consensus pseudohaploid genome sequence with greatly reduced error rates compared to standard pseudohaploidisation. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CroCo | A program to detect potential cross contaminations in HTS assembled transcriptomes using expression level quantification. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
cutadapt | Cutadapt removes adapter sequences from DNA high-throughput sequencing data. This is usually necessary when the read length of the machine is longer than the molecule that is sequenced, such as in microRNA data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DeconSeq | Detect and remove contaminations from your sequence data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DeDup | A merged read deduplication tool capable to perform merged read deduplication on single end data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ecoPCR | ecoPCR is an electronic PCR software developed by LECAand Helix-Project . It helps you to estimate Barcode primers quality. In conjunction with OBItools, you can postprocess ecoPCR output to compute barcode coverage and barcode speci?city. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ecoPrimers | ecoPrimer is a barcoding software which is written in C language. It finds universal primers from a set of input DNA sequences by finding conserved regions without "a priori" on candidate sequences. It also evaluates the quality of the primers and barcode regions by measuring the "barcode specificity" and "barcode coverage" indices | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EMA | EMA uses a latent variable model to align barcoded short-reads (such as those produced by 10x Genomics' sequencing platform). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fastp | A tool designed to provide fast all-in-one preprocessing for FastQ files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FastQ Screen | FastQ Screen allows you to screen a library of sequences in FastQ format against a set of sequence databases so you can see if the composition of the library matches with what you expect. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fastq_illumina_filter | This program can filter FASTQ files produced by CASAVA 1.8, and keep/discard reads based on this filter flag. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fastq-tools | A collection of small and efficient programs for performing some common and uncommon tasks with FASTQ files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FastQC | A Quality Control application for FastQ files. FastQC is an application which takes a FastQ file and runs a series of tests on it to generate a comprehensive QC report. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fastQValidator | The fastQValidator validates the format of fastq files | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Filtlong | Filtlong is a tool for filtering long reads by quality. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FLAS | FLAS is software that makes self-correction for PacBio long reads with fast speed and high throughput. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Flexbar | Flexbar preprocesses high-throughput sequencing data efficiently. It demultiplexes barcoded runs and removes adapter sequences. Moreover, trimming and filtering features are provided. Flexbar increases read mapping rates and improves genome and transcriptome assemblies. It supports next-generation sequencing data in fasta/q and csfasta/q format from Illumina, Roche 454, and the SOLiD platform. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FMLRC | FMLRC, or FM-index Long Read Corrector, is a tool for performing hybrid correction of long read sequencing using the BWT and FM-index of short-read sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FrameBot | RDP FrameBot is a tool for correcting frameshift errors caused by insertions and deletions in DNA sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HELEN | HELEN (Homopolymer Encoded Long-read Error-corrector for Nanopore) uses a Recurrent-Neural-Network (RNN) based Multi-Task Learning (MTL) model that can predict a base and a run-length for each genomic position using the weights generated by MarginPolish. This installation includes MarginPolish. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HG-CoLoR | HG-CoLoR (Hybrid method based on a variable-order de bruijn Graph for the error Correction of Long Reads) is a hybrid method for the error correction of long reads that both aligns the short reads to the long reads, and uses a variable-order de Bruijn graph, in a seed-and-extend approach. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HiFiAdapterFilt | Convert .bam to .fastq and remove reads with remnant PacBio adapter sequences. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Jabba | A hybrid error correction tool for sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
KAD | KAD is designed for evaluating the accuracy of nucleotide base quality of genome assemblies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
KAT | KAT (The K-mer Analysis Toolkit) is a suite of tools that generate, analyse and compare k-mer spectra produced from sequence files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
komplexity | A command-line tool built in Rust to quickly calculate and/or mask low-complexity sequences from a FAST file. This uses the number of unique k-mers over a sequence divided by the length to assess complexity. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LongQC | LongQC is a tool for the data quality control of the PacBio and ONT long reads, and it has two functionalities: sample qc and platform qc. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LoRDEC | LoRDEC is a program to correct sequencing errors in long reads from 3rd generation sequencing with high error rate, and is especially intended for PacBio reads. It uses a hybrid strategy, meaning that it uses two sets of reads: the reference read set, whose error rate is assumed to be small, and the PacBio read set, which is then corrected using the reference set. Typically, the reference set contains Illumina reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
mapDamage | tracking and quantifying damage patterns in ancient DNA sequences. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MECAT | MECAT is an ultra-fast Mapping, Error Correction and de novo Assembly Tools for single molecula sequencing (SMRT) reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Medaka | Medaka demonstrates a framework for error correcting sequencing data, particularly aimed at nanopore sequencing. Tools are provided for both training and inference. The code exploits the keras deep learning library. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MinIONQC | Fast and effective quality control for MinION and PromethION sequencing data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MiniScrub | MiniScrub is a de novo long sequencing read preprocessing method that improves read quality by predicting and removing ("scrubbing") read segments that have a high concentration of errors. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MitoZ | MitoZ is a Python3-based toolkit which aims to automatically filter pair-end raw data (fastq files), assemble genome, search for mitogenome sequences from the genome assembly result, annotate mitogenome (genbank file as result), and mitogenome visualization. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Musket | Musket is a well-established leading next-generation sequencing read error correction algorithm targetting Illumina sequencing. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Nano-Q | Python script for conservatively cleaning ONT reads from bam files and estimate variant frequencies. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoComp | Compare multiple runs of long read sequencing data and alignments. |
Genologin Cluster: in Python-3.6.3 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoFilt | Filtering and trimming of Oxford Nanopore sequencing data |
Genologin Cluster: in Python-3.6.3 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoLyse | Remove reads mapping to the lambda phage genome from a fastq file | Genologin Cluster: in Python-3.6.3 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoStat | Create statistic summary of an Oxford Nanopore read dataset | Genologin Cluster: in Python-3.6.3 New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NextPolish | NextPolish is used to fix base errors (SNV/Indel) in the genome generated by noisy long reads, it can be used with short read data only or long read data only or a combination of both. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
nQuire | A statistical framework for ploidy estimation using NGS short-read data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Pacasus | Tool for detecting and cleaning PacBio / Nanopore long reads after whole genome amplification. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Platanus_trim | Platanus_trim is a tool for trimming adaptor sequences and low quality regions. In contrast, Platanus_internal_trim is a tool for trimming internal adaptor sequence, adaptor sequences, and low quality regions. Platanus_trim is designed for paired-end library and Platanus_internal_trim is for mate-pair library. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Porechop | Porechop is a tool for finding and removing adapters from Oxford Nanopore reads. Adapters on the ends of reads are trimmed off, and when a read has an adapter in its middle, it is treated as chimeric and chopped into separate reads. Porechop performs thorough alignments to effectively find adapters, even at low sequence identity. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Porechop_ABI | Porechop_abi (ab initio) is an extension of Porechop that is able to infer the adapter sequence from the Oxford Nanopore reads. It discovers the adapter sequence from the reads using approximate k-mers and assembly, and add the sequence found to the adapter list ( file). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PRINSEQ | PRINSEQ is a tool that generates summary statistics of sequence and quality data and that is used to filter, reformat and trim next-generation sequence data. The standalone version is primarily designed for data preprocessing and does not generate summary statistics in graphical form. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
pycoQC | pycoQC computes metrics and generates Interactive QC plots from the sequencing summary report generated by Oxford Nanopore technologies basecaller (Albacore/Guppy) |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PyroCleaner | PyroCleaner is intended to clean reads coming from pyrosequencing in order to ease the assembly process. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Qualimap | Qualimap 2 is a platform-independent application written in Java and R that provides both a Graphical User Inteface (GUI) and a command-line interface to facilitate the quality control of alignment sequencing data and its derivatives like feature counts. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Quorum | QuorUM (Quality Optimized Reads from the University of Maryland) is an error corrector for Illumina reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RSeQC | RSeQC package provides a number of useful modules that can comprehensively evaluate high throughput sequence data especially RNA-seq data |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Sabre | A barcode demultiplexing and trimming tool for FastQ files. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
samblaster | samblaster is a fast and flexible program for marking duplicates in read-id grouped1 paired-end SAM files. It can also optionally output discordant read pairs and/or split read mappings to separate SAM files, and/or unmapped/clipped reads to a separate FASTQ file. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
schmutzi | Bayesian maximum a posteriori contamination estimate for ancient samples. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
seqclean | SeqClean is a tool for validation and trimming of DNA sequences from a flat file database (FASTA format). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
sickle | Sickle is a tool that uses sliding windows along with quality and length thresholds to determine when quality is sufficiently low to trim the 3'-end of reads and also determines when the quality is sufficiently high enough to trim the 5'-end of reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SMRTLink | SMRT Link is the web-based end-to-end workflow manager for the Sequel™ System. (installed in mode command line on our cluster) |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SnoReport | Computational identification of snoRNAs with unknown targets. Detecting novel or orphan snoRNAs in RNA sequence data using sequence and structure information only without relying on target information |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Sprai | Sprai (single-pass read accuracy improver) is a tool to correct sequencing errors in single-pass reads for de novo assembly. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
spruceup | Tools to discover, visualize, and remove outlier sequences in large multiple sequence alignments. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Transrate | Transrate is software for de-novo transcriptome assembly quality analysis. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Trim Galore | A wrapper tool around Cutadapt and FastQC to consistently apply quality and adapter trimming to FastQ files, with some extra functionality for MspI-digested RRBS-type (Reduced Representation Bisufite-Seq) libraries. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Trimmomatic | Trimmomatic performs a variety of useful trimming tasks for illumina paired-end and single ended data.The selection of trimming steps and their associated parameters are supplied on the command line. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
UMI-tools | Tools for handling Unique Molecular Identifiers in NGS data sets |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
yacrd | Yet Another Chimeric Read Detector for long reads |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Yak | Yak is initially developed for two specific use cases: 1) to robustly estimate the base accuracy of CCS reads and assembly contigs, and 2) to investigate the systematic error rate of CCS reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
BayesAss3-SNPs | Modification of BayesAss 3.0.4 to allow handling of large SNP datasets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fineRADstructure | A complete, easy to use, and fast population inference package for RAD-seq data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fragmatic | Simple program for in silico restriction digest of genomic sequences, to simulate RAD-family NGS library prep methods. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ipyrad | An interactive toolkit for assembly and analysis of restriction-site associated genomic data sets (e.g., RAD, ddRAD, GBS) for population genetic and phylogenetic studies. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RADIS | Analysis of RAD-seq data for InterSpecific phylogeny |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Stacks | Stacks is a software suite for analysing RAD Sequencing data by Julian Catchen at the University of Oregon. It will process raw Illumina RAD data or RAD data aligned to a reference genome, and produce genotypes that can be viewed and filtered via a web interface. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
CENSOR | CENSOR compares and masks protein or nucleotide sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LTR_FINDER_parallel | A parallel wrapper for LTR_FINDER (LTR_Finder is an efficient program for finding full-length LTR retrotranspsons in genome sequences.) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LtrDetector | A tool-suite for detecting long terminal repeat retrotransposons de-novo on the genomic scale. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MinCED | MinCED is a program to find Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPRs) in full genomes or environmental datasets such as metagenomes, in which sequence size can be anywhere from 100 to 800 bp. MinCED runs from the command-line and was derived from CRT |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Mobster | Mobster is used to detect novel (non-reference) Mobile Element Insertion (MEI) events in BAM files and uses both a discordant read pair method and a split-read method. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
mreps | Software for tandem repeat identification in DNA. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NSEG | NSEG is used to mask nucleic acid sequences, needed by RepeatScout. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ntHits | ntHits is a method for identifying reapeats in high-throughput DNA sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Onecodetofindthemall | One code to find them all is a set of perl scripts to extract useful information from RepeatMasker about transposable elements, retrieve their sequences and get some quantitative information. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
parseRM | Few scripts facilitating the extraction of info from Repeat Masker .out files | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PILER | Genomic repeat analysis software. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PILERCR | PILERCR is public domain software for finding CRISPR repeats. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RECON | A package for automated de novo identification of repeat families from genomic sequence. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RepAHR | RepAHR is used to identify repeats(repetitive sequences) in genome using Next-Generation Sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
REPdenovo | REPdenovo is designed for constructing repeats directly from sequence (paired-end) reads. It based on the idea of frequent k-mer assembly. REPdenovo provides many functionalities, and can generate much longer repeats than existing tools. Internally, REPdenovo uses Jellyfish for k-mer counting, Velvet for assembly, and bwa to map reads on the Transposable Elements. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RepeatExplorer | RepeatExplorer is a computational pipeline designed to identify and characterize repetitive DNA elements in next-generation sequencing data from plant and animal genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RepeatMasker | RepeatMasker is a program that screens DNA sequences for interspersed repeats (thanks to RepBase repeats databanks specially formatted) and low complexity DNA sequences. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RepeatModeler | RepeatModeler is a de-novo repeat family identification and modeling package. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RepeatScout | RepeatScout is a tool to discover repetitive substrings in DNA. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RepEnrich2 | RepEnrich2 is an updated method to estimate repetitive element enrichment using high-throughput sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
REPET | The REPET package (t Flutre et al, 2011 ) integrates bioinformatics programs in order to tackle biological issues at the genomic scale. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RetroSeq | RetroSeq is a bioinformatics tool that searches for mobile element insertions from aligned reads in a BAM file and a library of reference transposable elements. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RMBlast | RMBlast is a RepeatMasker compatible version of the standard NCBI BLAST suite. The primary difference between this distribution and the NCBI distribution is the addition of a new program "rmblastn" for use with RepeatMasker and RepeatModeler. RMBlast supports RepeatMasker searches by adding a few necessary features to the stock NCBI blastn program. These include: - Support for custom matrices ( without KA-Statistics ). - Support for cross_match-like complexity adjusted scoring. Cross_match is Phil Green's seeded smith-waterman search algorithm. - Support for cross_match-like masklevel filtering. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SEDEF | SEDEF is a quick tool to find all segmental duplications in the genome. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
spaTyper | Computational method for finding spa types. Staphylococcus aureus is a major human pathogen causing skin and tissue infections, pneumonia, septicemia, and device-associated infections. The emergence of strains resistant to methicillin (MRSA) and other antibacterial agents has become a major concern, especially in the hospital environment, because of the high mortality of the infections caused by these strains. Single locus DNA-sequencing of the repeat region of the Staphylococcus protein A gene (spa) can be used for reliable, accurate and discriminatory typing of MRSA. Repeats are assigned a numerical code and the spa-type is deduced from the order of specific repeats. However, spa-typing was hampered in the past by the lack of a consensus on assignments of new spa-repeats and -types. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SQuIRE | SQuIRE reveals locus-specific regulation of interspersed repeat expression, Nucleic Acids Research | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
T-lex | T-lex is a computational pipeline that detects presence and/or absence of annotated individual transposable elements (TEs) using next-generation sequencing (NGS) data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Tandem Repeats Finder | Tandem Repeats Finder is a program to locate and display tandem repeats in DNA sequences. A tandem repeat in DNA is two or more adjacent, approximate copies of a pattern of nucleotides. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
TEsorter | It is coded for LTR_retriever to classify long terminal repeat retrotransposons (LTR-RTs) at first. It can also be used to classify any other TE sequences, including Class I and Class II elements which are covered by the REXdb database. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
tidk | tidk is a toolkit to identify and visualise telomeric repeats for the Darwin Tree of Life genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
transposon_annotation_tools | A set of bioconda packages for transposon annotation and transposon feature annotation in nucleotide sequences. transposon_annotation_tools is part of TransposonUltimate. The package includes a series of transposable element discovery tools, such as: MUSTv2, HelitronScanner, SineFinder, MiteTracker, MiteFinderII, SineScan, TirVish, LtrHarvest, RepeatModeler, TransposonPSI, and TransposonProteinNCBICDD1000. You can then use these tools independently. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
RiboTaper | RiboTaper is a new analysis pipeline for Ribosome Profiling (Ribo-seq) experiments, which exploits the triplet periodicity of ribosomal footprints to call translated regions. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
AC-DIAMOND | AC-DIAMOND attempts to speed up DIAMOND via better SIMD parallelization and compressed indexing. Experimental results show that AC-DIAMOND was about 6~7 times faster than DIAMOND on aligning DNA reads or contigs while retaining the essentially the similar sensitivity. AC-DIAMOND was developped based on DIAMOND v0.7.9. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Accel-align | Accel-align is a fast alignment tool implemented in C++ programming language. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Bamstats (notsame as BAMstats) | Bamstats is a command line tool written in Go for computing mapping statistics from a BAM file. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BBMap | a short read aligner, as well as various other bioinformatic tools. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BCOOL | BCOOL is a read corrector for NGS sequencing data that align reads on a de Bruijn graph. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BELLA | A computationally-efficient and highly-accurate long-read to long-read aligner and overlapper. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
biohazard-tools | This is a collection of command line utilities that do useful stuff involving BAM files for Next Generation Sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Blasr | Reference-based alignment | Genologin Cluster: How to use ( See SMRTLink) New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
blat | The BLAST-Like Alignment Tool: similarity search in databanks. BLAT on DNA is designed to quickly find sequences of 95% and greater similarity of length 25 bases or more. BLAT on proteins finds sequences of 80% and greater similarity of length 20 amino acids or more. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Bowtie | Bowtie is an ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner. It aligns short DNA sequences (reads) to the human genome at a rate of over 25 million 35-bp reads per hour. Bowtie indexes the genome with a Burrows-Wheeler index to keep its memory footprint small: typically about 2.2 GB for the human genome (2.9 GB for paired-end). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Bowtie2 | Bowtie 2 is an ultrafast and memory-efficient tool for aligning sequencing reads to long reference sequences. It is particularly good at aligning reads of about 50 up to 100s or 1,000s of characters, and particularly good at aligning to relatively long (e.g. mammalian) genomes. Bowtie 2 indexes the genome with an FM Index to keep its memory footprint small: for the human genome, its memory footprint is typically around 3.2 GB. Bowtie 2 supports gapped, local, and paired-end alignment modes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BPP | Bayesian analysis of genomic sequence data under the multispecies coalescent model. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BS-Seeker2- | BS-Seeker2 is a seamless and versatile pipeline for accurately and fast mapping the bisulfite-treated reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BSMAP | BSMAP is a short reads mapping software for bisulfite sequencing reads. Bisulfite treatment converts unmethylated Cytosines into Uracils (sequenced as Thymine) and leave methylated Cytosines unchanged, hence provides a way to study DNA cytosine methylation at single nucleotide resolution. BSMAP aligns the Ts in the reads to both Cs and Ts in the reference | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bwa | Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (BWA) is an efficient program that aligns relatively short nucleotide sequences against a long reference sequence such as the human genome. It implements two algorithms, bwa-short and BWA-SW. The former works for query sequences shorter than 200bp and the latter for longer sequences up to around 100kbp. Both algorithms do gapped alignment. They are usually more accurate and faster on queries with low error rates. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bwa-mem2 | Bwa-mem2 is the next version of the bwa-mem algorithm in bwa. It produces alignment identical to bwa and is ~80% faster. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
bwa-meth | Fast and accurate alignment of BS-Seq reads using bwa-mem and a 3-letter genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
chromeister | A dotplot generator for large chromosomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Clustal Omega | Clustal Omega is the latest addition to the Clustal family. It offers a significant increase in scalability over previous versions, allowing hundreds of thousands of sequences to be aligned in only a few hours. It will also make use of multiple processors, where present. In addition, the quality of alignments is superior to previous versions, as measured by a range of popular benchmarks | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ClustalW | Multiple sequence alignment program for DNA or proteins. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DALIGNER | The commands below permit one to find all significant local alignments between reads encoded in Dazzler database. The assumption is that the reads are from a PACBIO RS IIlong read sequencer. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
DIAMOND | Accelerated BLAST compatible local sequence aligner. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ecoPrimers | ecoPrimer is a barcoding software which is written in C language. It finds universal primers from a set of input DNA sequences by finding conserved regions without "a priori" on candidate sequences. It also evaluates the quality of the primers and barcode regions by measuring the "barcode specificity" and "barcode coverage" indices | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
eggNog-mapper | eggnog-mapper is a tool for fast functional annotation of novel sequences. It uses precomputed orthologous groups and phylogenies from the eggNOG database to transfer functional information from fine-grained orthologs only. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EMA | EMA uses a latent variable model to align barcoded short-reads (such as those produced by 10x Genomics' sequencing platform). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
EMBOSS | EMBOSS is "The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite". EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the needs of the molecular biology (e.g. EMBnet) user community. The software automatically copes with data in a variety of formats and even allows transparent retrieval of sequence data from the web. Also, as extensive libraries are provided with the package, it is a platform to allow other scientists to develop and release software in true open source spirit. EMBOSS also integrates a range of currently available packages and tools for sequence analysis into a seamless whole. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Exonerate | A generic tool for sequence alignment. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FAMSA | Algorithm for large-scale multiple sequence alignments (400k proteins in 2 hours and 8BG of RAM) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FASTA | FASTA is a sequence similarity search tool which uses heuristics for fast local alignment searching. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FastANI | FastANI is developed for fast alignment-free computation of whole-genome Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
fpa | Filter Pairwise Alignment | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GeneSeqer | Sensitive spliced-alignment of cDNAs or proteins. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Genewise | Wise2 is a package focused on comparisons of biopolymers, commonly DNA sequence and protein sequence. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GenomOrder | GenomOrder is a Nextflow pipeline reordering and renaming scaffolds from up to 5 assemblies using a reference. It is also able to produce D-Genies back-up files allowing rapid visual comparison of chromosomes of the assemblies versus the reference. These files can be uploaded and visualized with the online tool D-Genies : The assembly mapping versus the reference is performed with minimap2. These assemblies can be scaffolded or not. If they are not, an option enables to scaffold them according to the reference. The pipeline produces D-Genies back-up file for a user defined list of reference chromosomes. The chromosome file contains one reference chromosome name per line. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GMAP-GSNAP | GMAP: A Genomic Mapping and Alignment Program for mRNA and EST SequencesGSNAP: Genomic Short-read Nucleotide Alignment Program | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Goalign | Goalign is a set of command line tools to manipulate multiple alignments. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GraphAligner | Seed-and-extend program for aligning long error-prone reads to genome graphs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GraphMap | A highly sensitive and accurate mapper for long, error-prone reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GSAlign | An ultra-fast sequence alignment algorithm for intra-species genome comparison. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
JustOrthologs | A Fast, Accurate, and User-Friendly Ortholog-Finding Algorithm |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
KMA | KMA is a mapping method designed to map raw reads directly against redundant databases, in an ultra-fast manner using seed and extend. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LAST | LAST finds similar regions between sequences. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
lastp_aai | A simple Python script for calculating pairwise amino acid identity (AAI) between protein files (extension .faa) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LASTZ | A tool for aligning two DNA sequences, and inferring appropriate scoring parameters automatically. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
leeHom | A program for the Bayesian reconstruction of ancient DNA. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MACSE | Multiple Alignment of Coding SEquences Accounting for Frameshifts and Stop Codons: a wide range of molecular analyses relies on multiple sequence alignments (MSA). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MAFFT | MAFFT is a multiple sequence alignment program for unix-like operating systems. It offers a range of multiple alignment methods, L-INS-i (accurate; for alignment of <?200 sequences), FFT-NS-2 (fast; for alignment of <?10,000 sequences), etc. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Magic-BLAST | Magic-BLAST is a tool for mapping large next-generation RNA or DNA sequencing runs against a whole genome or transcriptome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MALT | MALT (MEGAN alignment tool) is an extension of MEGAN (metagenome analyzer). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MapSplice | Accurate mapping of RNA-seq reads for splice junction discovery. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MashMap | MashMap implements a fast and approximate algorithm for computing local alignment boundaries between long DNA sequences. It can be useful for mapping genome assembly or long reads (PacBio/ONT) to reference genome(s). Given a minimum alignment length and an identity threshold for the desired local alignments, Mashmap computes alignment boundaries and identity estimates using k-mers. It does not compute the alignments explicitly, but rather estimates a k-mer based Jaccard similarity using a combination of Minimizers and MinHash. This is then converted to an estimate of sequence identity using the Mash distance. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MCScanX | MCScan is an algorithm to scan multiple genomes or subgenomes to identify putative homologous chromosomal regions, then align these regions using genes as anchors. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MECAT | MECAT is an ultra-fast Mapping, Error Correction and de novo Assembly Tools for single molecula sequencing (SMRT) reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MetaMaps | MetaMaps is tool specifically developed for the analysis of long-read (PacBio/ONT) metagenomic datasets. It simultaenously carries out read assignment and sample composition estimation. It is faster than classical exact alignment-based approaches, and its output is more information-rich than that of kmer-spectra-based methods. For example, each MetaMaps alignment comes with an approximate alignment location, an estimated alignment identity and a mapping quality. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Minigraph | Minigraph is a sequence-to-graph mapper and graph constructor. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Minimap | Experimental tool to find approximate mapping positions between long sequences | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Miniprot | Aligning proteins to genomes with splicing and frameshift. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MMseqs2 | MMseqs2 (Many-against-Many sequence searching) is a software suite to search and cluster huge proteins/nucleotide sequence sets. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MOSAIK | MOSAIK is a reference-guided assembler comprising of two main modular programs |
Genologin Cluster How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Mugsy | Mugsy is a multiple whole genome aligner. Mugsy uses Nucmer for pairwise alignment, a custom graph based segmentation procedure for identifying collinear regions, and the segment-based progressive multiple alignment strategy from Seqan::TCoffee. Mugsy accepts draft genomes in the form of multi-FASTA files and does not require a reference genome. Angiuoli SV and Salzberg SL. Mugsy: Fast multiple alignment of closely related whole genomes. Bioinformatics 2011 27(3):334-4 | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MultAlin | Multiple sequence alignment with hierarchical clustering. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MUMmer | MUMmer is a package for rapidly aligning entire genomes, whether in complete or draft form. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MUSCLE | Multiple sequence alignment (nucleic or proteic). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NCBI_Blast | Similarity search against databanks. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NCBI_Blast+ | Similarity search against databanks. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NGMLR | NGMLR is a long-read mapper designed to align PacBio or Oxford Nanopore (standard and ultra-long) to a reference genome with a focus on reads that span structural variations SV detection from paired end reads mapping |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PALEOMIX | The PALEOMIX pipeline is a set of free and open-source pipelines and tools designed to enable the rapid processing of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data, starting from de-multiplexed reads from one or more samples, through sequence processing and alignment, and ending with genotyping, phylogenetic inference on the samples, as well as metagenomic analysis of the samples. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Paragraph | Graph realignment tools for structural variants. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PASTA | PASTA estimates alignments and ML trees from unaligned sequences using an iterative approach. In each iteration, it first estimates a multiple sequence alignment using the current tree as a guide and then estimates an ML tree on (a masked version of) the alignment. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
pblat | Parallelized blat with multi-threads support. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
picard-tools | Picard comprises Java-based command-line utilities that manipulate SAM files, and a Java API (SAM-JDK) for creating new programs that read and write SAM files. Both SAM text format and SAM binary (BAM) format are supported. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PLAST | PLAST is a fast, accurate and NGS scalable bank-to-bank sequence similarity search tool providing significant accelerations of seeds-based heuristic comparison methods, such as the Blast suite of algorithms. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PRANK | PRANK is a probabilistic multiple alignment program for DNA, codon and amino-acid sequences. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PROBCONSRNA | PROBCONS is a tool for generating multiple alignments of protein sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ProgressiveCactus | Progressive Cactus is a whole-genome alignment package. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ProtHint | ProtHint is a pipeline for predicting and scoring hints (in the form of introns, start and stop codons) in the genome of interest by mapping and spliced aligning predicted genes to a database of reference protein sequences. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Puffaligner | Puffaligner is a fast, sensitive and accurate aligner built on top of the Pufferfish index. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
pysam | Pysam is a python module for reading and manipulating Samfiles. It's a lightweight wrapper of the samtools C-API. | Genologin Cluster: In Python module New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
qgrs-cpp | C++ implementation of QGRS mapping algorithm (QGRS Mapper is a software program that generates information on composition and distribution of putative Quadruplex forming G-Rich Sequences (QGRS) in nucleotide sequences.) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Qualimap | Qualimap 2 is a platform-independent application written in Java and R that provides both a Graphical User Inteface (GUI) and a command-line interface to facilitate the quality control of alignment sequencing data and its derivatives like feature counts. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
quant3p | A set of scripts for 3' RNA-seq quantification. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ROSE | To create stitched enhancers, and to separate super-enhancers from typical enhancers using sequencing data (.bam) given a file of previously identified constituent enhancers (.gff) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Salmon | Highly-accurate & wicked fast transcript-level quantification from RNA-seq reads using lightweight alignments | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
samblaster | samblaster is a fast and flexible program for marking duplicates in read-id grouped1 paired-end SAM files. It can also optionally output discordant read pairs and/or split read mappings to separate SAM files, and/or unmapped/clipped reads to a separate FASTQ file. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
samclip | Filter SAM file for soft and hard clipped alignments | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
samtools | Genologin Cluster: How to use | |
Satsuma | Highly sensitive whole-genome synteny alignments. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SECAPR | Used to process targeted sequencing (or Gene capture) data by applying assembly and subsequent mapping algorithms (reducing paralogs unlike Hybpiper). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
seqwish | seqwish implements a lossless conversion from pairwise alignments between sequences to a variation graph encoding the sequences and their alignments. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SHRiMP | SHRiMP is a software package for aligning genomic reads against a target genome. It was primarily developed with the multitudinous short reads of next generation sequencing machines in mind, as well as Applied Biosystem's colourspace genomic representation. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SibeliaZ | SibeliaZ is a whole-genome alignment and locally-coliinear blocks construction pipeline. The blocks coordinates are output in GFF format and the alignment is in MAF. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Silix | The software package SiLiX implements an ultra-efficient algorithm for the clustering of homologous sequences, based on single transitive links (single linkage) with alignment coverage constraints. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SLR | SLR is a program to detect sites in coding DNA that are unusually conserved and/or unusually variable (that is, evolving under purify or positive selection) by analysing the pattern of changes for an alignment of sequences on an evolutionary tree. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SMALT | SMALT aligns DNA sequencing reads with a reference genome. Reads from a wide range of sequencing platforms can be processed, for example Illumina, Roche-454, Ion Torrent, PacBio or ABI-Sanger. Paired reads are supported. There is no support for SOLiD reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Spaln | Spaln (space-efficient spliced alignment) is a stand-alone program that maps and aligns a set of cDNA or protein sequences onto a whole genomic sequence in a single job. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SpeedSeq | A flexible framework for rapid genome analysis and interpretation. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Spoa | A multiple sequence alignment tool/library that implements the POA (partial order alignement) algorithm using SIMD. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
spruceup | Tools to discover, visualize, and remove outlier sequences in large multiple sequence alignments. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
srnaMapper | This tool maps reads produced by sRNA-Seq to a genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
STAR | RNA-seq aligner |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
StrobeAlign | Aligns short reads using dynamic seed size with strobemers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Subread | A tool kit for processing next-gen sequencing data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Sumaclust | Fast and exact clustering of sequences. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
T-Coffee | T-Coffee is a multiple sequence alignment package. You can use T-Coffee to align sequences or to combine the output of your favorite alignment methods (Clustal, Mafft, Probcons, Muscle...) into one unique alignmen. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Tophat | TopHat is a fast splice junction mapper for RNA-Seq reads. It aligns RNA-Seq reads to mammalian-sized genomes using the ultra high-throughput short read aligner Bowtie, and then analyzes the mapping results to identify splice junctions between exons. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Tracy | Tracy is an efficient and versatile command-line application to basecall, align, assemble and deconvolute Sanger Chromatogram trace files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
trimAl | trimAl: a tool for automated alignment trimmin | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
uLTRA | uLTRA is a tool for splice alignment of long transcriptomic reads to a genome, guided by a database of exon annotations. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
USEARCH | USEARCH is a unique sequence analysis tool with thousands of users world-wide. USEARCH offers search and clustering algorithms that are often orders of magnitude faster than BLAST. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
vcf2maf | Convert a VCF into a MAF, where each variant is annotated to only one of all possible gene isoforms. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
vg | Variation graph data structures, interchange formats, alignment, genotyping, and variant calling methods. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
VSEARCH | Versatile open-source tool for metagenomics | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
WFA | The wavefront alignment (WFA) algorithm is an exact gap-affine algorithm that takes advantage of homologous regions between the sequences to accelerate the alignment process. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
wfmash | wfmash is an aligner for pangenomes based on sparse homology mapping and wavefront inception. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Winnowmap | Winnowmap is a long-read mapping algorithm, and a result of our exploration into superior minimizer sampling techniques. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
wu-blast | Similarity search against databanks, Washington University Blast.(OBSOLETE) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
adegenet | R package dedicated to the exploratory analysis of genetic data. It implements a set of tools ranging from multivariate methods to spatial genetics and genome-wise SNP data analysis | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
AlleleSeq | pipeline which constructs a diploid personal genome from genomic sequence variants of a family trio, including SNPs, indels and structural variants and maps functional genomic data onto this personal genome. | Genologin Cluster: Ask for Install New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ANGSD | ANGSD is a software for analyzing next generation sequencing data. The software can handle a number of different input types from mapped reads to imputed genotype probabilities. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ANNOVAR | ANNOVAR is an efficient software tool to utilize update-to-date information to functionally annotate genetic variants detected from diverse genomes (including human genome hg18, hg19, hg38, as well as mouse, worm, fly, yeast and many others) | Genologin Cluster: Ask for Install New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Aquila | Diploid personal genome assembly and comprehensive variant detection based on linked-reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BayesAss3-SNPs | Modification of BayesAss 3.0.4 to allow handling of large SNP datasets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BCFtools | utilities for variant calling and manipulating VCFs and BCFs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Beagle | BEAGLE is a state of the art software package for analysis of large-scale genetic data sets with hundreds of thousands of markers genotyped on thousands of samples. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BisSNP | Accurate combined SNP/Methylation calling. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
BreakDancer | SV detection from paired end reads mapping. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
breseq | breseq is a computational pipeline for finding mutations relative to a reference sequence in short-read DNA re-sequencing data for haploid microbial-sized genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
cgMLSTFinder | Core genome Multi-Locus Sequence Typing cgMLSTFinder runs KMA <1> against a chosen core genome MLST (cgMLST) database and outputs the detected alleles in a matrix file. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Clair | Deep neural network based variant caller. Single-molecule sequencing technologies have emerged in recent years and revolutionized structural variant calling, complex genome assembly, and epigenetic mark detection. However, the lack of a highly accurate small variant caller has limited the new technologies from being more widely used. In this study, we present Clair, the successor to Clairvoyante, a program for fast and accurate germline small variant calling, using single molecule sequencing data. For ONT data, Clair achieves the best precision, recall and speed as compared to several competing programs, including Clairvoyante, Longshot and Medaka. Through studying the missed variants and benchmarking intentionally overfitted models, we found that Clair may be approaching the limit of possible accuracy for germline small variant calling using pileup data and deep neural networks. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CNVnator | A tool for CNV discovery and genotyping from depth of read mapping. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Cnvpipelines | A pipeline to detect copy number variations (CNV) on several samples. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Consensify | Consensify is a method for generating a consensus pseudohaploid genome sequence with greatly reduced error rates compared to standard pseudohaploidisation. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CRISP | CRISP is a software program to detect SNPs and short indels from pooled sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Delly | DELLY is an integrated structural variant prediction method that can detect deletions, tandem duplications, inversions and translocations at single-nucleotide resolution in short-read massively parallel sequencing data. It uses paired-ends and split-reads to sensitively and accurately delineate genomic rearrangements throughout the genome. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
detettore | A program to detect transposable element polymorphisms | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Discovar | Assemble genomes and find variants with DISCOVAR & DISCOVAR de novo | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Dysgu | dysgu-SV is a collection of tools for calling structural variants using short or long reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
elPrep | elPrep is a high-performance tool for analyzing .sam/.bam files (up to and including variant calling) in sequencing pipelines. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Ensembl-VEP | VEP determines the effect of your variants (SNPs, insertions, deletions, CNVs or structural variants) on genes, transcripts, and protein sequence, as well as regulatory regions. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FreeBayes | FreeBayes is a Bayesian genetic variant detector designed to find small polymorphisms, specifically SNPs (single-nucleotide polymorphisms), indels (insertions and deletions), MNPs (multi-nucleotide polymorphisms), and complex events (composite insertion and substitution events) smaller than the length of a short-read sequencing alignment. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GATK | The GATK is a structured software library that makes writing efficient analysis tools using next-generation sequencing data very easy, and second it's a suite of tools for working with human medical resequencing projects such as 1000 Genomes and The Cancer Genome Atlas. These tools include things like a depth of coverage analyzers, a quality score recalibrator, a SNP/indel caller and a local realigner. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gemBS | gemBS is a high performance bioinformatic pipeline designed for highthroughput analysis of DNA methylation data from whole genome bisulfites sequencing data (WGBS). It combines GEM3, a high performance read aligner and bs_call, a high performance variant and methyation caller, into a streamlined and efficient pipeline for bisulfite sequence analysis. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GenomeSTRiP | Genome STRiP (Genome STRucture In Populations) is a suite of tools for discovering and genotyping structural variations using sequencing data. The methods are designed to detect shared variation using data from multiple individuals. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
gIMble | A genome-wide IM blockwise likelihood estimation toolkit | Genologin Cluster: Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
graphtyper | graphtyper is a graph-based variant caller capable of genotyping population-scale short read data sets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GRIDSS | GRIDSS is a module software suite containing tools useful for the detection of genomic rearrangements. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Gtools | GTOOL is a program for transforming sets of genotype data for use with the programs SNPTEST and IMPUTE. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HapCUT2 | Software tools for haplotype assembly from sequence data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
HGTector | Genome-wide prediction of horizontal gene transfer based on distribution of sequence homology patterns. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
IRMA | IRMA was designed for the robust assembly, variant calling, and phasing of highly variable RNA viruses. Currently IRMA is deployed with modules for influenza and ebolavirus. IRMA is free to use and parallelizes computations for both cluster computing and single computer multi-core setups. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Jvarkit | Java utilities for Bioinformatics (only requested tools are compiling) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
KING | KING is a toolset that makes use of high-throughput SNP data typically seen in a genome-wide association study (GWAS) or a sequencing project. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LongRanger | Long Ranger is a set of analysis pipelines that processes Chromium sequencing output to align reads and call and phase SNPs, indels, and structural variants. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
longshot | Longshot is a variant calling tool for diploid genomes using long error prone reads such as Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) SMRT and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LUMPY | A general probabilistic framework for structural variant discovery | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Manta | Manta calls structural variants (SVs) and indels from mapped paired-end sequencing reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MapThin | Reduce the number of SNPs in a gene marker dense map computed by PLINK. First, by eliminating linked SNPs. Then, by applying different criteria. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Merfin | Evaluate variant calls and its combination with k-mer multiplicity. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Mobster | Mobster is used to detect novel (non-reference) Mobile Element Insertion (MEI) events in BAM files and uses both a discordant read pair method and a split-read method. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
NanoCaller | NanoCaller is a computational method that integrates long reads in deep convolutional neural network for the detection of SNPs/indels from long-read sequencing data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PALEOMIX | The PALEOMIX pipeline is a set of free and open-source pipelines and tools designed to enable the rapid processing of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data, starting from de-multiplexed reads from one or more samples, through sequence processing and alignment, and ending with genotyping, phylogenetic inference on the samples, as well as metagenomic analysis of the samples. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Paragraph | Graph realignment tools for structural variants. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
PCAngsd | Framework for analyzing low depth next-generation sequencing (NGS) data in heterogeneous populations using principal component analysis (PCA). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Pilon | Pilon is an automated genome assembly improvement and variant detection tool. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Pindel | Pindel can detect breakpoints of large deletions, medium sized insertions, inversions, tandem duplications and other structural variants at single-based resolution from next-gen sequence data. It uses a pattern growth approach to identify the breakpoints of these variants from paired-end short reads. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ploidyNGS | A model-free, open source tool to visualize and explore ploidy levels in a newly sequenced genome, exploiting short read data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
popins | Population-scale detection of novel-sequence insertions. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RAiSD | RAiSD (Raised Accuracy in Sweep Detection) is a stand-alone software implementation of the μ statistic for selective sweep detection. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RegTools | RegTools is a set of tools that integrate DNA-seq and RNA-seq data to help interpret mutations in a regulatory and splicing context. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
ROHan | ROHan is a Bayesian framework to estimate local rates of heterozygosity, infer runs of homozygosity (ROH) and compute global rates of heterozygosity. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SEDEF | SEDEF is a quick tool to find all segmental duplications in the genome. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SequenceTools | Tools for population genetics on sequencing datas |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SHAPEIT | SHAPEIT is a fast and accurate method for estimation of haplotypes (aka phasing) from genotype or sequencing data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
snape-pooled | SNAPE-pooled computes the probability distribution for the frequency of the minor allele in a certain population, at a certain position in the genome. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Snippy | Rapid haploid variant calling and core genome alignment. Snippy finds SNPs between a haploid reference genome and your NGS sequence reads. It will find both substitutions (snps) and insertions/deletions (indels). It will use as many CPUs as you can give it on a single computer (tested to 64 cores). It is designed with speed in mind, and produces a consistent set of output files in a single folder. It can then take a set of Snippy results using the same reference and generate a core SNP alignment (and ultimately a phylogenomic tree). |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SnpEff | SnpEff is a variant annotation and effect prediction tool. ttttIt annotates and predicts the effects of variants on genes (such as amino acid changes) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SNPGenie | SNPGenie is a collection of Perl scripts for estimating πN/πS, dN/dS, and gene diversity from next-generation sequencing (NGS) single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) variant data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SNPhylo | a pipeline to generate a phylogenetic tree from huge SNP data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SpeedSeq | A flexible framework for rapid genome analysis and interpretation. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
STAR-Fusion | STAR-Fusion further processes the output generated by the STAR aligner to map junction reads and spanning reads to a reference annotation set (using a GTF file, ideally the same annotation file used during the STAR genome index building process during the intial STAR setup). |
Genologin Cluster: Ask for Install New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Strelka | Strelka2 is a fast and accurate small variant caller optimized for analysis of germline variation in small cohorts and somatic variation in tumor/normal sample pairs. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Subread | A tool kit for processing next-gen sequencing data | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SURVIVOR | SURVIVOR is a tool set for simulating/evaluating SVs, merging and comparing SVs within and among samples, and includes various methods to reformat or summarize SVs. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SvABA | Structural variation and indel detection by local assembly |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SVanalyzer | Tools for the analysis of structural variation in genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SVDetect | A tool to detect genomic structural variations from paired-end and mate-pair sequencing data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SVIM | SVIM is a structural variant caller for long reads. It is able to detect, classify and genotype five different classes of structural variants. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
svimmer | Merges similar SVs from multiple single sample VCF files. The tool was written for merging SVs discovered using Manta calls, but should support (almost) any SV VCFs. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
SVJedi | SVJedi is a structural variation (SV) genotyper for long read data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
svtyper | Bayesian genotyper for structural variants. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
syri | SyRI is a comprehensive tool for predicting genomic differences between related genomes using whole-genome assemblies (WGA). | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Tracy | Tracy is an efficient and versatile command-line application to basecall, align, assemble and deconvolute Sanger Chromatogram trace files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Truvari | Structural variant comparison tool for VCFs |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
VarDict | VarDict is an ultra sensitive variant caller for both single and paired sample variant calling from BAM files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
VarScan | VarScan is a platform-independent software tool developed at the Genome Institute at Washington University to detect variants in NGS data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
vawk | An awk-like VCF parser |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
vcf2maf | Convert a VCF into a MAF, where each variant is annotated to only one of all possible gene isoforms. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
vcflib | C++ library and cmdline tools for parsing and manipulating VCF files. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
vg | Variation graph data structures, interchange formats, alignment, genotyping, and variant calling methods. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
WhatsHap | WhatsHap is a software for phasing genomic variants using DNA sequencing reads, also called read-based phasing or haplotype assembly. It is especially suitable for long reads, but works also well with short reads. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
ATLAS | ATLAS stands for Analysis Tools for Low-coverage and Ancient Samples. These tools cover all programs necessary to obtain variant calls, estimates of heterozygosity and more from a BAM file. There are sequence data processing tools, diagnostic tools, and variant discovery tools, similar to GATK by the Broad Institute. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
LoFreq | A sequence-quality aware, ultra-sensitive variant caller for NGS data. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Sniffles | A fast structural variant caller for long-read sequencing, Sniffles2 accurately detect SVs on germline, somatic and population-level for PacBio and Oxford Nanopore read data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Variabel | A novel approach and method for intrahost variant detection, which outperforms existing ONT variant callers. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
CVIT | Chromosome Viewing Tool. A collection of Perl scripts that enable quick visualizations of features on linkage groups, psuedochromosomes or cytogenetic maps. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
GrapeTree | GrapeTree is a fully interactive, tree visualization program within EnteroBase, which supports facile manipulations of both tree layout and metadata. |
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
plotsr | Tool to plot synteny and structural rearrangements between genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
Application | Description | Avaibility/Use |
chimerascan | chimerascan is a software package that detects gene fusions in paired-end RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) datasets. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
CulebrONT | An open-source, scalable, modular and traceable Snakemake pipeline, able to launch multiple assembly tools in parallel, giving you the possibility of circularise, polish, and correct assemblies, checking quality. CulebrONT can help to choose the best assembly between all possibilities. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
FROGS | FROGS is a CLI workflow designed to produce an OTU count matrix from high depth sequencing amplicon data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
MitoFinder | Mitofinder is a pipeline to assemble mitochondrial genomes and annotate mitochondrial genes from trimmed read sequencing data. MitoFinder is also designed to find and annotate mitochondrial sequences in existing genomic assemblies (generated from Hifi/PacBio/Nanopore/Illumina sequencing data...) | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
nf-core workflows | This module provide access to workflows nf-core, there are automatically downloaded into your home. More info at nf-core/config page.
Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
RepeatExplorer | RepeatExplorer is a computational pipeline designed to identify and characterize repetitive DNA elements in next-generation sequencing data from plant and animal genomes. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |
snakePipes | Customizable workflows based on snakemake and python for the analysis of NGS data. | Genologin Cluster: How to use New Cluster (not yet available): Ask for Install |